Seus pontos fortes e fracos com um Sol em Touro e uma Lua em Libra

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces one of the most likable personalities in the Zodiac. Others may have more wit, ambition, or intellect, but none equal the charm and appeal of this combination. A nice home and a close family are your first loves, social contact and involvement, a close second. Your keen social personality is aided by a fine sense of humor and an easygoing outlook. This personality is marked with optimism, even if you’re up to your ears in private woes. Anyone that doesn’t like you is probably motivated by jealousy. You are expressive and idealistic, your nature is inclined toward the dramatic and the artistic. Though your positive attitude allows you to accomplish a great deal when you settle down to work, when forced to face the world of facts and figures and engage in anything that restricts your creative talents, you can never really be happy. You can never handle conflict matters very well as you suffer from nervous tension when placed in a confrontation situation or hostility of any kind. Your great sense of balance and harmony constantly protects you from ever going off the deep end. You may have a wide range of emotional responses from rapturous joy when you are happy with a special someone in a solid relacionamento, to almost going to pieces when you are confronted by hostility and forced to react to it.

Seus maiores pontos fortes

A flair for persuasive diplomacy, practical idealism, gentle wit, impeccable artistic sensibility, strong social sense, ability to enjoy people and life to the hilt.

Seus maiores pontos fracos

Over-reliance on popularity and social acceptance, reluctance to engage in conflict, over-emphasizing rational solutions to every kind of problem.

Fase lunar exclusiva de seu signo lunar

A fase da lua em que você nasceu refina ainda mais o seu signo lunar, revelando mais sobre sua natureza interior do que você poderia imaginar. Você pode ser atraído por certos traços de personalidade ou modos de pensar. E conhecer essas predisposições pode ajudá-lo a tirar proveito delas - ou evitá-las.

Were you born on a Libra Full Moon? Or was it a Libra Waning Gibbous? And what does it all mean?

Para descobrir o que seu signo lunar e sua fase lunar revelam sobre você, Obtenha uma leitura da lua em vídeo personalizada gratuita aqui.


Descubra os segredos de seu eu cósmico e obtenha clareza sobre seu caminho de vida único. Um Análise aprofundada do mapa natal pela astrologia e numerologia oferece percepções profundas que o ajudarão a navegar pelas reviravoltas da vida com confiança e propósito.

Análise do mapa natal