Găsește-ți semnul Chiron pentru a-ți vindeca cele mai profunde răni interioare

What’s your Chiron Sign? Do you ever feel like a certain area of your life is a little more difficult to navigate than others?

Perhaps you’ve dealt with family conflicts from childhood, or maybe your financial problems seem to follow you everywhere you go. Whatever is troubling you, there’s some positive news for you from an astrological point of view. This is because, cosmically speaking the biggest issues we face can be a way to access our most deepest healing. One way to get a better understanding of your struggles is to find Chiron in your harta natală.

Chiron is a comet that orbits around the Sun it reveals our capacity to deal with the pain and trauma we endure so that we can, in turn, help others heal. According to astrology, Chiron is known as “the wounded healer.”

Chiron’s position in your birth chart will show the root of your wounds: What are your fears? What are the areas where you struggle to feel comfortable and complete? What can you do to overcome these challenges?

Chiron Sign
Chiron Sign

Chiron also indicates areas where you’ll have the greatest chance to help others develop by sharing what you’ve learned and suffered. But getting to that point isn’t an easy task and often takes several years of reflection and improvement.

When you are learning about your Chiron sign It is important to be aware that this particular aspect to your charts is incredibly personal to you, and figuring out the way it affects your specific situation will require analysis of your own life experiences.

Our most challenging battles usually provide the best opportunities to grow and heal and the position of Chiron within your harta natală assists you in identifying yours.

The Sign Chiron is in reveals the nature of Chiron In Your Life. The real-life context, environment or Stage in which The Nature manifests can be seen in the specific house location.

Don’t know your Chiron sign? Use the table below the interpretations to determine the sign position of your natal Chiron.

Chiron în Berbec

The wound of Chiron in Berbec manifests in a severe feeling of not being self-assured and a deep feeling of unworthiness, worthlessness, and perhaps even undeservedness of existence itself. Self-denial. When you have Chiron in Aries you’ll feel as if you’re not being appreciated, valued, or valuable. This can result in feelings of feeling disoriented and unfocused. You may also feel that you lack confidence.

Read More on Chiron in Aries.

Chiron în Taur

The wound from Chiron in Taurus creates a sense of deep anxiety. A deep fear of losing security, abundance or love; and having the belief that they were taken away or lost, or are currently in deficit, or have been or are not there. A loss of faith. A lack of values.

Read More on Chiron in Taurus.

Chiron în Gemeni

When you have Chiron in Gemini you will experience an intense feeling of being in a state of being unable to communicate with other people, feeling verbally inept, an inability to integrate into society, and also unintelligent and unable to discern the connection between things and one another. A feeling that you are ignorant or dumb when compared to other people. The feeling that you aren’t “in tune with the times.’

Read More on Chiron in Gemini.

Chiron în Rac

The wounds caused by Chiron in Cancer can leave you with the belief that love is gone or never existed in the first place, and/or is not going to be there in the near future. A feeling of being in a world that isn’t loving, supportive, nurturing, and loving and, if the love of our lives is there, it’s either unrequited forever or we’re not worthy of it. The conviction that you are not loved and/or abandoned.

Read More on Chiron in Cancer.

Chiron în Leu

The wound of Chiron in Leo can give you an impression that you’re not able to express your true self, that your expression or spark of life, imagination, or self-worth has been damaged or is lacking. Feelings of not being an integral part of the joy of life. Feelings of being unimaginative and uncreative, not appreciated, or acknowledged for your uniqueness or position in life, and not being given the proper respect, or not sufficiently adored.

Read More on Chiron in Leo.

Chiron în Fecioară

When you have Chiron in Virgo you will experience the feeling that you are in a state of being incomplete, disconnected, scattered, or impure. Feeling that there is something “wrong” within you physically, emotionally or mentally, or spiritually. A feeling that something that requires “fixing,” changing, removal, or healing, and an uncontrollable, constant feeling of discontent about the conditions in which you live.

