Mars in Leo in the 6th House

Mars in Leo in the Sixth House

Mars in Leo in 6th House
Mars in Leo in 6th House

The placement of Mars in Leo indicates that you have a need to express yourself and be creative in and through your actions. This often manifests as your wanting your actions to be noticed or as a desire for attention, generally. Much of the behavior and many of the personality characteristics associated with Mars in Leo are a result of your proclivity to take action that will place you in the spotlight and strengthen your self-esteem and personality.

The placement of Mars in Leo is generally harmonious. This is symbolized by the natural trine between Leo and Mars-ruled Berbec. Leo is the Fixed Fire sign.  The fixed fire of Leo symbolically energizes and gives strength to the active Mars principle. The Mars energy is unhindered, with the only danger being that it becomes too powerful and dominant.

Mars also symbolizes the animus in the psyche. Thus, if you are male with Mars in Leo, you are likely to model your masculinity in order to incorporate characteristics typically associated with Leo, which is a sign, which is generally associated with a masculine energy. If you are female, you are likely to be attracted to someone who projects or embodies Leo-associated traits.


With Mars in Leo, being insecure in your selfhood, you need attention in order to validate your reality. Your ego subconsciously knows that it is not real, but if it is receiving attention, it can persist in the illusion of its reality. You are, therefore, obsessed with the need for recognition and attention. You never feel that you are getting enough attention for yourself. Having Mars in Leo, you continually attempt to monopolize the stage of life and call attention to yourself through outrageous, and even obnoxious, behavior. Alternatively, you may feel that all eyes are on you and you become timid about self-expression and assertive action lest your imperfect performance bring embarrassment or, worse, the dark secrets of your self are laid bare for all to see. Or, worse than that, you may perform and no one notices.

Mars in the 6th House:

Mars in the 6th House suggests that, though you may engage in many externally directed actions, the ultimate aim of your activity is to improve yourself and, particularly, to refine the rough edges of your personality. The 6th House symbolizes the gradual shift of focus from self to other. Consequently, you desire to present to others an image and a person that lives up to your own ideals and values. Consciously or subconsciously, therefore, having Mars in the 6th House, your actions are designed to make you a more suitable person for social contact and social interaction.

As an individual with Mars in the 6th House, this often involves you learning more humility and learning how to subordinate your own desires to the will of others. Therefore, the desire/action function may not appear to be particularly strong in you. It may appear that you are suppressing your own desires and acting on other people’s desires or wishes. In actuality, you are manifesting your deeper desire to sublimate your ego in order to gain the favor and respect of others.


With Mars in the 6th House, if you are inwardly insecure, you will continually find yourself in subservient positions and you will chafe at your lack of ability or opportunity to actualize your own desires. You will be frustrated at the restrictions that are placed on you and at how you have to work and obey others in order to obtain what you want to have. To willingly submit appears to you like admitting defeat. In truth, having Mars in the 6th House, you do not want to submit out of fear that your own individuality will disappear and be consumed in serving the will of others.

Having Mars in the 6th House, you are not so secure of your own identity that you feel you can maintain your integrity as a slave of the will of others. Out of this fear of submission, you often attempt to control your circumstances and your own actions. You may become obsessed or absorbed in the detail of exerting control and not letting anything get out of your control. Since the world is ever fluid and since so many  circumstances are beyond your control, with Mars in the 6th House, your level of frustration is bound to show  itself through either loss of temper, or scattered, wild or neurotic activity, or further  attempts to obsessively maintain control.

Concentrarea dorințelor

As an individual with Mars in the 6th House, you are likely to have a desire, either conscious or subconscious, to achieve perfection. You may therefore experience a constant desire for self-improvement.  Sometimes, this may manifest as never being satisfied with yourself or the level to which you have attained. Thus, you may experience more the frustration than fulfillment. You may also have a desire for health, good working conditions and relations and, generally, to be thought of as a good and competent person.

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