Mars in the Signs

Mars in Aries

Mars is in its natural home in Berbec (the sign that it rules), and emphasizes qualities of brilliance, force, and energy. As a Mars-Arien you are given self-confidence and force of character. Others always know how you feel about a subject because you tell them in no uncertain terms. You are courageous and honest, but the opposite side of the coin is that you can be tactless, blunt, and combative. Your passions are fiery and are quickly ignited. Active and assertive in your sex life, you aggressively go after what you want (whether it’s a long-term lover or just a bedmate for the night). The professions of big business and politics are populated with Mars-Ariens, for natives of this position have a domineering will to win. You are able to make others respond to your ideas. Your youthful springy appearance lasts a lifetime.

Mars in Taurus

If you have Mars in Taurus, you tend to triumph through your own determined and persistent efforts. Your vitality is a slow and steady force that drives you on to success. Success to you means money, material possessions, and true love. A great deal of your energy is spent in sexual pursuits; your passions are earthy and voluptuous. In love affairs you try to dominate and to possess, and the firmness to your nature can become downright obstinate. Difficulties tend to arise because you are unwilling to see anyone else’s point of view. Because of your tenacity, you have the power to create almost anything you can envision. Sometimes a bent toward depression or temper tantrums mars your happiness. During your lifetime you often accumulate money and are known as a big spender.

Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini favors energetic activity of the mind. You are brilliantly intellectual, with a steel-trap brain that quickly grasps concepts and spins new ideas. You are incisive and practical and arrive at conclusions in a flash. The problem is that you lack force of will. You hesitate, vacillate, and think of yet another delay. In matters of sex, you experience desire in the mind before it becomes a reality. You enjoy the adventure leading up to lovemaking and have passions that are easily aroused. However, as soon as an affair loses zest and becomes ordinary you look for the escape hatch. You tend to have a number of affairs and marriages. Mars-Geminis are able to inspire and to lead others through the power of the spoken and written word. Often you have a magnetic voice and a compelling talent to convince others of what you say.

Mars in Cancer

Mars’s power turns subtle in Cancer. You have great strength of will, but it is never thrust into the open. Like the tides, you wear down opposition by repeated assault. Each wave may accomplish little, but the accumulated effect is overpowering. In sex, Mars-in-Cancer’s approach is emotional. You are sensuous but refined, and your lovemaking is a highly intuitive art. Your passion, however, is dependent on what is forthcoming from a lover. If a lover is insensitive or unresponsive, he or she may find that your get-up-and-go just got up and went. Yet, as a native of this Mars placement, you will cling to a relație that does not make you happy. You react only in outbursts of temper and nervous irritability. What you often require is an outlet for your pent-up energies. You are noted for your breadth of vision and highly emotional work.

Mars in Leo

In Leo, Mars’s fire is accentuated. With this Mars position in your chart you are never ordinary. You make grand plans and possess the force and drive to put them into action. No one else can grab the attention and affection of others the way you can. You also have a dramatic sex drive. Hot-blooded and impulsive, you are successful in sex relații because of your dynamism. You must dominate in affairs and demand a great deal of attention, but you are also warm, expressive, ardent, and affectionate. You prefer to make love in luxurious, rich surroundings. You are creative at work, but at times can be overbearing, authoritative, and a bit condescending. Mars-Leos see events in terms of themselves; it would never occur to you to be an anonymous observer. You are lucky in speculation and gambling, and often attract powerful friends.

Mars in Virgo

As a Mars-in-Virgo person, you are a prodigious worker who finds your best success in a systematized approach. You are ambitious and proud, though this is not always apparent on the surface. Extremely strong-willed, you can separate yourself from your emotions when it comes to making decisions. In your work you are shrewd, calculating, and quietly determined. You suspect people who only want to deal with big problems because somehow such people never seem to reach any useful conclusions. Mars-in-Virgo may appear sexually cool, but in truth you glamorize sex. You want it to be both physically rapturous and mentally exciting. Your passions are strong but kept under tight rein. Mars-Virgos tend to be successful in professions where control of emotions is advantageous (such as politicians, psychologists, and investigators). When putting a plan into action you must beware of getting bogged down in detail.