Read More on Chiron in Virgo.

Chiron în Balanță

The wounds from Chiron in Libra will leave you with the feeling of being isolated or in a sense separate and/or isolated. It is a feeling that there is something or a person missing from your life. This particular placement, more than others will reflect your desire to find your soulmate. Additionally, the acute awareness/feeling/perception of imbalance in ourselves and in the world around us (remembering that, ultimately, an imbalance is the illusion of our wounded lower nature).

Read More on Chiron in Libra.

Chiron în Scorpion

The wound that comes from Chiron in Scorpio can give you the feeling of being removed from the world or being abandoned by spirit, manifesting as the deepest fear of death and/or loss. Feeling that the world opposes you; that people are trying to harm you and that other people could be trying to undermine you, and/or the fact that others are manipulating or plotting against you.

Read More on Chiron in Scorpio.

Chiron în Săgetător

When you have Chiron in Sagittarius you will experience an overwhelming feeling of meaninglessness or loss of purpose or a lack of motivation. The root of the wound which says that there isn’t a bigger vision, no guide or higher levels of existence. Existentialist. There is a fear of wide spaces or being a free-spirited person. The feeling of being overwhelmed by the sheer size of the world and life. The feeling that you’re not educated, and that wisdom lies in the hands of other people. The worry that you will never be sure or that you will never get the answers to the most pressing questions.

Read More on Chiron in Sagittarius.

Chiron în Capricorn

The wounds from Chiron in Capricorn can give you an impression of being ignored and unappreciated, not noticed and unrecognized, not acknowledged as well as “passed by.” Feeling that there isn’t any organization in your life; that it’s disorganized or chaotic and insignificant. A deep-seated fear of losing or the absence of tangible and concrete realities. Fear of losing control or being beyond control. The fear that you can’t or won’t identify your place in the world as a person and what you do as part of the larger picture.

Read More on Chiron in Capricorn.

Chiron în Vărsător

The wounds caused by Chiron in Aquarius will make you feel like an outsider and feel cut off, isolated, and abandoned. You feel isolated from the world, alone, and separate from all the other people. Feeling like your home is a long way away. You feel different than others like there’s something wrong with you. You feel like a stranger in a foreign place. It is difficult to understand your place within the world. Feeling separate from the larger consciousness. Feeling excluded from society.

Read More on Chiron in Aquarius.

Chiron în Pești

When you are born with Chiron in Pisces, you’ll experience a loss of trust or faith in the universe, divine or the truth. An intense sense of betrayal of victimization or deprivation by the universe or life. An inability to believe in the capabilities and the existence of universal love. A fear of being wounded physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. A fundamental belief in the unfairness of the world, injustice, inequality as well as the victimization nature of the universe.

Read More on Chiron in Pisces.

Use the table below to look up your Chiron sign, then follow the links for a description:

