Mars in Taurus in the 7th House

Mars in Taurus in the Seventh House

Mars in Taurus in 7th House
Mars in Taurus in 7th House

O posicionamento de Marte em Touro indica que você tem a necessidade de sentir que suas ações resultam em sua segurança física e material. Essa necessidade geralmente cria em você um desejo de conforto e suficiência, que você então age para buscar. Seu modo de agir é o mais adequado para atender às suas necessidades - estável, conservador e duradouro. Grande parte do comportamento e muitas das características de personalidade associadas a Marte em Touro são resultado da necessidade de suas ações promoverem segurança e durabilidade, geralmente adquirindo com determinação o que precisa para seu conforto e segurança.

O posicionamento de Marte em Touro é um tanto indiferente. Isso é simbolizado pelo semi-sextil natural entre Touro e Marte. Áries e a oposição natural entre Touro e Escorpião, que antigamente era considerado regido por Marte. Touro é o signo de Terra Fixa. A energia ativa e ardente associada a Marte encontra simbolicamente a resistência da terra fixa de Touro. O encontro dessa resistência pode fortalecer ou bloquear o uso produtivo da energia de Marte.

Marte também simboliza o animus na psique. Portanto, se você é homem e tem Marte em Touro, é provável que modele sua masculinidade para incorporar características tipicamente associadas a Touro. Se você for mulher, é provável que se sinta atraída por alguém que projete ou incorpore traços associados a Touro.


Com Marte em Touro, seu senso de inferioridade e dúvida o convenceram de que não é digno de possuir as "coisas boas da vida". Portanto, seus esforços são realmente medíocres e tímidos. Entretanto, há outra parte de você - seu ego - que espera que seus desejos sejam atendidos e que todos os confortos da vida venham até você. Com Marte em Touro, quando você descobre que os caminhos mais fáceis para a realização de seus desejos estão bloqueados, você abandona o caminho da ação em favor do desespero e da preguiça. Como alternativa, você usa maldosamente sua força natural para obter o que deseja pela força sempre que a oportunidade se apresenta.

Mars in the 7th House:

Mars in the 7th House suggests that you need to achieve a balance between your need for relacionamento and your need to assert your own will. Traditionally, Mars is in its decline in the 7th House and this placement is often associated with a weak or unassertive will and a submissive nature. The placement of Mars opposite the house that it rules, however, suggests that the path for you to travel, with regard to actualizing your desire/action function, is one of resolving opposites and seeking complements between apparent opposites. With Mars in the 7th House, you may have a tendency, particularly early in life, to be out of balance when it comes to asserting your will within the context of the desires and wills of others.

As an individual with Mars in the 7th House, you are likely to pursue your desires through your involvement in relacionamentos. The actions that you are most concerned with are likely to take place within relationships or may involve cooperation or partnership with others. One-on-one relationships are likely to be particularly important for you in achieving your goals.  Naturally, when you are operating in this mode, you will tend to treat the desires and motivations of others with consideration. Having Mars in the 7th House, you will likely bend to the will of those with whom you are involved. You realize that your welfare, the attainment of your desires, is dependent upon others and, therefore, you will usually seek to please or gain the favor of others. If carried too far, this could lead to an unbalanced desire/action function. It could even lead to dependence or co-dependence.


With Mars in the 7th House, if you are inwardly insecure, you will secretly harbor your desires but will not express them without the “permission” of others. Even then, you act only in ways that you believe are sanctioned by your relationship. You may well have no idea what your true desires are. Your actions may be totally dominated by the (perceived) desires of your partner. You may, thus, be perceived as weak-willed and totally under the domination of your partner.

Having Mars in the 7th House, though you do not acknowledge your own desires, they nevertheless exist and will assert themselves, often deviously and perversely. While thinking that you are doing what pleases your partner, you may actually be engaged in achieving your own agenda. Thus, the actions that you perform in the context of your relationship often go awry and conflict between you and your partner is likely to be the result.

With Mars in the 7th House, you may feel that you can never do what is right to please your partner. In fact, often you do not do what will really please the partner. Sometimes your partner’s reaction may be violent or demeaning. With your own desires continually unacknowledged and frustrated, you may be overwhelmed by impulsive and often destructive actions. This may fuel the conflict that exists within your relationship.

As an individual with Mars in the 7th House, sometimes the roles may be reversed. You will over-compensate for your insecurities about your desires and actions and for your fear of being dominated by others. You will preempt these fears by becoming the dominant partner in a relationship. Driven by the need to protect your own self-perceived weakness, you may become particularly aggressive and dominating in your relationships with others.

Foco dos desejos

Having Mars in the 7th House, your desires are focused on or through relationships. You have a strong desire for close relationships. You may very well feel that you cannot live happily without being in a relationship. You may see participating in a successful relationship as a primary goal in your life. Consequently, you may work very hard at pleasing your partner and developing the relationship.

With Mars in the 7th House, you are likely to be aware of your partner’s desires and take them seriously.  You may feel that you have very few desires of your own, but that you and your partner’s joint desires are sufficiently motivating. It is not uncommon for you to receive much of your motivation from your partner. The challenge with Mars in the 7th House is for you to learn to express and act upon your own desires within a relationship. This will result in the relationship actualizing as a fuller partnership.

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