Seus pontos fortes e fracos com um Sol em Gêmeos e uma Lua em Capricórnio

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a personality that is worldly-wise and shrewd. Under the genial front of smiles and good humor lies a core of steel, strength of purpose, and ambition. You operate with a healthy respect for tradition, law, and authority, able to become a law unto yourself, and to others. You can meet any challenge, especially one requiring a cool head and objective reasoning ability. You are affable, social, and generous, but no one can impose on you, your business judgment is amazingly sharp. Your keen wit allows you to talk people into agreement with your position before they know what has happened. Your manner is poised, charming and disarming, enabling you to succeed in the business world where you can sell yourself or close a deal with casual ease. People relax and let down their guard around you. Outgoing and extroverted, you seem to inspire confidence and usually come out as a winner. Your mind is so well constructed that analysis and critical ability come naturally. You are fair and utterly honorable, but you never fail to bargain shrewdly. Nervousness and restlessness are well controlled, and you are likely to be intensely ambitious. There is a cool detachment about you that keeps you from opening up to people in a true sense. You are highly sensitive and likewise conscious of other people’s sensitive points. You’re more analytical than creative or original. Your sense of diplomacy is active and leads you to a policy of rarely antagonizing others to achieve your ends.

Seus maiores pontos fortes

A quick, clear, factual mind, conscientiousness and reliability, gift for working with people and assessing their needs, speed at picking up practical organizational skills that you can use in all areas of your life.

Seus maiores pontos fracos

A tendency to hide your needs from yourself, and to replace real sympathy for others with ‘common sense’, impatience with the emotional realm, which you either cannot fathom or gracefully sidestep.

Fase lunar exclusiva de seu signo lunar

A fase da lua em que você nasceu refina ainda mais o seu signo lunar, revelando mais sobre sua natureza interior do que você poderia imaginar. Você pode ser atraído por certos traços de personalidade ou modos de pensar. E conhecer essas predisposições pode ajudá-lo a tirar proveito delas - ou evitá-las.

Você nasceu em uma Lua Cheia de Capricórnio? Ou foi em uma Lua Minguante de Capricórnio? E o que tudo isso significa?

Para descobrir o que seu signo lunar e sua fase lunar revelam sobre você, Obtenha uma leitura da lua em vídeo personalizada gratuita aqui.


Descubra os segredos de seu eu cósmico e obtenha clareza sobre seu caminho de vida único. Um Análise aprofundada do mapa natal pela astrologia e numerologia oferece percepções profundas que o ajudarão a navegar pelas reviravoltas da vida com confiança e propósito.

Análise do mapa natal