Vênus nos signos

Vênus em Áries

Essa posição de Vênus confere uma natureza amorosa responsiva e impulsiva. Você é o tipo de pessoa que se apaixona à primeira vista e não pensa duas vezes antes de seguir os ditames de seu coração. Você é muito sensual e se sente mais completo quando está emocionalmente envolvido com alguém. A aparência física é o que primeiro o atrai, mas para manter um caso de amor você também precisa encontrar compatibilidade mental. Uma aparência desleixada ou um comportamento vulgar e barulhento o afastam. Como Vênus-Ariano, você atrai amigos por causa de sua atitude demonstrativa e entusiasmada. Você gosta de dar presentes inesperados a quem ama. Pessoas com Vênus em Áries Você é uma curiosa mistura de sentimentalismo e agressividade. Suas emoções são facilmente tocadas, mas você também é exigente e um tanto egoísta. Os outros não devem esperar que você se acomode em paz doméstica; você é muito inquieto e paquerador, muito apaixonado pelo amor.

Vênus em Touro

As a Venus-in-Taurus person you are affectionate and romantic, but you don’t give your love away too quickly. A bad love affair is hard on you emotionally, so you take your time deciding on the right person to love. This process, however, is done by feeling rather than thinking logically. Yours is a very physical and earthy love nature. To you, love does not exist without sex. You are very demonstrative and generous toward a lover, sometimes too much so. Your passion can be smothering; you have an all-consuming need to make a lover belong to you. With friends, you are willing and ready to help, but you are as cautious about forming instant friendships as about love. This position of Venus brings money luck, sometimes through inheritance or marriage. Venus-in-Taurus people have a keen artistic eye and are interested in music. You also love to eat and have to fight overweight.

Vênus em Gêmeos

If you have Venus in Gemini you must have an intellectual rapport with someone before your affections begin to blossom. Basically, you have a lighthearted attitude toward love. Intense, heavy emotional commitments are like an anchor around your neck. You have such a wide range of interests—travel, literature, music, seeing new places (and meeting new people)—that a lover just can’t be the single focus of your life. This lends a certain coolness to your emotions. Your inconstancy sometimes causes you difficulties in love or marriage, but you bounce back quickly. Not even a frustrated lover can be angry at you very long—you are too charming, witty, and funny. You enjoy being with people and have lots of friends, and often more than one lover. (Venus exerts its most flirtatious influence in Gemini.) This position of Venus also stimulates a careless and free hand for spending money.

Vênus em Câncer

As a Venus-in-Cancer person you are romantic and sensitive. Being loved is more important to you than almost anything else, though you often conceal this need under a shell of reserve. You are not, however, so blindly romantic that you don’t carefully consider future security. For example, if you are a man you may not propose marriage until you have some reliable means of earning a living; if you are a woman you make sure you won’t end up sharing your lover’s poverty or struggling to support him. In a love affair you would much rather be pursued than do the pursuing; you need the reassurance that someone wants you enough to go after you. Once you feel secure you are demonstrative and sensual. You have a wonderful gift for eloquence and you are also intensely sentimental. You will make a big fuss over your lover’s birthday and remember the anniversary of the day you first met. This position of Venus indicates strong family loyalty. Venus-Cancerians are delightfully content to be at home and often love to cook.

Vênus em Leão

Without doing anything, Venus-Leos are able to attract warm feelings on the part of others. There is something so magnetic, so irresistibly likeable, about you that you enjoy great popularity. You are extravagantly affectionate and generous, buying expensive gifts for those you love and praising them to the skies in front of other people. Of course, what you must have back is intense devotion, loyalty, and lots of attention. You must always be dominant in a love affair. “All the world’s a stage” was written about your emotional nature. No one can make a scene or confrontation as dramatic as a Venus-Leo. Needless to say you are drawn to the world of theater, and many of you are blessed with superb creative gifts. You also love fine possessions—money, clothes, jewels, furs. Though self-indulgent and pleasure-seeking, you are capable of making a great self-sacrifice for the happiness of someone else.

Vênus em Virgem

Se você tem Vênus em Virgem, tende a ser cauteloso ao se apaixonar. Às vezes, você evita o envolvimento ao considerar os pequenos defeitos de uma pessoa e os transforma em grandes falhas de caráter. Você se mantém sob rédea curta, pois teme que seus sentimentos sejam explorados por alguém indigno. O que você quer em um amor relacionamento is someone who will regard you as special. Curiously, however, when you do give your heart away it’s often to the wrong person, who will not appreciate your fine qualities. (For some reason, this position of Venus tends to promote scandal.) Venus-Virgos have many virtues. You are refined and intelligent, loyal and sympathetic. Often you are an imaginative writer and teacher; you have an excellent business sense and a quiet but witty sense of humor. Many of our brilliant government leaders and humanitarians are Venus- Virgos who have given their love to the world at large rather than to one person.

