Mercury in Sagittarius in the 1st House

Mercury in Sagittarius in the First House

Mercury in Sagittarius in 1st House
Mercury in Sagittarius in 1st House

The placement of Mercury in Sagittarius indicates you have a need to function mentally within broad and expansive constructs. Much of the behavior and many of the personality characteristics associated with Mercury in Sagittarius are a result of this need to be able to mentally quest and explore the world. There is an inherent tension in the Mercury placement in Sagittarius. This is symbolized by the natural square between Sagittarius and Mercury-ruled Virgo and the natural opposition between Sagittarius and Gemini, which is also ruled by Mercury. The Sagittarian propensity for ignoring detail in favor of the “big picture” can be frustrating and seem careless from the analytical and detail-oriented perspective inherent in  the Mercury-symbolized functions. Likewise, the Sagittarian focus on the abstract idea clashes with the Mercury functions’ natural tendency to be concerned with the concrete and objective.

No entanto, também há oportunidades criativas nessa tensão. Sagitário é o signo de Fogo Mutável. A energia mutável do fogo de Sagitário estimula simbolicamente a natureza mutável e arejada de Mercúrio, levando-o a todos os cantos do mundo mental. Embora isso possa ser criativamente estimulante, a superabundância de energia mutável pode criar muita instabilidade e falta de aterramento para as funções associadas a Mercúrio.

Another source of potential conflict is that the fire element within Sagittarius is prone to action, while Mercury functions in the mental realm. Either the mind may incline you to action, or the mental activity that you are engaged in may be so absorbing that you procrastinate taking any concrete action.


Com Mercúrio em Sagitário, se você for inseguro, não conseguirá enfrentar a dor da desilusão de conceitos mentais estabelecidos que naturalmente deve ocorrer se você quiser ir além desses conceitos em direção a uma compreensão maior. Isso ocorre porque esses conceitos mentais estabelecidos sustentam seu ego e suas ideias de quem você é. Você prefere permanecer julgando e mantendo-se no controle e no controle de sua própria vida. Você prefere permanecer julgando e se agarrar aos preconceitos que reforçam seu ego do que entender a verdade. Portanto, para defender seu ego contra um entendimento que possa ameaçá-lo, você se absorve na busca do frívolo. Mentalmente, você persegue a "diversão" ou passa de um entretenimento mental para outro. Dessa forma, você evita a busca por um entendimento mais elevado.

Mercury in the 1st House:

Having Mercury in the 1st House suggests that your mind and your ability to communicate play an important role in defining your identity and your sense of self. Inwardly, you may mentally focus on your self-identity. You are apt to think consciously and analytically about your identity and selfhood. You are more likely to consciously form the question, “Who am I?” than are most people. You can be expected to take a rational approach to answering this question. With Mercury in the 1st House, your self-analysis may extend beyond this basic question to others involving the definition of your identity. The danger in your mental energy being particularly focused on your self-identity is that you may become too self-absorbed.

With Mercury in the 1st House, tt is even more common for you mental and communication functions to manifest as an integral part of your identity. You are likely to see yourself as a thinking person (or, if you shun seeing yourself as an “intellectual,” as a communicating person). Because the mental and communicating functions are so closely identified with your self-concept, they are likely to be energized and extroverted.


As an individual with Mercury in the 1st House, if you are inwardly insecure, you may feel that your self-identity and self-worth are tied to your intellectual ability and/or your ability to communicate to others. With Mercury in the 1st House, you think about and analyze yourself and your worth excessively. When critically comparing yourself to others, you inevitably come up short. You may think, consciously or subconsciously, that you are mentally inferior to others or that you cannot communicate as well as others can.

Having Mercury in the 1st House, you may have an idealized mental picture of yourself – one that is flattering to your ego – but when you think about yourself honestly and realistically, you feel ashamed that you are not what you think you should be. Your response may be to belittle yourself or to express your lack of self-confidence. As an individual with Mercury in the 1st House, you may also over-compensate by criticizing others and becoming arrogant about your own intellectual abilities. Your over-compensation, however only hides your own inadequacies from yourself.

Foco do intelecto

With Mercury in the 1st House, your intellect is generally self-focused. You are likely to be self-analytical and to think about your self-identity. Of course, you, also apply your intellect to a variety of external situations and tasks but you usually consider your intellect to be an important dimension of your personality and to define who you are.

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