• Toate
  • Vărsător
  • Berbec
  • Articole
  • Astrologie
  • Cancerul
  • Capricorn
  • Chiron în harta ta natală
  • Gemeni
  • Vindecare
  • Leo
  • Balanță
  • Stil de viață
  • Manifestare și abundență
  • Mijlocul Cerului în harta ta natală
  • Nodurile nordice și sudice în harta ta natală
  • Numerologie
  • Pești
  • Planete
  • Planetele în case
  • Planetele în semne
  • Relații
  • Săgetător
  • Scorpion
  • Astrologie sexuală
  • Semne în case
  • Combinații de Soare și Lună
  • Taur
  • Tranzite
  • Fecioară

Răsăritul Fecioarei

Virgo ascending indicates an analytical outlook. Though the degree of emotionalism depends on other influences in your birth chart, it is generally through the mind that you perceive the world. This is not to say you are cold and insensitive. Indeed, the opposite is true, for Virgo Ascendants have deep and tender emotions and care […]

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Balanță în creștere

Libra is a most pleasing and harmonious Ascendant. If you have Libra rising, you have natural charm, grace, and poise. You are extremely social-minded and take pleasure in being with other people in a cheerful atmosphere. Parties, holidays, laughter, fun, and good times are what Libra Ascendants revel in. You have a happy and easygoing

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Scorpion în creștere

If you were born with Scorpio ascending, you put the whole force of your personality behind everything you do. You are not a halfway person. Rising-Scorpios have an intensity, a dynamism that seethes and roils under the surface. Your willpower and determination are formidable.Though you are sometimes viewed as a lone wolf, you do have

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Săgetător în creștere

A Sagittarius Ascendant favors independence and freedom. You cannot bear to be stifled by outmoded ideas or difficult lovers or tedious work. You are progressive, full of optimism about the future. You are also restless in spirit, anxious to get on with the business of living, ready to accept a new challenge.Sometimes your impatience is

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Capricorn Rising

If you have Capricorn ascending, you tend to have a serious turn of mind. One would not call you melancholy, but you certainly aren’t frivolous. Cautious in your dealings, you are reluctant to commit yourself until you know the score. With strangers you are often quiet, reserved, and perhaps a bit shy. But once you

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Vărsător în creștere

If you have Aquarius ascending, you usually make friends easily. You are quick-witted and lively, open in your dealings, honest and truthful. You are an inventive conversationalist who paints word pictures that amuse and fascinate. Intelligent and charming, you are particularly suited to a position of leadership.You are idealistic in your outlook and want nothing

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Soarele în Gemeni

People born under this sign are many-sided, quick in thought and action, clever with words, skillful at handling others, and brimming with new ideas. Astrologers regard this third sign of the zodiac as the quintessentially human sign, for it seems to sum up qualities that are the distinguishing hallmarks of the human race—intelligence (Gemini is

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Soarele în Rac

No one has ever said Cancerians are easy to understand. You may appear gentle, kind, sympathetic, and a patient listener. Then someone asks for advice, and you turn cranky, snappish, and appear to be completely indifferent to anyone’s problems but your own. You may wallow in self-pity and complain endlessly about how mistreated you are

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Sun in Virgo

The real drama of Virgo’s personality is interior. To the world you may give an impression of calm authority, but you are aware of your own nervous, restless, controlled intensity, the desire to be up and doing, rearranging, improving. You can exhaust yourself more by simply sitting still than others do moving around. The planet

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Soarele în Balanță

Librans are easy to like, for you have a captivating charm, possess elegant taste, and are usually beautiful to look at. In addition, you have the gift of making others feel important, for you are a superb listener and instinctively know how to draw out another person. You’re famous for how effortlessly you smooth ruffled

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Sun in Scorpio

This is the sign of extremes. Scorpio people are variously described as powerful, weak, independent, clinging, passionate, and cold. Clearly, you are a bundle of contradictions encompassing the best and worst in human nature.The key to your personality is intensity. You do nothing by half-measures. Magnetic, emotional, capable of exerting tremendous force, your strength is

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