The combination of your Sun sign and your Luna sign pairs two very different influences. The warm, impetuous, and dynamic Leo and the cool, cautious, and introverted Virgo. The expression resulting features very strong opinions and emotions. You’re critical and accurate in thought, but often too outspoken. Attention is vital to your happiness. You seem dependent on praise and the admiring attention you can command, even if it’s nothing more that the sympathetic concern you can muster. Nonetheless, you are particular about friends and let relatively few close to you. You can be extremely stubborn and opinionated. To you, there is your way and the wrong way. You have a rigid moral code to which you consistently hold, and you expect others to live up to these standards as well. Though there is an underlying timidity in your nature, and an always present need to please, for some reason your independence and a somewhat militant pride impels you frequently to do the wrong thing out of impish delight in watching the effect you cause. As you mature you can teach yourself tact, but it is not a natural trait. You do have a natural politeness and charm you can turn on at will. If you use this to your best advantage, you can be very successful in all that you attempt to do. You have an exacting nature and pride that must always be carefully controlled.
Cele mai mari puncte forte ale tale
A sound, analytical mind and articulate expression, devotion to duty and aspiration to personal excellence, ability to inspire others with the results of your practice-makes-perfect creed.
Cele mai mari slăbiciuni ale tale
A tendency to be too pedantic, high-minded and critical, to hide your insecurities under a pushy and defiant exterior, and to sulk in a self-pitying way when you feel slighted.
Semnele tale lunare Faza lunară unică
Faza Lunii în care v-ați născut vă rafinează și mai mult Semnul Lunii, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. You may be pulled toward certain personality traits or ways of thinking. And knowing about those predispositions can help you take advantage of them — or avoid them.
V-ați născut la o Lună Plină în Fecioară? Sau ai fost pe o Lună Gibboasă în descreștere a Fecioarei? Și ce înseamnă toate acestea?
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Descoperiți secretele sinelui vostru cosmic și dobândiți claritate asupra căii voastre unice de viață. O Analiză aprofundată a diagramei natale prin astrologie și numerologie oferă informații profunde care vă vor ajuta să navigați prin întorsăturile și transformările vieții cu încredere și scop.