Vênus em Libra

You are in love with love. However, you are much more romantic than sensual. You skate gracefully over the profundities of love. Anything coarse, crude, vulgar, or earthy repels you. To you, true love is of the spirit. This is not to say you are sexually chaste. Indeed, you fall in love too easily and often have more than one amour going at a time. However, a love affair for a Venus-Libran must have all the right trappings and ritual. The ambiance created by champagne, intimate candlelit suppers, poetry written expressly for you, and beautiful gifts quite undoes your resistance. You put great store by charming social manners. People who don’t measure up are summarily dismissed no matter what their deeper qualities may be. Venus-in- Libra can be cold and aloof toward anyone who presumes. This position of Venus is superb for an artistic talent or a flair for design and decoration. You are successful working in creative projects within a partnership or marriage (sometimes you combine both). Venus-Librans adore creature comforts and luxury and tend to be extravagant with money.

Vênus em Escorpião

Com sua Vênus em Escorpião, estar apaixonado é uma experiência que o consome por completo. Há uma profunda intensidade em suas emoções. Sua vida sexual é apaixonada e demonstrativa e, em um caso de amor, é o lado sexual do relacionamento que é enfatizado. Entretanto, você também coloca o amor em um plano espiritual. Sua necessidade profunda é possuir um amante por completo, fazer com que seu parceiro se renda a você de corpo e alma. Isso, previsivelmente, leva a cenas tempestuosas; não é fácil para ninguém lidar com essa possessividade. Você é muito sensível a qualquer rejeição; pode se irritar como um porco-espinho. Se alguém não corresponder ao seu amor, você pode até se tornar vingativo. (No entanto, se você tiver o Sol em Libra ou Sagitário, o impulso ciumento é atenuado). Vênus-Escorpião tende a se envolver em casamentos lucrativos ou parcerias comerciais. Você tem uma imaginação arrebatadora e muitos de vocês fazem trabalhos artísticos altamente originais.

Vênus em Sagitário

Venus-Sagittarians begin love affairs with a spirit of adventure. You like to experience the excitement of love in the same way you search for diversion in the rest of your life. First attractions are always wildly romantic; as a Venus-Sagittarian you never seem to have commonplace or banal love affairs. However, you cannot sustain the emotion, and therefore never completely sacrifice your freedom to another person. What you want is the unobtainable— perfect love—and even if you could find it you would shrink from being possessed by it. With such contradictory attitudes, it’s no wonder you leave your lovers terminally puzzled. Basically, Venus-Sagittarians are high-spirited, outgoing, and highly imaginative. You tend to attract powerful and influential friends and find it much easier to deal with friends than with lovers. For one thing, friendship is less demanding. Luck in creative affairs surrounds projects undertaken in foreign countries or far from home.

Vênus em Capricórnio

Venus-Capricorns are as careful and cautious about love as about anything else. You may sometimes be thought of as cold and calculating because you believe in the dictate “it’s just as easy to fall in love with someone rich as with someone poor.” In fact, this was probably said originally by a Venus-Capricorn. However, it is far from telling the whole story. When in love, you are loyal, faithful, and dependable. If you don’t marry rich, you work to give a mate security, and that includes material comforts. You may not be demonstrative and flowery, but what you say you mean. There is a dichotomy between your emotional life and your sexuality: You have earthy passions but keep them separate from your mental attitude. You can be sexually involved and detached at the same time. Venus in this position indicates a personality that is jealous, possessive, and fearful of rejection. Once snubbed, Venus-Capricorn’s reaction is complete coldness.

Vênus em Aquário

Vênus em Aquário promove uma natureza gentil e amorosa. Você é prestativo, caridoso e generoso, mas não é uma pessoa emotiva. Você tem uma atitude intelectualmente desapegada em relação ao amor. Para você, a liberdade pessoal é o mais importante, e qualquer relacionamento deve deixá-lo livre para explorar interesses e hobbies variados, conhecer novas pessoas e desfrutar de uma ampla gama de amigos. Você não tolera ciúmes e se afastará de cenas emocionais. Você acredita em justiça e franqueza. Como aquariano de Vênus, é mais provável que tenha amizades platônicas porque os envolvimentos sexuais são mais emocionalmente vinculantes do que você gosta. Você é imensamente popular e pode atrair muitos amantes; muitas vezes, porém, opta por direcionar seu magnetismo pessoal para preocupações maiores e verdades mais duradouras do que o mero romance. Aquário é o signo das esperanças e dos desejos, e Vênus nesse signo geralmente lhe concede o que você sonha (embora não até a meia-idade ou mais tarde).

Vênus em Peixes

As a Venus-Piscean you are inclined to have tender emotions and a deep capacity for devotion. In love, you are gentle, kindhearted, extremely sensitive—and fickle. It is not that you mean to be inconstant. It’s simply that being in love is such a wonderful feeling, and being loved makes you feel complete. You have an unfortunate penchant for choosing the wrong kind of lover, the kind who will take emotionally but not give back. Venus-Pisceans often have a secret love affair that causes them grief. You are completely intuitive about love, never logical. No other position of Venus can be as self-sacrificing or places more importance on the happiness of loved ones. You have true empathy for the problems of another person. Venus also indicates an imaginative and creative artistic flair, which helps you to put your feelings into writing, acting, or music. Venus-Pisceans are so generous that money slips through their fingers.