Virgo Sun with Aries Moon and Leo Rising

Sun in Virgo with Moon in Aries and Leo Rising Personality Traits:

Virgo Sun Aries Moon Leo Rising
Virgo Sun Aries Moon Leo Rising

With a Virgo Sun Áries Moon, in your fantasies, you are dashing, daring, and dynamic, but in real life you’re not quite that decisive or adventurous, and it probably came as a shock when you first realized you were not the hero you had always thought you were.

As an individual with a Virgo Sun Aries Moon, you may have the courage and strength to make bold plans, but when the time comes to follow through on your bravado, you suddenly become hesitant and insecure. The question continually in your mind is whether to do and dare, or just sit back and let whatever happens happen.

The conflict in the Virgo Sun Aries Moon combination is simple: The reserve, cautious, and timid Virgo must contend with an Aries inner nature that is fiery, belligerent, and fearless. It wouldn’t be easy for anyone to live up to that incredible self-image of yours, much less a mild-mannered and innocent Virgo.

Having a Virgo Sun Aries Moon, self-acceptance is one of the first lessons you must learn in life. Yes, you are all of those wonderful things you think you are, but you don’t have to be an Evel Knievel just to prove it. Nor do you have to get furious with yourself when caution or good common sense prevents you from embarking on impulsive and risky adventures. You can, after all, still find plenty of thrills in a more conventional framework.

For the Virgo Sun Aries Moon individual, big business can be extremely exciting for you, as you are highly perceptive and very shrewd. Although your Virgo nature will always be discriminating and cautious, you are never afraid to risk asserting yourself when your intuition tells you to grasp an advantage or trying a daring speculation.

With a Virgo Sun Aries Moon, precision and perfection are your ideals, and honor and loyalty are your standards. Not without a sense of humor, you nevertheless tend to take personal matters very seriously. Affronts to your dignity or pride are often met with disproportionate anger—sometimes even revenge.

If you are an individual with a Virgo Sun Aries Moon, your judgments of others, though accurate, tend to be severe, and your moods flash hot and cold. Controlling your temper is one of the hardest things for you to learn how to do. Since you cannot hold in your anger, it is usually unleashed immediately— sometimes before you’ve given yourself the chance to mull things over. Mentally receptive, you often absorb the tension and hostility around you without even realizing it. To maintain your cool, take time out for relaxation, recreation, and introspection.

As an individual with a Virgo Sun Aries Moon, like all Virgos, you find great satisfaction and fulfillment through hard work. Industrious and reliable, you combine energetic enthusiasm with thoughtfulness and common sense; but your work must challenge you. That restless Aries inner nature rebels against boredom and drudgery. If you start to feel as though you’re not getting the excitement you need from your career, you’ll go on to something new, even if it means abandoning a high salary.

In love, a Virgo Sun Aries Moon individual is passionate and loyal, but often thinks of themselves first. Learn to be less selfish and pay more attention to your partner’s needs. Control that temper and don’t get carried away by jealous rages that are unfounded.

Keywords For A Virgo Sun Aries Moon:

Intellectual precision; enthusiasm for excellence; self-motivated; skillful and pragmatic; diligent; caustic wit; practical joker; scholarly; detached; dedicated to ideals; self-centered; committed; workaholic; bossy.

Ascensão do Leão

O ascendente Leão significa nobreza de caráter, ideais elevados e grande magnetismo pessoal. Se você tem ascendente Leão, tem um coração grande, é expansivo, benevolente e gentil. Você não considera digno de pena se rebaixar à mesquinhez, à rabugice, à mesquinhez ou à estreiteza de espírito. Por ter um espírito tão magnânimo, você acha difícil acreditar que os outros sejam maus.

Of course, the world does not always live up to anyone’s expectations, and Leo Rising individuals are puzzled and hurt by meanness and un-generosity. At such times you simply put on your regal air and make sure the underlying knows in what contempt and low esteem he or she is held.

Having Leo Rising, you have a great sense of showmanship. You love to put on lavish displays—whether it is decorating your house with expensive and elegant things or dressing in attention-getting clothes or throwing a splendid dinner party. To less flamboyant types you may appear ostentatious, show-offy, and extravagant. But your showy displays are not only to get attention; you see life in larger-than-life terms and aspire to the highest and the best. This quality draws others to you and, in itself, attracts power and influence.

Leo Rising individuals seem surrounded by luck in money, career, and friendship. You are not an especially hard worker but tend to achieve success through the influence and pull of others. Fame and fortune come to you when you aren’t looking for it.

With Leo Rising, you are efficient at organizing groups of people and inspiring them to give their best. You are happiest in the role of leader. In fact, you feel wounded if your public doesn’t put you in that position.

Quando não recebe o que acha que lhe é devido, você pode se tornar arrogante, temperamental e prepotente. Leão é o signo do orgulho, e os indivíduos do signo de Leão têm isso em abundância. Você é autoconfiante e tem uma fé resoluta em si mesmo.

Há uma simpatia básica em você, em parte porque você dá a nítida impressão de que a vida é divertida. Você tem um senso de humor maravilhoso. (Observação: os indivíduos do signo de Leão têm uma queda especial por crianças e as mimam de forma escandalosa).

Como indivíduo do signo de Leão, você tende a ter uma cabeça grande e de formato bonito, cabelos grossos e brilhantes, um sorriso deslumbrante com dentes brilhantes e uniformes e um porte imponente. Muitos de vocês são beneficiados por uma herança mais tarde em suas vidas. Seja qual for o caminho que escolher seguir, você geralmente sai do lado ensolarado da colina.

O Sol, que rege Leão, é muito proeminente em seu mapa astral. A influência do Sol confere entusiasmo, generosidade, poder, calor, autoexpressão criativa, paixão e coragem. Também estimula o egoísmo, a arrogância, o esnobismo, a presunção, a pomposidade e a condescendência.

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