Venus in Pisces in the 10th House

Venus in Pisces in the Tenth House

Venus in Pisces in 10th House
Venus in Pisces in 10th House

The placement of Venus in Pisces indicates a need for universality in your relacionamentos and your value system. However, this ideal of universality is a difficult concept to actualize and, in practice, it is often manifested as ambiguity or confusion. Thus, you often feel a need for flexibility and the removal of boundaries or definition in your relationships or with respect to values. Much of the behavior and many of the personality characteristics associated with Venus in Pisces are a result of your need to return to a feeling of oneness or undifferentiatedness.

The Venus in Pisces placement is generally conducive, although there are some inherent tensions present in the placement. This is symbolized by the natural sextile between Pisces and Venus-ruled Taurus, combined with the natural quincunx between Pisces and Libra, which is also ruled by Venus. Pisces is the Mutable Water sign. Pisces’ watery nature is compatible with the softness and passivity associated with Venus. The Venusian energy symbolically diffuses to the maximum extent through the Piscean medium of changeable water. If your character is sufficiently imbued with substance, it is the positive qualities associated with Venus that are allowed to envelope you and those around you. If there is nothing to support the Venusian energy, however, then it is diluted and loses itself in an ocean of chaos.

Venus also symbolizes the anima in the psyche. Thus, if you are female with Venus in Pisces, you are likely to model your femininity in order to incorporate characteristics typically associated with Pisces. If you are male, you are likely to be attracted to someone who projects or embodies Pisces-associated traits.


As an individual with Venus in Pisces, if you are insecure, you try to bolster your ego and validate your selfhood through your relationships. Your ego feels as if it will be overwhelmed by the universal energy to which it is constantly being exposed. Desperately, you seek the approval and acceptance of others, to be included in their sphere of relacionamento and, thus, given some identity. Therefore, with Venus in Pisces, you give yourself indiscriminately in relationships of whatever depth or permanence. Making yourself so vulnerable, you are often being hurt by others and constantly at risk of harm. To protect yourself from your own vulnerability, you may adopt a variety of negative defense mechanisms.  Frightened at losing all sense of self, you may become consumed with ensuring that your own needs are met within a relationship in order to assure yourself that your selfhood still exists.

Vênus na 10ª Casa:

The placement of Venus in the 10th House suggests the importance and value that you place on accomplishment and success and your potential willingness to sublimate or even sacrifice the quality of your relationship(s) in order to achieve your goals. While the Venus in the 10th House placement resonates to a 7th-10th House conflict, the rewards that you receive by achieving success – the ability to possess and  enjoy what you like – resonates to the 2nd-10th House trine. Thus, you are likely to be driven by what you value to succeed in order to obtain what you like.

However, having Venus in the 10th House, what you value is also likely to be influenced by your focus on achievement and success. If you are predisposed by other factors to be driven toward success, then you are likely to be drawn toward those things that are symbolic of success, as well as developing values that enhance your chances of achieving success. If, however, your basic values lie in other directions than in accomplishment, status attainment and/or career service, these values could shape your ideas about success instead. Thus, with Venus in the 10th House, the relative strength of your pull toward what is represented by the 10th House or that which is symbolized by Venus should determine the extent to which one overpowers and dominates the other. If values such as enjoyment of what one likes, companionship and relationship or moral goodness are strong, this may diminish your drive toward success, as it is conceived materialistically.

Having Venus in the 10th House, this may be a positive or a negative development and may also signify some internal conflict. Even if the super-ego sanctioned concept of success is not emphasized, however, there is still likely to be a drive to achieve your own values (enjoyment, relationship, goodness, etc.). In turn, the interplay between values and success orientation are likely to shape the way that you conceive of and actualize your relationships.


As an individual with Venus in the 10th House, because you judge everything using the touchstone of its status and acclaimed success, you feel that your own relationships and how you are seen by others is determined by your own status, success and accomplishments. Feeling this pressure to succeed, you judge others by how much they will contribute to your own success and status.

With Venus in the 10th House, your values and your tastes, also, are crafted to enhance your status and to create an image of success and accomplishment. You become disturbed if you are associated with anything or anyone who does not fit this image. You believe that what is important is winning, but it is actually not the goal itself that you ultimately consider to be important, but how your winning will enhance your own image.

Having Venus in the 10th House, your true self-esteem is low and needs to be protected, since there is no authentic self behind the facade of status and success. If you do not enjoy success and status, you must grasp for it and/or manufacture it for yourself. If you cannot see yourself as successful, or you perceive that others view you as a failure, you may become discouraged, aimless, display poor judgment and/or become self-pitying.

Foco da avaliação

As an individual with Venus in the 10th House, you tend to make evaluations on a practical basis of the likelihood that something will succeed or assist you in reaching your goals. You are likely to place a high value on success and accomplishment and to be attracted to those things that are success-oriented. You generally like achievement and may dislike people or things that you associate with failure or lack of motivation. To the extent that you have traits of selflessness, you may enjoy accomplishing things that benefit society. You may, therefore, choose a career that can be described as people-oriented. You may also choose a career in which your talents of good taste and judgment can be employed successfully.

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