The combination of your Sun sign and Moon sign produces a personality that is never content with earthy, materialistic, or mundane goals. Your stride is long, smoothly sweeping, and unwilling to settle for less than the best. You are willing to try anything possible to achieve your goals. The influence of these signs is most idealistic and high-minded. Your vision of acceptable is to most, the impossible dream. A certain spiritual quality attaches to everything you do. Unfortunately, it’s hard to live comfortably on such a high plane of existence. The “sage” aspect of Sagittarius combines effectively with the Pisces fluid expression of mind, spirit and emotions producing wisdom that is freely expressed with great feeling. This is not to say that you are always practical and constructive. Too much of the time your ideas are vague, hypothetical, and intangible. In many ways you are the impractical visionary, thinking in broad, general terms rather than dealing with specifics and details. You are a highly expansive person and may try to spread your energies far too thin. Definitely, you are not a materialist, perfectly satisfied so long as the world gives you a living to go on with your important work. You are an idealist through and through and have some of the naivete that attaches to idealism, in spite of your intuitive wisdom.
Seus maiores pontos fortes
Compassion, the breadth of your intellect and the depth of your enthusiasm, creative imagination, moral integrity, resilience, sense of humor, quiet ability to make everyone laugh and feel that you are their friend forever.
Seus maiores pontos fracos
Endearing naivety, tendency to emotionalize moral issues, misplaced enthusiasm, grandiosity and self-deception, proneness to exaggeration, carelessness, and lack of concentration, and to be all things to all people. Try to pin yourself down to manageable-sized problems and tasks, keep your feet on the ground and in touch with important details, and you will find that your ideas have much more productive results.
Fase lunar exclusiva de seu signo lunar
A fase da lua em que você nasceu refina ainda mais o seu signo lunar, revelando mais sobre sua natureza interior do que você poderia imaginar. Você pode ser atraído por certos traços de personalidade ou modos de pensar. E conhecer essas predisposições pode ajudá-lo a tirar proveito delas - ou evitá-las.
Você nasceu em uma Lua Cheia de Sagitário? Ou foi em uma Lua Minguante de Sagitário? E o que tudo isso significa?
Para descobrir o que seu signo lunar e sua fase lunar revelam sobre você, Obtenha uma leitura da lua em vídeo personalizada gratuita aqui.
Descubra os segredos de seu eu cósmico e obtenha clareza sobre seu caminho de vida único. Um Análise aprofundada do mapa natal pela astrologia e numerologia oferece percepções profundas que o ajudarão a navegar pelas reviravoltas da vida com confiança e propósito.