Mars in Aquarius in the 2nd House

Mars in Aquarius in the Second House

Mars in Aquarius in 2nd House
Mars in Aquarius in 2nd House

The placement of Mars in Aquarius indicates a strong desire for change and, at a deeper level, for individuation. Your actions, therefore, tend to express your individuality. Change is, for the most part, a manifestation of your desire for freedom from the constraints of stability. With Mars in Aquarius, the change/freedom urge often manifests itself in you as your actions taking unconventional forms or otherwise contravening the staid and conventional. Much of the behavior and many of the personality characteristics associated with Mars in Aquarius are a result of your need for individual freedom and, particularly, the need to act to distinguish yourself from the common mass.

The placement of Mars in Aquarius is generally conducive to the positive development of those functions associated with Mars. This is symbolized by the natural sextile between Aquarius and Mars-ruled Berbec. Aquarius is the Fixed Air sign. Like a wind (air irresistibly in motion), Aquarius symbolically sweeps the Mars functions along a path of constant change, thus always providing new opportunities for action to find expression. With Mars in Aquarius, Air provides freedom for the Mars functions to act in new ways, while the fixity of Aquarius provides the strength to act with effectiveness. The danger inherent in this placement, as in anything, is imbalance – getting carried away in a storm of change.

Mars also symbolizes the animus in the psyche. Thus, if you are male with Mars in Aquarius, you are likely to model your masculinity in order to incorporate characteristics typically associated with Aquarius. You are likely to associate masculinity with individuality.  If you are female, you are likely to be attracted to someone who projects or embodies Aquarius-associated traits. This sometimes may result in your being attracted to someone who expresses himself unconventionally or with originality or who is an individualist.


As an individual with Mars in Aquarius, your being set apart by your desires and actions, is the overt reason for your insecurity, although the real underlying cause of your insecurity is your subconscious knowledge that your desires and actions are not the expressions of your real identity. Your insecurity about your identity may also lead you to feel a compulsion to assert your individual identity against the conventionality of the masses.  This may manifest as outrageously unconventional behavior or as insistence, through the expression of your will, that “I am right and I know best.”

Mars in the 2nd House:

Mars in the 2nd House suggests that your desires and actions are practical and generally aimed at enhancing your physical security and material comfort. With Mars in the 2nd House, you may concentrate your actions on acquiring those things that are desired by you because they are valuable and useful. You may desire a great many possessions because having things may tend to make you feel secure. If this is the case, the first priority in most of your actions may be to establish a level of comfort  and sufficiency.

Having Mars in the 2nd House, an underlying question posed before taking any action may be, how will this affect what I have? Thus, if you are continually seeking to protect yourself from loss or possible want, your actions may become risk adverse so that your actions are for the most part cautious and conservative. With Mars in the 2nd House, when you feel that your physical security or comfort is threatened, however, you may be very willing to take risks or  act aggressively in order to protect your possessions.

As an individual with Mars in the 2nd House, your value system may not be so materialistic, however, and, if this is the case, then your desires for material security will not bind you so much. In fact, given an idealistic set of values, you may be willing to risk much and act with courage to achieve your ideals and actualize your values.


With Mars in the 2nd House, if you are inwardly insecure, you will be subject to all sorts of desires for material comfort and possessions. You justify pursuing these desires as being necessary for your physical well-being and security. In your mind, your wants are transformed into needs.

In this way, as an individual with Mars in the 2nd House, you are always busy in the pursuit of your material desires and you never have to consider what your values are or should be. To do so would be to discover what kind of person you are and to examine yourself threatens your insecure ego. Not only would you risk finding that you may not like who you are, but you might feel morally compelled to change and this might mean sacrificing some of your comfort.

Having Mars in the 2nd House, it is easier to actively and aggressively acquire things. In this, you can be quite insistent and self-willed. You may trample over others, rushing to be the first to draw from the stockpile, being certain that you have yours at whatever the cost.

Concentrarea dorințelor

With Mars in the 2nd House, your desires tend to be focused on objects that you wish to possess or,  more generally, on achieving a level of material comfort that makes you feel secure and safe from want. You are likely to desire much, that is, to own much. Having Mars in the 2nd House, you are generally following the values of a consumerist society and your desires are conditioned desires. You may be very much prone to being manipulated by media and advertising into thinking that you need something. It is only when you begin to consider what is truly valuable in life that your desires can begin to change. You can then focus on actualizing the real values that you hold.

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