Mars in Libra

When Mars is in Libra the power of this planet seems to fluctuate. You are impulsive and sensuous in your sex drive. A great deal of your energy is spent forming emotional relationships. Yet you have a languid attitude toward sex and often must be sought after rather than be the aggressor. You are idealistic and esthetic; crudeness of any kind turns you off. You prefer liaisons with cultivated, sophisticated lovers, but tend to become involved in unhappy sex relationships. This position of Mars is excellent for a unique artistic or literary talent. There is a great beauty and balance in your work. You have an enviable ability to make a pleasing impression on the public. Mars-Librans believe passionately in fair play. Your actions are always preceded by a careful weighing of the pros and cons.

Mars in Scorpio

Mars in Scorpio underscores persistence and intensity. As a Mars-Scorpio you are a hard-driving and resourceful person whose strength is not so much shown in the heat of action as in determination and relentlessness. Your efforts are well disciplined, always directed toward a purpose. There are no wasted movements or needless expenditures of energy. You have a strong and deeply felt sexuality. However, it is sometimes an emotional sexuality, displayed in jealousy, anger, hurt feelings, and resentment. Though it is possible for you to be ruthless in your relationships, you are far more often simply quarrelsome and touchy. This position of Mars enhances imagination and a powerful creative drive. You are always able to move an audience. Often you are attracted to professions or situations that contain an element of danger or death.

Mars in Sagittarius

In Sagittarius, the power of Mars exhibits itself in brilliant flashes. It promotes courage, independence, and daring. Dashing and exciting as your actions may be, you are easily distracted. Your attention becomes riveted to a new plan, and your meteoric enthusiasm turns in that direction. This does not mean you do not accomplish anything, for you can produce remarkable results in a short time. Passionate and sensual, you may have numerous affairs because of your open, exploratory nature. You look on emotional commitments as a form of personal restriction. A sex relationship quickly begins, and just as quickly ends. You tend to be impulsive and act rashly. Quick-witted in speech and writing, you have the power to amuse and delight. You make a marvelous first impression.

Mars in Capricorn

Mars in Capricorn signifies force and energy kept under control, to be used when necessary. As a person with this Mars position, you are fierce, magnetic, and commanding. Your strength lies in your obstinacy and ability to endure. When obstacles block your path you run over them roughshod. You have vigor and dynamic force, and also quiet self-reliance. Your sexual nature is earthy and passionate, but the element of self-control marks your relationships. At times hot-blooded, sexy, even romantic, at other times you are chilly and disinterested. What you usually do is channel your formidable power into the direction that serves you best. In their youth Mars-Capricorns often have a secret love affair with an older person. At some point in their lives, strong personal ambition tends to project Mars-Capricorns into the public eye.

Mars in Aquarius

In Aquarius, the energy of Mars is expressed on a mental plane. You are quick in your actions, but before you act you must be committed intellectually. You tend to be very people-oriented and involved in a variety of projects. There is an element of reform or fighting for freedom in your outlook. High-strung and unpredictable, you struggle between wanting to do things alone and getting involved in group activities. There is also ambivalence in your sexual nature. You have strong desires that are not always reachable. You try to deal with sex relationships rationally, and swing back and forth between passionate involvement and detachment. You acknowledge sexual desire but don’t want to be fettered by it. This sometimes leads to your having a number of affairs (often simultaneously); that way, each affair can’t be a total commitment. As a Mars-Aquarian you have acute insights into human nature.

Mars in Pisces

Pisces is an emotional sign, and your strength with Mars in Pisces is your power to stir the feelings and grab the emotions. If you have this Mars position you may be noted for your compelling imagination. Many artists, writers, and actors have Mars in Pisces. Enormously receptive to your environment, you store impressions in your subconscious and then pro-duce them at the opportune time. You shoulder the responsibilities of others without complaint. Intensity of feeling is evident in your sexuality. You are sensuous, have deep passions, and display a high level of fervor. You seek to involve yourself totally in a sex relationship, for this is a way in which you can draw closer to another human being. You may suffer disappointment in love. During your lifetime you attract influential friends and gain monetarily from these associations.