Explorando e entendendo seu mapa natal

“We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born.”

— Carl Jung

What is an Astrology Birth Chart?

An astrology birth chart—also called an astrology natal chart—is a map of where all the planets were in their journey around the Sun (from our vantage point on earth) at the exact moment you were born. Each planetary body represents a universal archetype or pattern of behavior.

The position of planets and stars at the moment of your birth, at the very moment of your first breath, will tell you which are the natural predispositions and tendencies of your psyche. It permits you to see the dominant patterns of your psychological profile, but the choice to follow them, to accept them, to refuse them, and even to break them, that choice remains yours.

What is Numerology?

Numerology is the bridge between who you are now and who you have the potential to be, it is the study of the symbolism of números with letters. Everything in the universe vibrates at its own particular frequency. By finding the vibration rate of any object, you can establish the qualities and energies associated with it. By applying the principles of numerology – and using only your birth date, birth name, & currently used name – you can determine the major frequencies of yourself. A numerological analysis of the calculated frequencies provides significant conscious & subconscious aspects of your personality and character.

Benefits of a Birth Chart Analysis

Combining Astrology & Numerology can give you a highly accurate composite view of your personality & life direction, including your uniqueness, strengths, challenges, emotions, relacionamentos & can ultimately provide tools to raise your self-awareness.

Conflitos internos e padrões de pensamento podem mantê-lo preso em ciclos repetitivos de depressão e ansiedade. Compreender esses padrões de pensamento permite que você pense objetivamente sobre eles, se estão realmente servindo aos seus melhores interesses e os métodos exatos para superá-los.

Emotional blocks are formed when we hold onto unresolved emotions from the past. Trapped emotions, traumas, and unprocessed life experiences are the source of everything that ails us. When dealing with a painful life experience or trauma, your birth chart provides a way to think about the experience and understand the emotional realities and interpret those experiences into a new perspective for further growth – while not avoiding, repressing, or minimizing your emotions.

Thought patterns from childhood programming & family or societal expectations can give you a false sense of self.

If you feel unfulfilled in your life path & direction, work/career, and are looking for a new direction, or just seeking clarity into your current path, your birth chart is a powerful tool that can provide the confirmation needed, including the following:

  • What aspects of your personality are best aligned for your success & fulfillment

  • How you adapt to the world around you

  • How others perceive you

  • What your approach is to the material world

  • Personal emotional triggers that you may have never noticed

  • Obstacles hindering your progress

  • Techniques to break free from negative patterns & repetitive cycles

  • Methods to overcome your life challenges

If you’ve come upon something in your life that you can’t make sense of, overcoming a trauma or painful experience, or just feeling like you need direction, a section of your chart will hold the insights you are looking for.

Descubra insights mais profundos sobre sua personalidade, motivações e desejos com um Análise aprofundada do mapa astral e da numerologia:

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