Cancer Sun in the 9th House

Sun in Cancer in the Ninth House

Sun in Cancer in 9th House
Sun in Cancer in 9th House

Having your Sun in Cancer, you may appear gentle, kind, sympathetic, and a patient listener. Then someone asks for advice, and you turn cranky, snappish, and appear to be completely indifferent to anyone’s problems but your own. You may wallow in self-pity and complain endlessly about how mistreated you are by the world. Turn another page of the calendar and suddenly you are back to being helpful, solicitous, and ready to do anything asked of you. More than any other sign, Cancer is a series of contradictions. With your Sun in Cancer, you prize security above all else, yet love new adventure. You are the soul of caution but you’re also a courageous initiator who goes out of your way to push over obstacles with your driving personality.

Complex, fragile, unpredictable, temperamental, the typical Sun in Cancer individual needs constant support and encouragement. You want desperately to be loved and approved of but resent needing approval so badly. Cancer’s big lesson is to recognize the hidden anger you carry within you and not allow this to corrode the relacionamentos that give you the emotional support you seek. Happily, when you get what you need, you give the best you have in return. Those who make you feel secure command your undying loyalty. With your Sun in Cancer, when you really care for someone there is nothing anyone can say about that person that will make the least bit of difference. You have a real blind spot when it comes to seeing a failing in those you love.

With your Sun in Cancer, you tend to be a worrier and a silent brooder. People may pour out their hearts to you, but the flow never goes in the other direction. You are cautious about revealing too much of yourself; you guard your secrets well. If offended, you do not strike back directly. Your method of retaliation is to sulk, and it is often very effective.

Having your Sun in Cancer, beneath your tough exterior you are a sentimental softie who will make any sacrifice for someone in need. If someone asks for a favor, your first reaction will probably be no, but the final answer is always yes. With your Sun in Cancer, you should be judged not by what you say but by what you do. You are possessive. Anyone who becomes part of your life will never again be entirely free.

For the individual with their Sun in Cancer, once you overcome your shyness and touchiness and master your turbulent emotions, your intellect and imagination enable you to become a success in almost anything you undertake. You have the ability to dig into your own inner life and turn creativity into practical ideas. Contrary to the impression you often give, you can be shrewd and canny in business. Cautious, conservative in your approach, you possess an antenna that quickly gauges public taste and opinion and senses new trends in the making. You’re also an on-the-mark judge of people. With your Sun in Cancer, this instinct for business combined with imagination is magical for acquiring financial security, and Cancer is called a “money sign” because of its ability to attract wealth. Cancer people hold on to money as tenaciously as they do to everything that belongs to them. To you money spells security, yet no matter how much wealth you accumulate you never feel really secure. That is true of your emotional security also.

The Inner You with your Sun in Cancer

With your Sun in Cancer, on the surface you’re the picture of calm and strength, but underneath you tend to feel insecure and inadequate. You are positive that other people know what they’re doing while you’re just winging it. Harmony is important to you—any kind of conflict or quarrel leaves you feeling depressed. However, you’re definitely not wishy-washy; you have the courage of your convictions and the strength to stick up for what you think is right. You don’t welcome change, and are hesitant about going ahead with something untried, yet this doesn’t stop you from doing what has to be done.

A posição do signo do Sol indica como procuramos nos expressar, nos desenvolver, nos realizar e afirmar nossa vontade e poder para moldar nosso ambiente. A posição da casa indica a área da vida na qual escolhemos concentrar a energia de nosso signo solar e cumprir o propósito que ele representa.

Sol na 9ª Casa

Your Sun in the 9th House suggests that you tend to gain a sense of who you are by exploring and understanding the world. Thus, you tend to be externally focused and extroverted. Your ability to explore beyond your current horizons requires that you develop that capacity through expansiveness. By expanding your capabilities, your experience, your resources, etc., you gain opportunities to explore and understand new territory.

With your Sun in the 9th House, you are likely to be interested in institutions and activities that are expansive in nature. These include academics, philosophy, and travel. You are likely to be interested in pursuing whatever new experiences you can access.

As an individual with your Sun in the 9th House, you are also likely to have a need to integrate your experiences so that they form a consistent whole. This requires you, consciously or unconsciously, to have a paradigm to which you are able to relate your diverse and growing experiences. If you are conscious of this paradigm, you may have spent energy in seeking and developing it and may still be in the process of testing and modifying it as you become aware of new “data.” Understanding your experiences is likely to be important to you. Therefore, you may tend to avoid what you cannot understand.


With your Sun in the 9th House, if you are inwardly insecure, you will always be searching and never satisfied. But you are also unwilling to give up what limits you more than anything else – your ego. Therefore, your understanding of the world and your place in it is fundamentally flawed. As an individual with your Sun in the 9th House, you see yourself at the center of the world and, if your position is threatened, you become defensive. If your illusion is shown to be false, your self-confidence will be destroyed. Thinking that you understand the world, your attitude is smug and arrogant. You may pride yourself on your knowledge and on your connection to traditional institutions and, in this way, you seek to acquire status. If those constructs you hold to are found to be invalid or they fail you, you are likely to become confused and disillusioned. You may give up your faith and give yourself over to self-indulgence.

Foco de sua identidade

Having your Sun is in the 9th House, you are likely to identify with what you understand. You see yourself as a person of understanding and knowledge. You are also likely to view yourself as someone who is experienced, broad-minded and, possibly, well-traveled. You may possess a greater identification with community and community institutions than is normally found. Generally, you take your identity from how you have gone out into the world, “claimed” it as your own and expanded your horizons.

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