Planets in the 5th House

The Fifth House (House of Creativity and Sex)

Sun in 5th House (Planet of vitality and individuality):

You are energetic and creative, fond of pleasure and good living. You are interested in art, theater, sports, and like to be with people. You may have many love affairs, and you spend money with a free hand.

Good point: joy in children.

Bad point: pride interferes with love relacionamentos.

Moon in 5th House (Planet of emotions and instincts):

You are impulsive about love and tend to follow your heart rather than your head. You seek out pleasure in life; one of your love affairs is likely to become public knowledge. You may have a child who becomes famous.

Good point: romantic and creative imagination.

Bad point: overprotective and possessive of lovers and/or children.

Mercury in 5th House (Planet of the mind):

You like change and new people, and probably have a número of love affairs. A lover must keep you intellectually interested or you become bored. You have a dramatic way of expressing yourself, and may possess artistic talent.

Good point: flair for communicating with the public.

Bad point: overcritical with loved ones.

Venus in 5th House (Planet of love and pleasure):

You like social life and being in the spotlight. You attract romance, and usually have many lovers. You take pleasure in creative work and are affectionate with children.

Good point: you have the talent to succeed in the artistic and entertainment world.

Bad point: self-indulgent and overly fond of applause.

Mars in 5th House (Planet of energy and assertiveness):

You are rash and impulsive in love affairs, and sometimes too impatient in lovemaking. You are competitive (in love, sports, socially) and need to be a winner. You have a personal magnetism that draws people to you.

Good point: leadership ability.

Bad point: conflicts with loved ones because of ego.

Jupiter in 5th House (Planet of luck and expansion):

You enjoy most forms of recreation—sporting events, parties, and theater are special favorites. If there are no opposing influences in your chart, you will be lucky in speculation. You are sometimes indiscreet about love affairs.

Good point: children bring happiness.

Bad point: extravagant; sometimes gambling losses.

Saturn in 5th House (Planet of discipline and limitation):

Because you are disciplined and take life seriously, you often don’t allow yourself to relax and have fun. You have strong feelings about those you love, but you also need their respect. You may be stern with children. Your periods of unhappiness have taught you a lesson in life.

Good point: conscious of duty and responsibility to loved ones.

Bad point: fear of giving too much of yourself in love.

Uranus in 5th House (Planet of change and originality):

You are prone to sudden infatuations that also end abruptly. You may be engaged to marry and then break the engagement. You like novelty and experimentation in sexo.

Good point: innovative and inventive in creative expression.

Bad point: may be estranged from children.

Neptune in 5th House (Planet of spirituality and illusion):

You love pleasure and luxury (sometimes too much); you are very drawn to the theater or cinema. You bring a fantasy quality to lovemaking. You may be involved in one or more illicit love affairs, which may cause sorrow.

Good point: artistic talent, especially as actress or actor.

Bad point: vulnerable to loss through gambling or fraud.

Pluto in 5th House (Planet of transformation):

You are impetuous and passionate and will follow your desires where they lead you. You exaggerate the importance of your love affairs until you become intensely involved. You have a strong artistic bent.

Good point: you feel responsibility to loved ones.

Bad point: you harbor resentment against a past love.