Seus pontos fortes e fracos com o Sol em Virgem e a Lua em Áries

The combination of your Sun sign and your Lua sign produces some degree of conflict in your nature because of the vast differences between these signs. The common qualities are hardness and a true strength of purpose. Real emotions are not likely to be common to your nature. The variance of these two signs suggests a personality that is high-spirited, combative, and critical. Sociability is not second nature to you, and you seem to hold on to friends and lovers in spite of, not because of, the way you project yourself. You are demanding and exacting, always such a perfectionist. You have much less self-confidence than most perceive. You express yourself in a dynamic and executive way that makes you a strong, but probably not always the most popular manager. Mentally, you are both thoughtful and accurate, having piercing insights into people and situations. Being not at all disinclined to voice your dissatisfaction with others, many will view you as an exceptionally demanding leader. You may have difficulty seeing yourself objectively as a sense of detachment and the lack of emotional involvement retards self-appraisal. You may express emotions when you feel this would serve your purpose, but sentimentality and gushy emotions are viewed by you as character weaknesses to be avoided. You are repelled by others that openly demonstrate such traits.

Seus maiores pontos fortes

Ability to get on and do things with skill and energy, quick, analytical mind that gets to the point with utmost precision, capacity to bring original flair and enthusiasm into the commonplace and mundane realms of life.

Seus maiores pontos fracos

A tendency to be scathingly critical, over-cerebral in emotional relacionamentos, a bit too self-sufficient for your own good, and excessively verbose and know-it-all towards those dependent on you.

Fase lunar exclusiva de seu signo lunar

A fase da lua em que você nasceu refina ainda mais o seu signo lunar, revelando mais sobre sua natureza interior do que você poderia imaginar. Você pode ser atraído por certos traços de personalidade ou modos de pensar. E conhecer essas predisposições pode ajudá-lo a tirar proveito delas - ou evitá-las.

Você nasceu em um Áries Lua cheia? Ou foi uma Lua Minguante de Áries? E o que tudo isso significa?

Para descobrir o que seu signo lunar e sua fase lunar revelam sobre você, Obtenha uma leitura da lua em vídeo personalizada gratuita aqui.


Descubra os segredos de seu eu cósmico e obtenha clareza sobre seu caminho de vida único. Um Análise aprofundada do mapa natal pela astrologia e numerologia oferece percepções profundas que o ajudarão a navegar pelas reviravoltas da vida com confiança e propósito.

Análise do mapa natal