Soarele Leu în Casa a 10-a

Sun in Leo in the Tenth House

Sun in Leo in 10th House
Sun in Leo in 10th House

Având Soarele în Leu, loialitatea ta este dincolo de orice îndoială. Ești devotat ție însuți. Toate persoanele cu Soarele în Leu posedă un regat. Regatul poate fi mare sau mic, poate fi casa ta, o iubită, o lucrare creativă sau întreaga ta carieră. Dar orice ar fi, tu ești stăpânul incontestabil al acestui regat. Orice ai face, o faci cu un fler pentru dramatism - totul la tine este teatral.

Soarele tău în Leu îți conferă un mare fler pentru dramă și un instinct de a atrage atenția. Deoarece natura ta este flamboaiantă și expansivă, disprețuiești monotonia, banalul și plictisitorul. Atunci când viața reală nu îți oferă toată emoția de care ai nevoie, încerci să o creezi pe a ta.

Cu Soarele în Leu, sunteți generoși, buni și deschiși, vă este greu să credeți rău de alții. Dacă ești rănit, ripostezi rapid, dar și ierți ușor și nu porți niciodată pică. Minunat de afectuos și vesel, aveți o autentică joie de vivre. Soarele este guvernatorul tău, iar tu aduci întotdeauna un pic de soare în viața celorlalți. Evident, aceasta este una dintre trăsăturile tale cele mai atașante. În multe privințe, ești ca Soarele însuși - dătător de viață, radiind energie și magnetism, arzând cu o fixitate constantă.

As an individual with your Sun in Leo, no one could ask for a better friend. If approached in the right way (flattery is the right way), you will do almost anything, but you expect praise and appreciation and admiration in return. Pride is your Achilles’ heel. Your ego demands not respect but adoration, not compliments but flattery, and when you receive lavish praise you never stop to wonder if it is insincere. Despite your self-centeredness, you need others to give to if only to get back their appreciation. However, because you’re too proud to ask for appreciation, you often suffer silently from a wounded ego. Your hidden secret is you need to be needed.

With your Sun in Leo, among your most striking characteristics is a refusal to be hampered by petty rules. Day-to-day routine quickly leads to boredom and makes you desperately unhappy. Your unhappiness doesn’t last long, because you simply won’t put up with it. You have an unshakable belief in your luck and quickly bounce back from despondency. It is difficult (though not impossible) to dislike a Leo. True, you can be bombastic and overbearing at times. True, you love to give advice and tell people how to run their lives. But your great warmth and sunny disposition is very hard to resist. The world would be much less fun without Leos.

Tu interior cu Soarele tău în Leu

Your Sun in Leo gives you larger-than-life emotions; whether you’re experiencing joy, despair, excitement, or love, it might as well be playing on a giant movie screen. You feel you have an important role to play in life and you’re going to find it. You need to be involved in the world; in fact, you tend to think of any plan or project that you’re part of as an extension of who you are. You believe in taking action. Your immediate reaction to any problem is to do something about it rather than sit around pondering it. You have a deep-seated need to prove your worth – not to others but to yourself. You’ll tackle any job just so you can say, “I wasn’t afraid to try!”

Poziția semnului Soarelui indică modul în care căutăm să ne exprimăm, să ne dezvoltăm, să ne împlinim și să ne afirmăm voința și puterea de a ne modela mediul. Poziția casei indică domeniul de viață în care alegem să ne concentrăm energia semnului nostru solar și să ne îndeplinim scopul pe care îl reprezintă.

Soarele în Casa a 10-a

With your Sun in the 10th House, you are likely to be motivated toward achievement and accomplishment. Much of your identity comes from your career or from other ways in which you find success, acquire status, or accomplish your goals. Generally, involvement in areas of life that are public in nature, such as career, leadership, politics or public involvement will be important for you. If your fate does not allow you to participate much in public life, you may either identify with someone who fulfills that role. Alternatively, you may harbor latent desires to have a more public life. You may resent being confined to a more private role where opportunities for achievement and success are limited.

As an individual with your Sun in the 10th House, you may feel some pressure to succeed, since your sense of being and self-worth is likely to be related to your achievements, recognition and success in the world. You are, therefore, more likely to work hard and be goal-oriented. You are also more likely to work within structures that support your quest for measureable success in life. Appreciation and positive feedback for the work that you have accomplished may be important in building and maintaining your self-esteem. You are also more likely than most to have clear goals and to take the initiative to accomplish those goals.

With your Sun in the 10th House, one issue that you may face involves the extent to which you take your self-worth from external accomplishments and recognition. It may be a struggle for you to feel a sense of being that is not derived from your career and or the recognition that you receive from your achievements. Because so much of your self-esteem depends on your success and status, you can suffer from self-induced stress that results from your overly ambitious expectations.


Having your Sun in the 10th House, if you are inwardly insecure, you will feel that you must accomplish and succeed or you are worthless. Since your self-worth is solely determined by what is external to yourself and beyond your control, you can never feel secure in your worthiness. Consequently, no success is enough and you push yourself until you are stressed and hollow inside. You may be outwardly successful but you are never secure internally. You use your success as a shield and a prop to substitute for your own authenticity. Another manifestation of your insecurity with your Sun in the 10th House, is that you may be so intimidated by the need to succeed that you cannot ever see yourself measuring up to that standard and you fail constantly. Your low self-esteem and lack of confidence perpetuate this cycle of failure. You may continue trying, always stressed and anxious, or you may give up in frustration.

Focusul identității

As an individual with your Sun in the 10th House, you tend to identify with what you have accomplished and with your successes in life. Unless you have transcended your need to succeed, you probably believe that you are what you have achieved. Your identity is also defined by what you do to achieve success. If you have achieved much, you will tend to have a high opinion of yourself. If you have achieved little, you may see yourself as a lesser player in the scheme of things. However, you may console yourself by seeing yourself as having performed a job well done. Having your Sun in the 10th House, it is likely to be a struggle for you to extract your identity from the limitations of your external accomplishments and the view that the world takes of these accomplishments. The tendency to identify who we are with what we do in society is already a strongly conditioned perspective. It is one that you will almost automatically share with most others in society and it is a tendency that you will have to overcome if you are to develop a whole and authentic identity.

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