Nodos Norte de Leão e Aquário

Seu caminho de vida do nodo norte:

Leão e Aquário são os signos da individualidade e da atividade em grupo, a realeza (Leo) versus those who keep it real (Aquarius). If you born with a Leo north node or an Aquarius north node, your destiny involves a path of balancing between the spotlight (Leo) and being a team player (Aquarius), self-gratifying luxury and a bohemian or communal spirit. You could even think of Leo energy as the “haves” and Aquarius energy as the “have nots.” People with Leo and Aquarius nodes can drift between privileged, patrician worlds and some of the most spiritually and emotionally impoverished ones. Their hearts can be big, but so can their appetites.

Leo is a regal sign that’s ruled by the Solque é o centro do nosso sistema solar. Não é surpresa que alguns Pessoas do nodo sul de Leão are born thinking the world revolves around them! Their path is to learn humility, but not at the expense of their dazzling inner fire and glorious stage presence. Leo south nodes must learn to use their theatrical ways for the betterment of all—or to forward a humanitarian cause.

Aquário is the zodiac’s socialist, all about equality and progressive social policies and activism. Peace icons Mahatma Gandhi and Princess Diana were both born under the Aquarius south node. The Nódulo norte de Leão/Nódulo sul de Aquário is a powerful changemaker, but in this lifetime, they can get lost in a crowd. These people need to channel their Leo “roar” to reach a wider audience. Once they do, they can claim the spotlight and shine, spreading a message of justice. While Leo north nodes care deeply about society as a whole, they can be a bit cool and detached on a one-on-one level. Technology and cutting-edge ideas can be their forte. Aquarius also rules computers, math, science and quantum physics. Aquarius south node people can bring their “mad scientist” brand of genius to the world, especially through digital innovations and media.

Embracing the Leo north node path of glamour, courage and self-expression is their life’s work. Otherwise, they can end up as the unappreciated behind-the-scenes workers whose creativity and voices are overlooked. When Leo north nodes take the spotlight, however, they must stay humble. Otherwise, they can veer into unbridled narcissism and ego trips. Interestingly, Leo north nodes Beyonce and Justin Timberlake were both part of major pop groups before breaking out as solo artists, while Mick Jagger (also born with this node) is the showy Rolling Stones frontman well into his 70s. Leo north node Tom Cruise is equally famous for his blockbuster films (Leo) as for his unabashed Scientology membership (Aquarius). And Leo north node Kim Kardashian’s star rose as part of an ensemble cast on her family’s reality show. Her tech-savvy Aquarius south node gifts helped her leverage fame through social media and her unforgettable “selfies.”

Nó Norte de Leão

Liberação (nodo sul de Aquário):

People pleasing, the need to be liked, hiding out in a group, emotional detachment, being overly intellectual, “head over heart,” not showing your feelings, too much nomadic living with no roots, rejection of material and sensual pleasure

Abraço (nodo norte de Leão):

Expressão pessoal desenfreada, colaboração com a elite, liderança pelo exemplo, seguir seu coração, luxo, sintonizar-se com seus desejos e sensualidade, mimar a si mesmo e aos outros, demonstrações abertas de afeto


Nov 22, 1942 – May 11, 1944 * Jun 11, 1961 – Dec 23, 1962 * Jan 6, 1980 – Sep 24, 1981 * Apr 10, 2000 – Oct 13, 2001 * May 10, 2017 – November 6, 2018

Nó Norte de Aquário

Liberação (nodo sul de Leão):

Busca de atenção, desejo de drama, materialismo, fazer com que tudo gire em torno de você, concentrar-se demais no externo, autogratificação, ter direitos, ser excessivamente protetor ou leal até o limite, medo de se expandir, evitar grupos, vaidade, respostas emocionais exageradas

Abraçar (nodo norte de Aquário):

Team spirit, collaboration, a humanitarian cause, a sense of purpose, sustainable living, “weird” people, cutting-edge ideas, focusing on other people, detaching from drama, objective and rational approaches


Mar 29, 1952 – Oct 9, 1953 * Nov 3, 1970 – Apr 27, 1972 * May 23, 1989 – Nov 18, 1990 * Dec 19, 2007 – Aug 21, 2009 • July 27, 2026 – March 26, 2028