The combination of your Sun sign and your Luna sign produces a forceful, ambitious, and concentrative personality, one bent on achieving a good deal of prestige and success in the world. On the surface, you appear jovial, sunny, full of vitality, and always expressing good spirits. Underneath, there may be a hard streak in your nature, a degree of ruthlessness that never forgets or forgives an injury or a slight to your pride or vanity. Somehow you can be jovial, sunny and friendly, yet remain so independent and authoritative, seeking the ultimate in leadership and prominence. There is something magnificent about your methods of fighting, whether for yourself or for others, a scorn of your enemies that enables you to demolish them ruthlessly, but without malice. A detached and impersonal quality marks your nature. You are not naturally introspective, and many of your actions are based on instinct rather than analyzed personal motive. You have tremendous control over yourself, and in time, over others as well. You have a good deal of pride and vanity that can be satisfied with personal issues such as admiration, flattery, dress, and the like, or by the broader method of satisfied ambitions. There is a constant tendency to be excessive in a variety of ways. You are endowed with a very strong will, and this will can be used in either positive or negative ways.
Cele mai mari puncte forte ale tale
Generosity, creative intuitions, powerful intellect, dignity and nobility and insistence on seeing the same in others, courageous moral sense, ability to uplift magically the spirits of all those with whom you come in contact.
Cele mai mari slăbiciuni ale tale
Vanity and arrogance, self-centeredness and inflexibility, tendency to be gullible and to let flattery impair your judgment, temperamental tantrums when things do not go your way.
Semnele tale lunare Faza lunară unică
Faza Lunii în care v-ați născut vă rafinează și mai mult Semnul Lunii, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. You may be pulled toward certain personality traits or ways of thinking. And knowing about those predispositions can help you take advantage of them — or avoid them.
V-ați născut la o Lună Plină în Leu? Sau ai fost pe o Lună Gibboasă descendentă în Leu? Și ce înseamnă toate acestea?
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Descoperiți secretele sinelui vostru cosmic și dobândiți claritate asupra căii voastre unice de viață. O Analiză aprofundată a diagramei natale prin astrologie și numerologie oferă informații profunde care vă vor ajuta să navigați prin întorsăturile și transformările vieții cu încredere și scop.