Venus în Săgetător în Casa a 7-a

Venus in Sagittarius in the Seventh House

Venus in Sagittarius in 7th House
Venus in Sagittarius in 7th House

The placement of Venus in Sagittarius indicates that you have a need for expansiveness and understanding in your relații. Your judgments and value system are likely to be based on concepts in which you have come to believe. The self-reinforcing aspect of this dynamic often results in strongly held beliefs and opinions. On the other hand, with Venus in Sagittarius, your need to be able to explore and understand often manifests as a need for “room” and freedom in your relationship(s). Much of the behavior and many of the personality characteristics associated with Venus in Sagittarius are a result of your need to be able to explore the world and yourself through and within your relationships and value system.

The Venus in Sagittarius placement is generally harmonious, as symbolized by the natural sextile between Sagittarius and Venus-ruled Libra. However, the natural quincunx between Sagittarius and Taurus, which is also ruled by Venus, suggests that there are some inherent tensions in this placement. These tensions generally are associated with issues involving conflict between the Sagittarian need for quest and the stability that is desired in relationships and value systems. Sagittarius is the Mutable Fire sign. The Venusian functions are symbolically amplified in Sagittarius’s changeable fire energy. This freedom, plus the beneficent influence associated with Jupiter’s rulership of Sagittarius, may allow the Venus-symbolized functions to find greater fulfillment.

Venus also symbolizes the anima in the psyche. Thus, if you are female with Venus in Sagittarius, you are likely to model your femininity in order to incorporate characteristics typically associated with Sagittarius. If you are male, you are likely to be attracted to someone who projects or embodies Sagittarius-associated traits.


As an individual with Venus in Sagittarius, you compensate for your own inner insecurity by seeking expansiveness in your relationships. The more friends you have or, if your mores and opportunity allow, the more relationships you explore, the more you can feel good about yourself and convince yourself of your own self-worth. This may cause you to overextend yourself in this arena, leading to a plethora of superficial relationships. Having Venus in Sagittarius, you can also develop a “bigger is better” attitude. This is another way for you to compensate for feelings of insecurity and inferiority. You do this by identifying with big and important things, thus aggrandizing yourself through association. This attitude of valuing what is grand can also lead to poor judgments that result in excess.

Venus în Casa a 7-a:

Venus rules the 7th House and this placement gives it a favored position. Particularly the relație function of Venus achieves an easy expression here. With Venus in the 7th House, you are likely to possess highly developed relationship skills. At the least, your relations with others will be of utmost importance to you. You not only place a high value on interpersonal relationships, but your entire value system tends to be people-oriented. Having Venus in the 7th House, you tend to evaluate whether a thing is pleasing or displeasing according to its effect on the quality of your relationships. This may cause you, at times, to lay too much emphasis on the opinions of others, deferring to their preferences for the sake of interpersonal harmony.


Ca individ cu Venus în Casa a 7-a, dacă sentimentul tău de sine este nesigur, vei trece prin relații într-un mod dependent. Veți fi atrași de relațiile interpersonale atât de puternic încât nu vă veți putea imagina o existență sau o personalitate separată de relație. Aproape că încetați să mai existați ca entitate. Cu Venus în Casa a 7-a, relațiile devin apoi doar o cârjă pentru propria nesiguranță. Partenerul tău devine un substitut pentru propria ta autenticitate. Trăiești în totalitate în relație și, dacă relația este amenințată, te simți amenințat de dezastru, pentru că fără partenerul tău, nu mai rămâne nimic din tine.

 Obiectivul evaluării

Având Venus în Casa a 7-a, facultatea ta de evaluare se concentrează asupra domeniului relațiilor interpersonale. Modul în care lucrurile și evenimentele afectează relațiile în care ești implicat devine factorul critic de evaluare pentru tine. De asemenea, sunteți înclinat să evaluați modul în care acțiunile celorlalți vă vor afecta. De asemenea, aveți tendința de a fi mai activ în emiterea de judecăți cu privire la oameni și relații decât cu privire la alte lucruri. Cu Venus în Casa a 7-a, puteți fi considerat un judecător perspicace al oamenilor sau puteți deveni excesiv de critic și de critic la adresa celorlalți.

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