Pisces Moon in the 7th House

Moon in Pisces in the Seventh House

Moon in Pisces in 7th House
Moon in Pisces in 7th House

In the Moon in Pisces placement, Pisces and the Moon have a natural affinity; Pisces is the sign of depths of emotion, and the Moon represents your instinctive emotional reactions and sometimes your hidden dreams. Pisces is also the astrological sign of sorrow and self-undoing. If you have the Moon in Pisces you have deep feelings and an innate understanding of the human condition.

A peculiar danger for anyone with their Moon in Pisces is that the impressions received from the outside world will not accurately reflect the world as it is. Instead, they are filtered through an intense romanticism. With your Moon in Pisces, your instant reaction to stimuli is to interpret things as you would like them to be rather than as they are. You wear the reality distorting glasses of the incurable optimist, the dreamer, the poet.

Having your Moon in Pisces, your romantic emotionalism is not always apparent on the surface, for you try to keep this part of your nature well hidden. However, even the most pragmatic person with a Moon in Pisces feels the need to escape into a world of private imagination.

As a Moon in Pisces, you are artistic and have a keen love for beauty and the arts. Many Moon in Pisces individuals have a flair for acting, writing, composing, or painting. Gifted with vision and imagination, you express yourself well in creative areas. It is through the senses and emotions rather than the intellect that you perceive things. With your Moon in Pisces, you are extraordinarily intuitive and sometimes are gifted with psychic vision; you seem able to strip away the veil that separates the real world from the spiritual world, and to know things that others cannot comprehend.

As an individual with your Moon in Pisces, in the real world, unfortunately, you do not always have an easy time. You tend to let your emotions get the better of you. Though you seem confident and completely in charge (especially if your Sun is in a fire sign [Áries, Leo, Sagittarius]), you have a weakness for letting those with strong wills and definite opinions lead you onto unsuitable paths.

With your Moon in Pisces, although you can work tirelessly and unselfishly for others, you find it hard to be strict and disciplined with yourself. Having to make final decisions causes you conflict and anxiety. There is a strong tendency to escape harsh realities and obligations. Having your Moon in Pisces, sometimes you are perceived as gullible, but it is only your emotional nature that makes you appear that way. You are easy prey for unprincipled types who play on your tender feelings. It is an axiom in astrology that Moon in Pisces individuals are born under a special vibration that impels them to befriend humanity. Indeed, it is through helping others that you liberate yourself.

In love, as in the rest of your life, you prefer the illusion to the reality. It is the wild passion, the feeling of being swept away, that you desire. Having your Moon in Pisces, your most favorite life moments are when you feel the euphoria of love enveloping your entire being. You are a romance addict, and many Moon in Pisces individuals who drift from affair to affair keep wanting to experience the fabled glow of love as a form of psychological escapism.

Having your Moon in Pisces, you are a romantic who will do everything you can to make a mate happy. It is your nature to do this, even if you do not get an equivalent return from the other person. At the same time, you feel vulnerable and dependent and build up an elaborate array of defenses to avoid being hurt. However, once you get past playing the role of the victim, you are able to sustain a truly joyful relacionamento of honesty and depth.

A posição do signo da Lua descreve como habitualmente reagimos às outras pessoas e às circunstâncias de nossa vida, bem como a forma como vivenciamos nossas emoções e buscamos satisfação emocional. A posição de sua casa corresponde à área da vida em que operamos mais inconscientemente, de acordo com padrões passados e respostas instintivas.

Moon in the 7th House:

With your Moon in the 7th House, you can usually develop and express your emotional, subconscious in relative security, if you have a trusting relationship. You are likely to experience an emotional fullness in your relacionamentos. This is generally positive unless you are emotionally needy or emotionally irrational.

Having your Moon in the 7th House, assuming you are engaged in a positive relationship, this is an excellent venue for working out your emotional and behavioral/conditioned problems and attitudes. The Moon in the 7th House also may signify that you bring an intuitive, nurturing, and responsive energy to you relationships. However, with your Moon in the 7th House, you face the danger that in being too attentive and bound to the needs of others, you may become too reliant on others. You may also be susceptible to being conditioned or emotionally influenced by those with whom you have close relationships.

With your Moon in the 7th House, when you learn that your partner’s emotional needs are as important and valid as your own, you then strive to fully develop your emotional side in order to both share this with your partner and to be more sensitive to and responsive to your partner. This, of course, flavors all of your interpersonal contacts. Consequently, the impression that you make on others is of someone who has a warm, caring and open personality. This is an impression which is conveyed by the genuine nurturing and caring attitude that you have for others. With your Moon in the 7th House, you have a “sixth sense” that responds to others’ needs and creates a subconscious or emotional bond in your interpersonal dealings.


Having your Moon in the 7th House, if you do not have a well defined sense of your own self, you will be unduly subject to the influences of others. The Moon symbolizes an open window into the world of the subconscious. When that window is placed in the 7th House, it allows all sorts of influences to enter your subconscious and to become implanted  there to condition your behavior. You may feel that your own emotions lack validity. This results in you being ruled by the emotions of others. You respond to others without discrimination and, thus, become vulnerable to their exploitation.

With your Moon in the 7th House, as an overcompensating defense mechanism, you may try to impose your emotions and behaviors on others. You may try to control others or impose tradition-based behaviors on others – the stereotypical over-mothering attitude. Others may also perceive you to be emotionally aggressive, as you let loose your irrational side in typical “gargoyle” fashion.

Foco do desenvolvimento emocional

As an individual with your Moon in the 7th House, you feel those emotions that are symbolized by the Moon mostly through your relationships. You may bounce your emotions off your partner and discover your own emotional world by seeing it reflected in others. Your relationships become the venue for developing your emotional life. You generally are quite sensitive to the emotional states of others and you easily respond to emotional stimuli.  This may result in an enhanced capacity for emotional bounding or youmay psychically invite emotional dumping by others. With your Moon in the 7th House, there is a danger that your emotional life and development will be dominated by others.

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