Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Gemini Sun and Virgo Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign suggests that you are dominated and motivated by intellectual pursuits. The natural tendency of a Gemini Sun to have a bright outlook and a versatile nature, is shaded by the Virgo Moon. You may become carried away by trifles and petty worries. You are moody […]

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Cancer Sun and Virgo Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign suggests a strengthening of the common traits between these two, such as conventionality, caution, and unpretentiousness. The blend focuses the emotional sensitivity of Cancer with the discrimination and practicality of Virgo. You appeal to people because you seem to have such solid control over matters,

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Leo Sun and Virgo Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign pairs two very different influences. The warm, impetuous, and dynamic Leo and the cool, cautious, and introverted Virgo. The expression resulting features very strong opinions and emotions. You’re critical and accurate in thought, but often too outspoken. Attention is vital to your happiness. You seem

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Virgo Sun and Virgo Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign shows that you are dominated and motivated by your intellectual interests. You are very loyal and sympathetic, but never very romantic. When you marry, it will be for intellectual affinity as much as anything else. A high sense of discrimination restricts you from getting involved

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Punctele tale forte și slabe cu un Soare Balanță și o Lună Fecioară

Combinația dintre semnul Soarelui și semnul Lunii produce o personalitate foarte autosuficientă, analitică și critică. Raționați lucrurile și este puțin probabil să vă lăsați păcăliți de ceva emoțional care nu se potrivește nevoilor dumneavoastră. Există puține lucruri care scapă atenției tale perceptive și meticuloase. Pari să

Punctele tale forte și slabe cu un Soare Balanță și o Lună Fecioară Citește mai mult "

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Punctele tale forte și slabe cu un Soare Scorpion și o Lună Fecioară

Combinația dintre semnul Soarelui și cel al Lunii îmbină forțele emoționale, puterea voinței și determinarea specifice Scorpionului cu intelectualitatea, discriminarea și analiza critică ale Fecioarei. Acest lucru produce o înțelegere mentală ascuțită și o conștientizare pătrunzătoare a lucrurilor din jurul tău, aceasta incluzând multe condiții pe care alți oameni de obicei nu le observă.

Punctele tale forte și slabe cu un Soare Scorpion și o Lună Fecioară Citește mai mult "

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Sagittarius Sun and Virgo Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a good deal of intellectual power, and with it, the ability to bring generalizations down to details and specific plans. This position blends the personal dash, optimism, enthusiasm and directness of manner of Sagittarius, with the intelligence, analytical insight and discrimination of Virgo. Consequently,

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Punctele tale forte și slabe cu un Soare Capricorn și o Lună Fecioară

Combinația dintre semnele Soarelui și Lunii tale produce o personalitate oarecum rezervată, dar care este bine ascunsă de imaginea plăcută și remarcabilă pe care o arăți lumii. Blufezi cu aparența că ești sigur de tine și de scopurile tale. În realitate, aveți o mare dificultate în a lua decizii și dvs.

Punctele tale forte și slabe cu un Soare Capricorn și o Lună Fecioară Citește mai mult "

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Aquarius Sun and Virgo Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a personality that is very outstanding in anything that requires critical and analytical ability, for you indeed have great intelligence and true mental prowess. You are believable and sincere, a person who gives excellent sound advice, usually in a very matter-of-fact way. You plan

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Punctele tale forte și slabe cu un Soare din Pești și o Lună din Fecioară

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a personality blending emotional sensitivity and intuitive understanding with the Virgo traits of discrimination, intellectuality and practicability. You are at your best in mental analysis, constructive criticism, and common sense decisions. Your discriminating mind tends to exert a stabilizing influence on emotional sensitivity. There

Punctele tale forte și slabe cu un Soare din Pești și o Lună din Fecioară Citește mai mult "

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Pisces Sun with Virgo Moon

Sun in Pisces with Moon in Virgo Personality Traits:With a Pisces Sun Virgo Moon, are you an artist who is impossible to pin down, or are you a down-to-earth realist? Do you want to take everything apart and put it under a microscope, or do you want to stand back and capture the grand design?Having

Pisces Sun with Virgo Moon Citește mai mult "

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Aquarius Sun with Virgo Moon

Sun in Aquarius with Moon in Virgo Personality Traits:With an Aquarius Sun Virgo Moon, you are a purist in heart and mind, a streamlined self-styled individual whose special eccentricities express themselves paradoxically in a worthy, utilitarian worldview. Efficiency and happiness are nearly synonymous for you, and you are perhaps happiest when others agree with your

Aquarius Sun with Virgo Moon Citește mai mult "

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Capricorn Sun with Virgo Moon: The Workaholic

Sun in Capricorn with Moon in Virgo Personality Traits:With a Capricorn Sun Virgo Moon, cold logic is your strength. In your combination, ambitious, determined, and career-minded Capricorn is joined with analytical, frugal, and cautious Virgo. You are an individual with no illusions. A realist, you see things just as they are. You do not waste

Capricorn Sun with Virgo Moon: The Workaholic Citește mai mult "

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Sagittarius Sun with Virgo Moon: The Worldly-Wise

Sun in Sagittarius with Moon in Virgo Personality Traits:With a Sagittarius Sun Virgo Moon, there is nothing flip or carefree about you. Much more reserved and down-to-earth than your fellow Sagittarians, you prefer to look before you leap. Your Virgo inner nature gives you an ingrained sense of obligation. You probably had to assume a

Sagittarius Sun with Virgo Moon: The Worldly-Wise Citește mai mult "

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Scorpio Sun with Virgo Moon: The Sleuth

Sun in Scorpio with Moon in Virgo Personality Traits:The Scorpio Sun Virgo Moon combination gives you the depth, insight, and perception of Scorpio along with the realism and analytical abilities of Virgo. You are quiet, soft-spoken, and very intense, and little slips past your acute perception. Your sensitivity enables you to perceive things that others

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