
6 moduri prin care vă puteți modela cariera în mod pozitiv

Despite putting in your best efforts at work, your career can sometimes feel unfulfilling and draining. As a matter of fact, this data from Pew Research reveals that many people are struggling to sustain their careers, with 50% of Americans dissatisfied with their job overall. There are different challenges that affect the state of your […]

6 moduri prin care vă puteți modela cariera în mod pozitiv Citește mai mult "


Cum funcționează împreună legea atracției și astrologia

The principles behind the Law of Attraction and astrology are not conflicting. They both bring benefits to those who study them.Change Your Outlook to Change Your Outcome.When you combine the Law of Attraction and astrology, you gain an edge that helps you to manifest more easily.Astrologists use tools in astrology, such as the planets and

Cum funcționează împreună legea atracției și astrologia Citește mai mult "

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Cum să îți manifești viața pe care ți-o dorești

To manifest is to control our own reality – from how we feel, to the opportunities we encounter, and the things we receive. Though it’s a slightly scary thought, we are manifesting every second of the day.Once an ancient art, the history of manifestation is referred to in ancient scriptures and alluded to in religious

Cum să îți manifești viața pe care ți-o dorești Citește mai mult "


5 semne că nu trăiești în concordanță cu scopul tău

When you are on your true life path you feel the most at peace and fulfilled. Straying from your path leads to living no longer in alignment with your purpose.But how can you tell if you’re living in alignment with your soul’s purpose, and what are the signs that you’re not?Having this knowledge and awareness

5 semne că nu trăiești în concordanță cu scopul tău Citește mai mult "

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Credințele limitative vă țin blocați în cicluri repetitive ale lipsei?

A limiting belief is an unconscious belief that keeps you stuck. Since you’re unaware of it, there’s nothing you can do to remove it until you become conscious of it and question it. These thoughts are often deeply rooted in your mind, they become a filter of false beliefs and self-imposed limitations through which you

Credințele limitative vă țin blocați în cicluri repetitive ale lipsei? Citește mai mult "

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Credințele limitative vă diminuează puterea de manifestare?

The Law of Attraction is a universal law supported by the law of physics – like attracts like. The is the principle behind getting what you want in life, or attracting what you do not want. Most people go through life unaware of how the law of attraction is affecting their lives; the law affects

Credințele limitative vă diminuează puterea de manifestare? Citește mai mult "

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Credințele limitative îți blochează abundența

Most of us want prosperity in all areas of life and consider abundance to be wealth, health, and happiness. We often ponder on what our ideal life would be, what career environment we would enjoy, and how we would spend our free time.For many of us, our actual experience in one or more areas of

Credințele limitative îți blochează abundența Citește mai mult "

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7 convingeri limitative care vă pot ține blocați în cicluri repetitive de lipsă

We all are unique individuals with our own unique thought patterns and at some stage in life will suffer from deep-rooted limiting beliefs.Limiting beliefs prevent us from attracting what we want into our lives.They are so powerful that no matter how hard we try to control our thoughts or emotions, we still can’t manifest our

7 convingeri limitative care vă pot ține blocați în cicluri repetitive de lipsă Citește mai mult "

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Manifestă-ți slujba de vis cu acești 8 pași

Step 1: Show GratitudeNo matter what you’re trying to manifest, you need to align yourself with a vibration of abundance rather than one of lack. This means that you need to refocus your attention on what you have, rather than resenting what you don’t have.In the case of manifesting a job, this means learning to

Manifestă-ți slujba de vis cu acești 8 pași Citește mai mult "


How to Manifest a Life in Alignment with Your Soul’s Purpose

Manifestation and the Law of Attraction work best when you are living and creating from a place of inspiration. Inspiration is a natural result of aligning yourself to your Life’s calling or purpose. Manifesting when in alignment with the universe is joyful, easier, and much more abundant than attempting to manifest from a place of

How to Manifest a Life in Alignment with Your Soul’s Purpose Citește mai mult "

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8 Steps to Manifest Your Best Life

Clear Up Your EnergyRelease all forms of negative energy, guilt, shame, anger, and frustration. Discover how Chakras & Emotions are related. Have deep gratitude for the gifts your life experiences have brought you. Write down what it is you want to manifest and adopt a healthy loving attitude to life.Get ClarityImagine clearly and in detail

8 Steps to Manifest Your Best Life Citește mai mult "

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Credințele limitative vă diminuează puterea de manifestare?

The Law of Attraction is a universal law supported by the law of physics – like attracts like. The is the principle behind getting what you want in life, or attracting what you do not want.Most people go through life unaware of how the law of attraction is affecting their lives; the law affects all

Credințele limitative vă diminuează puterea de manifestare? Citește mai mult "

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Credințele limitative îți blochează abundența

Most of us want prosperity in all areas of life and consider abundance to be wealth, health, and happiness.We often ponder on what our ideal life would be, what career environment we would enjoy, and how we would spend our free time.For many of us, our actual experience in one or more areas of life

Credințele limitative îți blochează abundența Citește mai mult "

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