Mercury in Virgo in the 1st House

Mercury in Virgo in the First House

Mercury in Virgo in 1st House
Mercury in Virgo in 1st House

O posicionamento de Mercúrio em Virgem indica que você tem uma necessidade de perfeição em nível mental. Grande parte do comportamento e muitas das características de personalidade associadas a Mercúrio em Virgem são resultado dessa necessidade de estar mentalmente ocupado com exames e aprimoramentos constantes. Mercúrio está bem posicionado em Virgem, pois Mercúrio rege Virgem. Assim, as funções associadas a Mercúrio têm uma afinidade particularmente forte com a energia virginiana e a sintonização dessas funções com a vibração de Virgem as fortalece e capacita.

Virgo is the Mutable Earth sign and the changeable earth nature of Virgo symbolically forces Mercury’s changeable airy nature to take on form and structure.  This allows those functions to be applied to concrete situations, bringing the mental quality associated with Mercury down to earth. The ability to apply the Mercury-associated functions concretely and practically makes them extremely relevant and,  thus, tends to bring them to the forefront of your personality.


Com Mercúrio em Virgem, se você for inseguro em relação a si mesmo, terá uma falta de confiança inerente naquilo que não pode ser verificado pela lógica ou pelos sentidos. Seu ego não consegue encarar a realidade de que há coisas que não podem ser conhecidas pela mente. De fato, quando a lógica e os sentidos são abandonados, o próprio ego se mostra uma ilusão. O empirismo lógico, portanto, torna-se uma defesa de autopreservação do ego. Para você, que tem Mercúrio em Virgem, só é real aquilo que você pode perceber com seus sentidos ou verificar com sua lógica. Essa posição, seja ela consciente ou inconscientemente mantida, acaba obrigando sua mente a analisar tudo até o menor dos elementos em sua busca para verificar a "realidade". Você nunca dá um salto de fé e, por estar obcecado com o exame e a análise, sua "ação" é toda mental.

Mercury in the 1st House:

Having Mercury in the 1st House suggests that your mind and your ability to communicate play an important role in defining your identity and your sense of self. Inwardly, you may mentally focus on your self-identity. You are apt to think consciously and analytically about your identity and selfhood. You are more likely to consciously form the question, “Who am I?” than are most people. You can be expected to take a rational approach to answering this question. With Mercury in the 1st House, your self-analysis may extend beyond this basic question to others involving the definition of your identity. The danger in your mental energy being particularly focused on your self-identity is that you may become too self-absorbed.

With Mercury in the 1st House, tt is even more common for you mental and communication functions to manifest as an integral part of your identity. You are likely to see yourself as a thinking person (or, if you shun seeing yourself as an “intellectual,” as a communicating person). Because the mental and communicating functions are so closely identified with your self-concept, they are likely to be energized and extroverted.


As an individual with Mercury in the 1st House, if you are inwardly insecure, you may feel that your self-identity and self-worth are tied to your intellectual ability and/or your ability to communicate to others. With Mercury in the 1st House, you think about and analyze yourself and your worth excessively. When critically comparing yourself to others, you inevitably come up short. You may think, consciously or subconsciously, that you are mentally inferior to others or that you cannot communicate as well as others can.

Having Mercury in the 1st House, you may have an idealized mental picture of yourself – one that is flattering to your ego – but when you think about yourself honestly and realistically, you feel ashamed that you are not what you think you should be. Your response may be to belittle yourself or to express your lack of self-confidence. As an individual with Mercury in the 1st House, you may also over-compensate by criticizing others and becoming arrogant about your own intellectual abilities. Your over-compensation, however only hides your own inadequacies from yourself.

Foco do intelecto

With Mercury in the 1st House, your intellect is generally self-focused. You are likely to be self-analytical and to think about your self-identity. Of course, you, also apply your intellect to a variety of external situations and tasks but you usually consider your intellect to be an important dimension of your personality and to define who you are.

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