Sol em Áries e Lua em Virgem: O descobridor de falhas

Sun in Aries with Moon in Virgo Personality Traits:

Aries Sun Virgo Moon
Aries Sun Virgo Moon

Com um Áries Sun Virgo Moon, you’re not as impulsive or adventuresome as other Aries individuals, you prefer to look before you leap. There has to be plenty of money in the bank before you’ll take off on any escapade. Your Aries personality may be energetic, enthusiastic, and intrigued by excitement, but your Virgo inner nature holds some of those passions in check. The courage and decisiveness of Aries are instead channeled into work and responsibility, usually in analytical and intellectual areas.

For the Aries Sun Virgo Moon individual, your approach to life is meticulous, with precision and accuracy being your aim. Your attention to detail and skill at analysis enable you to arrive at conclusions and decisions only after you have gained a thorough knowledge of your subject.

Unlike most Aries individuals, having an Aries Sun Virgo Moon makes you somewhat conservative and cautious, basing your actions upon the precedent of experience and reason. Prudence always holds sway—even when that Aries temper is ignited.

There is a basic conflict in the Aries Sun Virgo Moon combination: Bold and confident Aries must contend with somewhat shy and reticent Virgo. You may long to be dashing and daring, but inhibitions usually hold you back. This difficulty in living up to the demands of your Aries ego can cause feelings of inadequacy and frustration.

With an Aries Sun Virgo Moon, you’ll have to learn to accept yourself for what you are, rather than for what you feel you should be. Recognize and appreciate your many talents. And stop placing such heavy demands on yourself.

Having an Aries Sun Virgo Moon, your exceptional intelligence, precision, and concentration enable you to master careers in medicine, law, engineering, and other fields requiring patience and exacting effort.

Aries Sun Virgo Moon individuals usually find fulfillment through their work, and are admired for their sincerity and dedication. A perfectionist, you try hard to live up to the high standards you set for yourself. But guard against letting work and duties obsess you.

As an Aries Sun Virgo Moon individual, you have a tendency to find fault easily. Because you feel you are instinctively right and best informed most of the time (which is often true), problems arise when your ideas meet with opposition. Start to listen to what others have to say and develop some tolerance.

Keywords for an Aries Sun Virgo Moon:

Selfish yet dutiful; outspoken yet timid; impulsive yet orderly; bossy yet diffident, with organizational and administrative skills; straightforward and direct; strongly analytical and critical; a practical perfectionist.

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