Sun in Scorpio in the Twelfth House
Esse é o signo dos extremos. As pessoas com o Sol em Escorpião são descritas como poderosas, fracas, independentes, apegadas, apaixonadas e frias. Claramente, você é um feixe de contradições que engloba o melhor e o pior da natureza humana.
Com seu Sol em Escorpião, o segredo de sua personalidade é a intensidade. Você não faz nada pela metade. Magnético, emocional, capaz de exercer uma força tremenda, sua força está escondida nas profundezas. No signo de Escorpião, o elemento água é fixo, uma imagem que sugere um iceberg ou um poço sem fundo. Você pode parecer impassível, às vezes inacessível, mas as paixões turbulentas estão sempre agitadas por baixo, invisíveis na superfície.
As an individual with your Sun in Scorpio, you live on many levels. While you present a calm and smiling face to the world, you’re ferociously persistent and extremely strong-willed. You’re also flexible when it comes to working out solutions. When thwarted, you don’t just accept defeat. You’re extremely agile when it comes to sidestepping obstacles and figuring out a dozen new ways to get to your goal. In a wonderful paradox, flexibility is one of your most effective methods of controlling situations. Scorpio is the most misunderstood sign in the zodiac because of its complications and convolutions. Basically, you always have a hidden agenda. With a Sun in Scorpio, you’re someone of incredible depth and brilliance, and your inner psyche is labyrinth of wheels within wheels, boxes within boxes. Even when you seem to be at ease and relaxed, you are always evaluating, figuring out your moves, working out strategy. Much of this has to do with control, which is what you are all about. For Scorpio to be out of control is to be in psychic danger. Nothing is worse for you than to feel swept away by outside forces. When you control you are safe.
Com o Sol em Escorpião, a complexidade de sua mente dificulta que você passe pela superfície; você precisa descobrir o que está por baixo. Quer esteja estudando um novo assunto, aprendendo um idioma, procurando um fato ou apenas lendo para se divertir, há uma qualidade de penetração na maneira como sua mente funciona.
For the Sun in Scorpio individual, your finest attributes—and your worst—are revealed in relacionamentos. Com Escorpião, os relacionamentos geralmente são complicados. Isso não é surpreendente quando se considera que você pode ser ao mesmo tempo generoso e afetuoso, violento e imprevisível; em seus estados de espírito mais ensolarados, há sempre um indício de uma mudança iminente no clima. Você é profundamente leal aos amigos, mas também é intensamente ciumento e possessivo. Não tolera a ideia de que alguém que você ama possa ter um desejo, ou mesmo uma simples cobiça, por outra pessoa. Com você, geralmente é tudo ou nada. Moderação, restrição e certamente casualidade não fazem parte de seu vocabulário emocional.
O seu interior com o Sol em Escorpião
As an individual with your Sun in Scorpio, you have great strength, determination, and willpower. But no matter how calm and cool you appear on the outside, you’ve got a well of seething emotions underneath. For the most part, though, you keep your intensity under control by channeling it into useful activities. You’re a high achiever, and you seem to “get” things in a flash—with powerful psychic feelings you’ve learned to trust. Your instincts tell you that you’re destined to do something important and you’re not going to let yourself fail along the way. When you latch on to a new opportunity, you explore it in great depth before going ahead. Deep inside you is a gladiator spirit, and if you channel this fighting energy into positive goals (your continuing lesson), you will always be one of life’s great winners. At times, however, you feel you are a lone warrior in a harsh world. You’re a complex person who can’t always express how you feel, but one thing is certain: The things you want, you want badly.
A posição do signo do Sol indica como procuramos nos expressar, nos desenvolver, nos realizar e afirmar nossa vontade e poder para moldar nosso ambiente. A posição da casa indica a área da vida na qual escolhemos concentrar a energia de nosso signo solar e cumprir o propósito que ele representa.
Sol na 12ª Casa
Traditionally, the Sun in the 12th House is not a strong placement for the Sun. Rather than expressing and affirming the self, the focus of the 12th House is the dissolution of the self or the turning of the self away from the external towards its own interiority. Thus, you may find it difficult to function in the world and to assert your selfhood. In the 12th House, the self’s natural state is non-assertion. With your Sun in the 12th House, in order to manifest a strong presence in the world you must either overcome this centripetal tendency or you must compartmentalize yourself, creating an artificial self which deals with the world, and an inner self which watches the activities of the outer self and lives inwardly. Often, your activities may take place from behind the scenes, from a hidden or private place. Sometimes, you choose to withdraw into yourself and not deal with establishing a strong presence externally. You may also seek shelter, either emotionally and psychologically or manifestly by entering some reclusive institution.
As an individual with your Sun in the 12th House, you become insecure when you subconsciously know that your ego-self is not real and, therefore, cannot really take part in the activities of the world. Having no real self, you cannot really assert yourself. This may lead to two reactions. First, you may become self-renouncing. You may be overly timid and shy, with no self-confidence or self-esteem. You may withdraw from the world rather than face it and reveal your secret – that you are not real. You may also try to destroy the “illusion” of yourself through drugs, alcohol or self-destructive behavior. Alternatively, you may try to protect yourself from discovering your essential non-existence by projecting a false self that operates constantly in illusion. This persona has no concept of truth and seeks to keep everything hidden and behind the scenes. You are, in essence, your own puppet.
Foco de sua autoidentidade
With your Sun in the 12th House, self-identity is problematic for you. You may lack an identity-focus or you may focus your identity through one of the traits associated with the 12th House. You may see yourself as someone who is alone and withdrawn from society. You may see yourself as someone who is compassionate and caring. You may identify with some larger institution within which you can become lost. Or, you may identify yourself as a spiritual being. You may find it difficult to identify yourself with anything corporeal or be attached to corporeality. Instead, you may seek your identity as a transcendent being, destined to be absorbed in the One Essence of Being.
Descubra insights mais profundos sobre sua personalidade, motivações e desejos com um Análise aprofundada do mapa astral e da numerologia.
Artigo referenciado em:
Gargatholil, Depth Astrology: Um Manual Astrológico - Volume 2: Planetas nos Signos
Gargatholil, Depth Astrology: Um Manual Astrológico - Volume 3: Planetas nas Casas
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