Punctele tale forte și slabe cu un Soare din Pești și o Lună din Fecioară

The combination of your Sun sign and your Luna sign produces a personality blending emotional sensitivity and intuitive understanding with the Virgo traits of discrimination, intellectuality and practicability. You are at your best in mental analysis, constructive criticism, and common sense decisions. Your discriminating mind tends to exert a stabilizing influence on emotional sensitivity. There is a working together of the intuitive and practical. You can make your intuitions, feelings and impressions about things useful in practical affairs. You have a deep sense of the truth and an ability to face facts. This is a combination that depends heavily on discrimination and analytical insights into affairs, you are naturally versatile, flexible and highly adaptable, but you have the innate ability to keep your mind on whatever you are doing. While you may have serious intent and considerable ambition, you don’t seem to take yourself too seriously. You do best in professions that don’t demand much in the way of exercising authority. Efficiency and precision are the keynotes of your nature and of your mind. You have little difficulty guiding your activity to avoid mistakes and unnecessary errors. Particular and somewhat fastidious, you show good taste in dress as well as in your choice of words. Happiness depends on maintaining a balance between the emotional and mental sides of your nature, avoiding the tendency to alternate between sympathy and coolness of response. You do good things quietly and with little fuss, stressing conscientiousness and a subdued conviction. You live sanely and calmly, achieving success through the exercise of intelligence.

Cele mai mari puncte forte ale tale

The breadth of outlook, ability and willingness to look at any question from all angles, equal strengths of intuition and logic, kindness, forgiving nature, and ironic sense of humor which helps you redeem the tragic side of life.

Cele mai mari slăbiciuni ale tale

Perfectionism, overly critical attitude to others, tendency to worry, feel unsettled and escape into fantasies or defensive addictions, proneness to confuse what you feel about something with what you rationally think you should do about it. In your combination, heart and mind can complement each other or clash.

Semnele tale lunare Faza lunară unică

Faza Lunii în care v-ați născut vă rafinează și mai mult Semnul Lunii, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. You may be pulled toward certain personality traits or ways of thinking. And knowing about those predispositions can help you take advantage of them — or avoid them.

V-ați născut la o Lună Plină în Fecioară? Sau ai fost pe o Lună Gibboasă în descreștere a Fecioarei? Și ce înseamnă toate acestea?

Pentru a afla ce dezvăluie despre tine semnul și faza ta lunară, Obțineți o lectură video gratuită și personalizată a Lunii aici.


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