Meio do Céu em Câncer: Seu sucesso e realização

If you have your Midheaven in Cancer, you need a career that allows you to use your intuition and your ability to care for others.

Meio do Céu em Câncer
Meio do Céu em Câncer

Criando sucesso

Cancer Midheaven individuals achieve successful outcomes when they express themselves with an awareness of others’ feelings. They feel empowered by a position of caring about other people. Their concern for the lives of others opens the way for them to support them and achieve their own aims as well.

It can be scary at first, since Cancer Midheaven individuals learned to be somewhat hard-hearted and tough in childhood. And yet, speaking in terms of feelings magically opens the doors to whatever they want in life. Asking others how they are feeling, and wanting to nurture and support them, encourages others to be interested in hearing about their own vulnerabilities and feelings.

Ironically, by giving up control, the Cancer Midheaven gain a true sense of being in charge of their own destiny.

Seu calcanhar de Aquiles

Cancer Midheaven people fear losing the safety of their role as the perennial “authority,” always sufficient unto themselves. They may also avoid allowing themselves to be emotionally vulnerable for fear of losing the security of having total control over their own life. This stance is a survival tool they developed in childhood that no longer serves them in adult life. It leads to the unhappiness of self-isolation, of remaining so rigidly in control that they allow no one to interact with them on a deep level.

If the Cancer Midheaven seeks to relate only to people and situations that they can dominate or use in some way, they will find themselves very often alone, alienated from others by endless justifications of the rightness of their position. This defensive position precludes interaction on a deep emotional level and can deter others from desiring to establish intimate contact with them. The result is the disappointing experience of gaining the respect of no one.


Happiness enters into every area of the Cancer Midheaven’s life when rigid rules of behavior are replaced with an attitude of wanting to share themselves and care for other people. They “win” by being willing to relate with others on an emotional level, by letting them see their vulnerability, their humanness, and the truth (as opposed to the drama) of what they experience in their deepest nature. As they allow themselves to be vulnerable, they automatically gain the respect of others.

The Cancer Midheaven individual’s willingness to openly communicate their feelings and vulnerabilities inspires others to organize their own emotional lives. Happiness comes through relating to others equally, without sorting them by their rank or usefulness to their purposes. Joy enters into every area of life that is approached with an attitude of openness to emotional change and a maternal protectiveness of others’ sensitivities.

Sua "base

Their early environmental conditioning for the Cancer Midheaven was in many ways very restrictive and one of their parents was more authority figure than caregiver. Essentially, they were programmed, learning early on who they should be when they grew up, the job they should have, the person they should marry. This carries over in their adult life as a feeling that they must always be on top of their emotions, that vulnerability is not permitted, that safety depends upon being always in control.

Their survival tools included taking responsibility for creating successes that would engender self-respect. The Cancer Midheaven learned to rely on themselves as the authority in their life, to ensure their own safety. In childhood, confusingly, they were in some way handed the responsibility for family success long before they had developed the maturity to know how to take on this role without limiting themselves.

For the Cancer Midheaven, there can be a feeling of restriction, a conviction that they must always put duty first, even when that comes at the expense of what nourishes them. Cancer Midheaven people are learning to rise above the need to control in lieu of having caring, nurturing relacionamentos with others.

Boas opções de carreira

Cancer Midheaven people are happiest in careers that allow them to nurture others, to express empathy and concern. They want personal, emotional involvement to be a part of their livelihood. Anything involving the home — real estate, interior decorating, cooking, care-taking — works best for them. This extends to working with peoples’ home base — i.e., their foundation, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual

Cancer Midheaven’s most successful goals result in providing a sense of personal safety for all involved. Their specialties are their awareness of others’ feelings and the ability to draw upon a mothering quality within themselves to lend support and encouragement to others. Their greatest career fulfillment will be accompanied by a sense of family in their interactions with colleagues.

Self-contentment for the Cancer Midheaven is assured when they allow the world to see them as a loving person, deeply caring and sensitive to others’ emotions; and when they share the unusual strength and integrity of their own feelings.

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