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The Psychology of Restaurant Colors in Customers’ Happiness and Satisfaction

Bars and diners aim to provide customers with excellent food and service. One underrated factor that can help with their happiness and satisfaction levels is the space’s interior design. Restaurant color psychology dictates the ambience and influences customers’ emotions. The Importance of Customer Satisfaction Few restaurants disregard customer satisfaction because a large majority understand how […]

The Psychology of Restaurant Colors in Customers’ Happiness and Satisfaction Leia mais "

In-Depth Natal Chart Analysis Summary

A Detailed Understanding of 45 Specific Areas of Your Chart:Astrology OverviewHemisphere and Quadrants: The different areas of life are laid out in a natal chart by spatial territories called houses. These areas of life show interests and general involvements for each person. These areas can be grouped together for a vast overview of the most

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O que são sigilos?

A sigil, or magical symbol, is a sort of “shorthand” for a ritual intention: a “barcode”, if you will, that invokes a particular intent.This intention can be for the manifestation of whatever you are looking for in your life. Whether it be for financial abundance, love, job, or anything else you are looking to manifest,

O que são sigilos? Leia mais "

How Your Moon Sign Affects Your Ability to Manifest

Astrologically speaking, Moon signs can be much more interesting than Sun signs.Sun signs deal more with the external identity of a person, the energy they radiate to the world around them.  Moon signs deal with the emotional identity; emotions dictate what you manifest into your life. Moon signs show the energy that you pull in

How Your Moon Sign Affects Your Ability to Manifest Leia mais "

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Como meu mapa astral revelou minhas crenças limitantes

Somos todos indivíduos únicos, com nossos próprios padrões de pensamento e maneiras de interpretar o mundo ao nosso redor. A Astrologia e a Numerologia são uma forma de revelar nossa singularidade, dando-nos uma compreensão de como nossos sistemas de crenças se originaram. Quando analisei meu próprio mapa astral pela primeira vez, fiquei surpreso

Como meu mapa astral revelou minhas crenças limitantes Leia mais "


5 sinais de que você não está vivendo em alinhamento com seu propósito

When you are on your true life path you feel the most at peace and fulfilled. Straying from your path leads to living no longer in alignment with your purpose.But how can you tell if you’re living in alignment with your soul’s purpose, and what are the signs that you’re not?Having this knowledge and awareness

5 sinais de que você não está vivendo em alinhamento com seu propósito Leia mais "

As crenças limitantes estão mantendo você preso em ciclos repetitivos de carência?

A limiting belief is an unconscious belief that keeps you stuck. Since you’re unaware of it, there’s nothing you can do to remove it until you become conscious of it and question it. These thoughts are often deeply rooted in your mind, they become a filter of false beliefs and self-imposed limitations through which you

As crenças limitantes estão mantendo você preso em ciclos repetitivos de carência? Leia mais "


As crenças limitantes estão diminuindo seu poder de manifestação?

The Law of Attraction is a universal law supported by the law of physics – like attracts like. The is the principle behind getting what you want in life, or attracting what you do not want.Most people go through life unaware of how the law of attraction is affecting their lives; the law affects all

As crenças limitantes estão diminuindo seu poder de manifestação? Leia mais "

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As crenças limitantes estão bloqueando sua abundância?

A maioria de nós deseja prosperidade em todas as áreas da vida e considera a abundância como riqueza, saúde e felicidade. Muitas vezes, refletimos sobre como seria nossa vida ideal, que ambiente profissional gostaríamos de ter e como passaríamos nosso tempo livre.

As crenças limitantes estão bloqueando sua abundância? Leia mais "

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7 Crenças limitantes que podem estar mantendo você preso em ciclos repetitivos de carência

We all are unique individuals with our own unique thought patterns and at some stage in life will suffer from deep-rooted limiting beliefs.Limiting beliefs prevent us from attracting what we want into our lives.They are so powerful that no matter how hard we try to control our thoughts or emotions, we still can’t manifest our

7 Crenças limitantes que podem estar mantendo você preso em ciclos repetitivos de carência Leia mais "


Estratégias exclusivas de saúde mental que qualquer pessoa pode usar

Boosting your mental health can improve several other aspects of your life, from your job to your relationships, so it’s crucial to actively look for ways to feel better and work them into your daily routine. You don’t have to feel obligated to practice the same self-care methods that everyone else uses, however, especially if

Estratégias exclusivas de saúde mental que qualquer pessoa pode usar Leia mais "