Care este legătura dintre alinierile noastre planetare și anumite boli?

It might sound strange to think that your planetary alignment chart could influence your risk of developing certain diseases. However, some schools of thought hold that humans are a microcosm of the larger universe, and what happens within us reflects celestial influences. You know the moon can move the tides — can it also influence your mental state?

Some people believe the answer is yes. Which planete rule health? Which are responsible for diseases? Let’s take a closer look at the link between your planetary alignments and certain illnesses.

Planetary Alignments and Their Influence — Which Planet Rules Health?

If you ask a Western doctor to check your liver function due to a wind storm on Jupiter, you’re more likely to receive a referral for a psychiatric evaluation than a blood test. However, the idea of the planets ruling health and influencing diseases isn’t foreign to all schools of thought. It’s historically played a role in Ayurveda, an Indian medical system that believes disease results from imbalances in a person’s consciousness.

According to this theory, the human body represents a microcosm of the larger cosmos. You might best visualize this as a series of ever-expanding and shrinking circles from a singular center. Just as a shift in the rotation of the moon can move oceans here on Earth, celestial events can similarly influence your health. You can tell this by looking at the positions of the planets in your chart.

It’s crucial to recognize that simply seeing a planet in your chart doesn’t indicate a propensity for disease on its own. It’s the placement of that planet relative to all the others, and the casă it falls into that determines its influence on your body. Determining your profile requires a visit to a professional astrologer. That said, certain planets rule the health of particular organs — or their diseases.

Which Planets Are Responsible for Diseases? An Overview

The planets responsible for diseases are the same ones that rule health. Each celestial body corresponds to a different organ, as described below.

1. Mercury

This speedy little messenger planet rules your lungs. Those with a positive chart placement have great stamina. However, those with a less fortunate placement might suffer frequent upper respiratory infections like COVID-19 or RSV. The worst outcome is lung cancer, which often manifests no symptoms — so pay attention if you’re between 50 and 80 and get screened, especially if you smoke.

2. Venus

It might not surprise you to learn Venus rules the reproductive organs. People with a positive placement in their charts are vivacious and full of life.

However, those with a different planetary alignment may have difficulties when trying to conceive. Sadly, multiple factors can lead to reproductive challenges, so start by consulting your doctor. You might also want to explore the influence of past trauma with a therapist and consult with an astrologer to get to the root of the problem.

3. Earth

Earth rules your bones. It’s what your feet stand on and the framework of your body.

Although you might not think of your skeleton as a body part disease strikes, osteoporosis affects countless older adults, significantly increasing their fracture risk. It isn’t enough to avoid dangerous activities like skydiving. 60% of all fractures occur in the home, so pay extra attention to where you step if you have a potentially adverse alignment of this planet in your chart.

4. Mars

Mars rules your gallbladder, an organ that countless people have removed to treat gallstones. It would be interesting to compare their planetary charts to their medical ones. Problems with this organ often manifest in scary cramping in the upper right quadrant of your abdomen. A visit to the doctor can reveal the underlying cause.

5. Jupiter

Jupiter rules your liver. It wouldn’t be surprising to learn that you struggle with alcohol if you have an adverse placement of this planet in your chart. You might feel a bit nervous about pain in your upper right abdomen, but remember, trouble with this organ is only one possibility.

Alcohol isn’t the only reason for liver trouble. People who consume sugary drinks sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup run a higher risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which prompts similar damage to this organ.

6. Saturn

Saturn rules your spleen. This organ lies in your upper left abdomen and is one of the largest parts of your immune system. People with an adverse chart placement may be prone to more frequent infections.

7. Uranus

Astrologers associate Uranus with your nervous system. You might have an adverse chart placement if you have a disorder such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease. Alternatively, you may have experienced significant trauma that altered your central nervous system.

8. Neptune

Neptune rules the fluid around your joints. A misalignment could predispose you to arthritis in its many forms, including gout. However, remaining sedentary can mean stiffening up even more, so try to move daily. Consider gentle practices like yoga and aquacize.

9. Pluto

Pluto rules your endocrine system, including your sex and thyroid hormones. It also influences insulin, a hormone affected by Type 2 diabetes. Given the high rates of this disorder, many Americans may have an adverse alignment in this area of their astrological chart.

10. The Sun

In Ayurveda, the sun correlates to your heart. Its placement in your chart could indicate your heart attack risk and propensity for stress-related diseases such as anxiety.

11. The Moon

Your risk of anxiety and other mental disorders also hinges on the moon’s placement in your chart, as this celestial body rules your brain. Perhaps it’s not surprising that many people associate the full moon with madness. Its placement in your chart could influence your susceptibility to mental disorders.

The Link Between Planetary Alignment and Illnesses

It’s important to recognize that many factors influence your susceptibility to trouble with certain organs — your chart is not your destiny. If anything, it can provide you with clues of what to look for but shouldn’t be considered a prophecy of disease.

You now know which planets rule your health and which planets are responsible for disease. Don’t treat this information as a reason to stress — use this knowledge to take better care of your health.
