Leo Sun with Aquarius Moon: The Benefactor

Sun in Leo with Moon in Aquarius Personality Traits:

Leo Sun Aquarius Moon
Leo Sun Aquarius Moon

Cu un Soare Leu și o Lună Vărsător, sunteți calm și oarecum distant, aveți o manieră și o dispoziție foarte blândă, aproape inocentă. Confuzia, tensiunea sau detaliile banale ale vieții nu par să te deranjeze, deoarece sfera ta de viziune este largă, de anvergură și abstractă. Puțini ar bănui ambiția, intensitatea și visele pline de viziune și imaginație pe care le ții ascunse sub acest exterior dezinvolt.

În combinația Leu Soare Vărsător Lună, Soarele și Luna sunt în contradicție, indicând că viața ta timpurie a fost probabil dificilă. Lupta pentru a depăși acele greutăți a favorizat, la rândul său, un puternic sentiment de independență și încredere în sine în interiorul tău. De asemenea, te-a făcut să privești adânc în interiorul tău.

Unlike most Leos, with a Leo Sun Aquarius Moon, you are introspective, and the understanding you have gained from looking within prompts you to reach out to assist others. As you’re able to recognize your limitations and value your many gifts, your judgment is rarely blinded by egotism or superficial impressions.

Having a Leo Sun Aquarius Moon, with your strong idealistic and humanitarian sentiments, you’ve no doubt felt you have a mission in life. Whatever the mission may be, once you have glimpsed it, you pursue it with quiet and unwavering determination.

As an individual with a Leo Sun Aquarius Moon, you are never ostentatious or arrogant, you treat others as equals, and you probably live in a modest, unpretentious way. But there is something that sets you apart from the crowd: Your original approach to life gives you a casual air of indifference, and people are drawn to you, thinking you have “the answer.”

Most Leo Sun Aquarius Moon individuals are born leaders. Imagination and inner strength help you to put some of those dreams and visions of yours into action. You’re original and innovative, and your solution to a problem is often the most ingenious. You view things from a broad and detached perspective, and this may be one reason why you often seem so absent-minded and forgetful. Details bog you down, as you are better at dealing with the big picture.

With a Leo Sun Aquarius Moon, though you respect reason, you may have remarkable intuition and instinct often governs your action. You likes, dislikes, and major decisions are usually based upon what you feel about the person or situation rather than what you think. There are times when this absolute faith in your sixth sense can be dangerous—both for yourself and others.

For the individual with a Leo Sun Aquarius Moon, when in a managerial position, you can be guided by your intuition to a point, but you must also pay attention to the facts. Learn to be more adaptable to the pressures and persuasions of others. You can’t always be right, so listen to what your colleagues have to say now and then. In order to be truly creative or constructive, it is vital that your will work in harmony with the will of those around you.

The Leo Sun Aquarius Moon individual also needs to cultivate patience. If you encounter too much frustration, or you begin to feel that your dreams will never see the light of day, you may become moody, erratic, and possibly even tyrannical. Try to be more practical in your future forecasts, putting less of a burden on yourself to meet some imaginary deadline. You’ll succeed, and with a lot less wear and tear, if you are willing just to take it step by step.

Având un Soare Leu Lună Vărsător, în dragoste, sunteți simpatic și emoțional pentru partenerul dvs., sunteți suficient de detașat pentru a rupe cel mai bun relație dacă începe să se acrească. Nu trebuie să aștepți pentru tine! Varietatea este condimentul vieții unui Leu-Aquarian, așa că sunt probabile multe aventuri.

Keywords for a Leo Sun Aquarius Moon:

Aristocratic; imaginație bogată; idealist; sincer; prietenos; mândru; teatral; larg la minte; loial; forță socială puternică; dragoste de prietenie; se remarcă în cadrul grupului; individualist extrem; convingeri profunde; forță spirituală; port nobil.

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