Sep 29, 1940  –  11:44 PM — Dec 27, 1940  –  12:59 AM : Leo

Dec 27, 1940   –  12:59 AM — June 16, 1941  –  2:34 PM : Rx in Cancer

June 16, 1941  –  2:34 PM — July 26, 1943  –  6:42 PM : Leo

July 26, 1943  –  6:42 PM — Nov 17, 1944  –  11:23 PM : Fecioară

Nov 17, 1944  –  11:23 PM — Mar 23, 1945  –  10:50 PM : Balanță

Mar 23, 1945  –  10:50 PM — July 22, 1945  –  12:31 PM : Rx in Virgo

July 22, 1945  –  12:31 PM — Nov 10, 1946  –  2:14 AM : Balanță

Nov 10, 1946  –  2:14 AM — Nov 28, 1948  –  7:59 AM : Scorpion

Nov 28, 1948  –  7:59 AM — Feb  8, 1951  –  8:26 PM : Săgetător

Feb  8, 1951  –  8:26 PM — June 18, 1951  –  9:13 AM : Capricorn

June 18, 1951  –  9:13 AM — Nov  8, 1951  –  11:22 AM : Rx in Sagittarius

Nov  8, 1951  –  11:22 AM — Jan 27, 1955  –  11:28 AM : Capricorn

Jan 27, 1955  –  11:28 AM — Mar 26, 1960  –  8:39 AM : Vărsător

Mar 26, 1960  –  8:39 AM — Aug 19, 1960  –  2:31 AM : Pești

Aug 19, 1960  –  2:31 AM — Jan 20, 1961  –  8:50 PM : Rx in Aquarius

Jan 20, 1961  –  8:50 PM — Apr  1, 1968  –  2:08 AM: Pești

Apr  1, 1968  –  2:08 AM — Oct 18, 1968  –  6:36 PM : Berbec

Oct 18, 1968  –  6:36 PM — Jan 30, 1969  –  3:12 AM : Rx in Pisces

Jan 30, 1969  –  3:12 AM — May 28, 1976  –  7:10 AM : Berbec

May 28, 1976  –  7:10 AM — Oct 13, 1976  –  6:46 PM : Taur

Oct 13, 1976  –  6:46 PM — Mar 28, 1977  –  2:05 PM : Rx in Aries

Mar 28, 1977  –  2:05 PM — June 21, 1983  –  9:54 AM : Taur

June 21, 1983  –  9:54 AM — Nov 29, 1983  –  8:19 AM : Gemeni

Nov 29, 1983  –  8:19 AM — Apr 10, 1984  –  11:19 PM : Rx in Taurus

Apr 10, 1984  –  11:19 PM — June 21, 1988  –  5:40 AM : Gemeni

June 21, 1988  –  5:40 AM — July 21, 1991  –  11:54 AM : Cancerul

July 21, 1991  –  11:54 AM — Sep  3, 1993  –  1:32 PM : Leo

Sep  3, 1993  –  1:32 PM — Sep  9, 1995  –  10:28 AM : Fecioară

Sep  9, 1995  –  10:28 AM — Dec 29, 1996  –  6:16 AM : Balanță

Dec 29, 1996  –  6:16 AM — Apr  4, 1997  –  11:50 AM : Scorpion

Apr  4, 1997  –  11:50 AM — Sep  2, 1997  –  11:24 PM : Rx in Libra

Sep  2, 1997  –  11:24 PM — Jan  7, 1999  –  5:28 AM : Scorpion

Jan  7, 1999  –  5:28 AM — June  1, 1999  –  5:52 AM : Săgetător

June  1, 1999  –  5:52 AM — Sep 21, 1999  –  10:30 PM : Rx in Scorpio

Sep 21, 1999  –  10:30 PM — Dec 11, 2001  –  6:04 PM : Săgetător

Dec 11, 2001  –  6:04 PM — Feb 21, 2005  –  12:33 PM : Capricorn

Feb 21, 2005  –  12:33 PM — July 31, 2005  –  11:48 PM : Vărsător

July 31, 2005  –  11:48 PM — Dec  5, 2005  –  8:03 PM : Rx in Capricorn

Dec  5, 2005  –  8:03 PM — Apr 20, 2010  –  2:28 AM : Vărsător

Apr 20, 2010  –  2:28 AM — July 20, 2010    5:46 AM : Pești

July 20, 2010  –  5:46 AM — Feb  8, 2011  –  2:55 PM : Rx in Aquarius

Feb  8, 2011  –  2:55 PM — Apr 17, 2018  –  4:09 AM : Pești

Apr 17, 2018  –  4:09 AM — Sep 25, 2018  –  8:12 PM : Berbec

Sep 25, 2018  –  8:12 PM — Feb 18, 2019  –  4:07 AM : Rx in Pisces

Feb 18, 2019  –  4:07 AM — Jun 19, 2026  –  5:17 PM : Berbec
