Mercury in Libra in the 12th House

Mercury in Libra in the Twelfth House

Mercury in Libra in 12th House
Mercury in Libra in 12th House

O posicionamento de Mercúrio em Libra indica que você tem necessidade de equilíbrio e harmonia mental. Grande parte do comportamento e muitas das características de personalidade associadas a Mercúrio em Libra são resultado dessa necessidade de equilíbrio mental. Muitas vezes, seu equilíbrio mental está ligado ao fato de você saber que os outros gostam de você. É provável que a comunicação interpessoal saudável e frequente também seja importante para você e isso também pode ser uma fonte de validação de que outras pessoas gostam de você. Mercúrio está bem posicionado em Libra. Isso é simbolizado pelo trígono natural entre Libra e Gêmeos, regido por Mercúrio.

Libra é o signo cardeal do ar. O ar ativo associado a Libra simbolicamente se harmoniza e ativa a leveza mutável de Mercúrio. O ar é o elemento mental natural e isso fortalece as funções associadas a Mercúrio. A função de comunicação simbolizada por Mercúrio é especialmente aprimorada, pois o relacionamentoA comunicação, que está fortemente associada a Libra, pressupõe e depende da comunicação.


Com Mercúrio em Libra, vendo o ponto de vista de todos os outros, você está muito inseguro para manter seus próprios pensamentos sobre as coisas. Na verdade, talvez você nem saiba quais são seus próprios pensamentos e pontos de vista. Seu ego está muito assustado com a possibilidade de ser rejeitado pelos outros para não tentar agradá-los concordando com a maneira de pensar deles. Um dos resultados é que você fica bloqueado em suas próprias decisões ou, pior, torna-se um papagaio das pessoas ao seu redor.

Mercury in the 12th House:

Mercury in the 12th House is a difficult placement for Mercury, given Mercury’s association with mental forms that are specific, concrete in nature and able to be categorized and known. The 12th House symbolizes those things that are hidden, that are ambiguous, universal and transcendent and for your mind to be focused on this level of existence may be difficult. With Mercury in the 12th House, you may find it difficult to find anything that you can mentally latch on to. You may become confused about what it is you are supposed to learn or know and may question whether there is anything that can be definitely known. This confusion and frustration may cause you to devalue your mental capabilities or to want to avoid mental activity.

Having Mercury in the 12th House, your mental and communicating faculties may appear weak or you may be unaware of the mental side of your personality and psyche. It may seem as if your mental capabilities evaporate or disintegrate. It is only when you consciously face the ambiguities and unknowns of life that you are likely to find your mental strength and be able to develop your mental faculties.

As an individual with Mercury in the 12th House, you may employ your mental and communicative energy to help others once you face the existence of pain and suffering in the world. Grasping the intuitive component of the mind, you may tackle difficult and subtle mental problems once you accept that there are no clear-cut and simple answers. Realizing that there is much in life that is unknown, with Mercury in the 12th House, you may turn your mental energy to uncovering what lies hidden and bringing the undiscovered to the light of knowledge. Coming to grips with the confusion and disorganization that besets you, you may use your mental faculties to gain more organization in your life.


Having Mercury in the 12th House, faced with confusion and doubt and an inability to mentally form a stable world in which your ego can safely reign, if you are inwardly insecure, you will adopt a subconscious defense mechanism to preserve your ego-consciousness from disintegration and collapse. This generally involves the creation of a fantasy world, a mental construct in which your ego can safely operate and within which it is king or queen. With Mercury in the 12th House, you may engage in various subterfuges, directed both at yourself or others, in order to preserve this fantasy. You become an expert at hiding facts and realities. Although your mental world may appear to be falling apart to others, from your own point of view it is something you can grasp onto. One danger with Mercury in the 12th House is that you may grasp onto a fantasy that involves masochism, substance abuse or self-dissipation.

Foco do intelecto

With Mercury in the 12th House, you are likely to be intellectually interested in exploring the unknown and the mysterious. This may include the mysteries of life and death, the subconscious, the self, religion and mysticism, the problem of good and evil and the reality of phenomena. You may be particularly comfortable, mentally, with problems that are ambiguous and with solutions that are unclear. You may not be willing to be specific and absolute in your ideas and intellectual beliefs and you are more likely to be inclined toward a relativist intellectual perspective. You are less likely to commit to the idea that something is “this way” and more likely to state “these are the possibilities.”

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