Your Strengths and Weaknesses with an Aries Sun and Virgo Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign shows that you are very cool emotionally. A fine critical nature seems to replace a good deal of the impetuosity often associated with Berbec. You are likely to have a mind that is channeled into practical matters, and you have a “no-nonsense” attitude about most issues. Efficiency is all important to you. You have a driving determination to get things done, and to get them done right. You are definitely an achiever, combining your cool-headed judgment and the energy to put your thoughts into action. You may be lacking in creativity and originality, but you readily absorb knowledge and put it to use in a very efficient way. You figure things out from every angle and never overlook the smallest detail. You’re hard to work for, because you’re so exacting. You can be very pointed in your manner of criticizing a half-finished job or work that in any way reveals unacceptable quality. You are potentially a very fine executive if you can keep from making too many enemies with your aggressive and critical nature. You’re not a romantic or a socially outgoing person, and you may even be something of a “lone wolf” type.

Cele mai mari puncte forte ale tale

Power of analysis and criticism and your eye for quality and detail, ability to refine new skills, administrative gifts and your ability to combine duty and initiative, willingness to put your cards on the table and say what you think.

Cele mai mari slăbiciuni ale tale

Intolerance of others’ weaknesses, bossiness and insensitivity to the feelings of others, proneness to feelings of self-doubt and guilt, tendency to stand in your own shadow and to sabotage your own initiatives through extreme self-criticism.


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