Mars in Taurus in the 3rd House

Mars in Taurus in the Third House

Mars in Taurus in 3rd House
Mars in Taurus in 3rd House

O posicionamento de Marte em Touro indica que você tem a necessidade de sentir que suas ações resultam em sua segurança física e material. Essa necessidade geralmente cria em você um desejo de conforto e suficiência, que você então age para buscar. Seu modo de agir é o mais adequado para atender às suas necessidades - estável, conservador e duradouro. Grande parte do comportamento e muitas das características de personalidade associadas a Marte em Touro são resultado da necessidade de suas ações promoverem segurança e durabilidade, geralmente adquirindo com determinação o que precisa para seu conforto e segurança.

O posicionamento de Marte em Touro é um tanto indiferente. Isso é simbolizado pelo semi-sextil natural entre Touro e Marte. Áries e a oposição natural entre Touro e Escorpião, que antigamente era considerado regido por Marte. Touro é o signo de Terra Fixa. A energia ativa e ardente associada a Marte encontra simbolicamente a resistência da terra fixa de Touro. O encontro dessa resistência pode fortalecer ou bloquear o uso produtivo da energia de Marte.

Marte também simboliza o animus na psique. Portanto, se você é homem e tem Marte em Touro, é provável que modele sua masculinidade para incorporar características tipicamente associadas a Touro. Se você for mulher, é provável que se sinta atraída por alguém que projete ou incorpore traços associados a Touro.


Com Marte em Touro, seu senso de inferioridade e dúvida o convenceram de que não é digno de possuir as "coisas boas da vida". Portanto, seus esforços são realmente medíocres e tímidos. Entretanto, há outra parte de você - seu ego - que espera que seus desejos sejam atendidos e que todos os confortos da vida venham até você. Com Marte em Touro, quando você descobre que os caminhos mais fáceis para a realização de seus desejos estão bloqueados, você abandona o caminho da ação em favor do desespero e da preguiça. Como alternativa, você usa maldosamente sua força natural para obter o que deseja pela força sempre que a oportunidade se apresenta.

Mars in the 3rd House:

Mars in the 3rd House is compatible with its externally directed nature. The 3rd House is associated with early and simple contacts with your environment and with learning about that environment. The outward focus and explorative nature of the 3rd House allows the action principle of the Mars energy to freely assert itself within the limits of a realm with which you come directly in contact.

With Mars in the 3rd House, your desires are likely to be stimulated by your immediate environment. Your actions are likely to be focused on affecting your immediate environment. Much of this contact may involve interaction at the mental level, since the 3rd House is ruled by Mercury. Consequently, much of your energy and activity may be directed toward learning about the world or communicating within the immediate circle of your contacts.

Having Mars in the 3rd House, since so much of your activity involves interaction with the concrete world around you, if your Mars principal is functioning well, you are likely to develop much competency in dealing with the day-to-day aspects of life. Of course, if your Mars energy is dysfunctional, you are likely to find everyday life to be fraught with problems. With Mars in the 3rd House, you are also likely to be assertive in your daily life, especially when communicating with others.


As an individual with Mars in the 3rd House, insecurities in the Mars function stems from a feeling of weakness and inferiority which is the result of a distorted and overemphasized view of your ego’s role.  This may manifest as either timidity and incompetence or, due to overcompensation, as aggressiveness or overachievement. It will affect you at both the desire and action levels.

When focused in the 3rd House, the dysfunctional energy readily finds it  outlet in your interaction with the environment. At the desire level, you may be insufficiently motivated due to your belief that you cannot overcome a hostile environment. Or, you may have improper desires, which are either suppressed or which require you to act aggressively toward their fulfillment. At the activity level, with Mars in the 3rd House, you may feel thwarted in your actions by the environment or by your inability to take competent action with respect to it. Consequently, you may withdraw from active involvement in every-day life.

At the other extreme, having Mars in the 3rd House, you may be impelled to assert your will onto your immediate environment and act over-aggressively towards it. Whether this has good or bad effects on others and society depends on your relacionamento to your superego. Whether you act the hero or the villain, you will suffer distraction and imbalance in your inner life because of your absorption with affecting the world through your actions.

Foco dos desejos

With Mars in the 3rd House, your desires will be associated with your immediate environment. The link between the senses and desire – which is their natural association – will be even more prevalent. Paradoxically, this link being so obvious enables you to more easily control the desire/sense complex, if you truly wish to do so.

Normally, however, as an individual with Mars in the 3rd House, your desires will arise from your experience. You may easily be susceptible to verbal suggestion. A yearning for immediate gratification of desire is also common with this placement. More positively, you may focus your desire on learning – acquiring knowledge about your environment. With Mars in the 3rd House, you are likely to have a desire to communicate, which will be positively expressed as long as you have something worthwhile to communicate. Otherwise, your communication is simply asserting your ego.

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