Planetas na 3ª Casa

The Third House (House of Communication)

Sun in 3rd House (Planet of vitality and individuality):

You have an active, creative mind and need to communicate your ideas. Chances are you will be successful in writing, teaching, or lecturing. Your ability to express yourself often makes you a leader in your field.

Good points: ability to study, fluent, cheerful personality.

Bad points: disorganized, arrogant, tendency for misunderstandings with relatives.

Moon in 3rd House (Planet of emotions and instincts):

You tend to think emotionally and have a strong imagination. You dislike routine and your life is marked by many short trips. You have a good memory, often change your opinion, and make a good impression when working with or appearing among the public.

Good points: inquisitive mind, good common sense, successful writing about self or family.

Bad points: moody, unstable, tendency to interfere in the lives of others.

Mercury in 3rd House (Planet of the mind):

You have an alert manner and are versatile in handling both people and projects. You are practical and efficient at coping with details. People are drawn to your wit and humor and your eloquence in expressing yourself.

Good points: curious, logical, intelligent, sociable.

Bad points: nervous worrier, indecisive, apt to quarrel with relatives.

Venus in 3rd House (Planet of love and pleasure):

You are artistic, have an innate sense of taste and design, and win attention for your ideas in a way that people find charming. Your social life may involve taking a número of trips. Love may come about because of travel or through correspondence.

Good points: cheerful, creative, eloquent in both speech and writing.

Bad points: mentally lazy, superficial, too swayed by emotion.

Mars in 3rd House (Planet of energy and assertiveness):

You are determined and active and usually speak your mind. You like to be a leader and often get your way in things because you are so persuasive. You tend to drive too fast or encounter difficulties while traveling.

Good points: alert, full of new ideas, can express yourself creatively.

Bad points: argumentative, especially with relatives, vulnerable to loss in legal disputes.

Jupiter in 3rd House (Planet of luck and expansion):

You have an optimistic outlook and like to keep busy with a variety of intellectual interests. Your mind is not content with a little knowledge; you want to know more. Travel is a beneficial influence for both pleasure and profit.

Good points: curious and open to new experience, able to share ideas, good relacionamentos with relatives.

Bad points: restless, impractical, reckless.

Saturn in 3rd House (Planet of discipline and limitation):

You have a practical and rather serious mind; you want to learn things so you can put them to use. You have good powers of observation, and prefer to deal in facts rather than theories. You sometimes procrastinate because you wait to make the right decision. You may encounter difficulties or obstacles in getting an education.

Good points: contemplative, persevering, conscientious.

Bad points: prone to pessimism, estrangement from relatives.

Uranus in 3rd House (Planet of change and originality):

You have an independent and inventive mind and like to follow your own road rather than someone else’s. Travel in your life often comes up suddenly. At times you can be strikingly original in the way you speak and write.

Good points: creative, ingenious, versatile.

Bad points: restless, friction with relatives because of unconventional ideas, prone to accidents while traveling.

Neptune in 3rd House (Planet of spirituality and illusion):

Your mind is impressionable and imaginative, and you may have psychic feelings about other people. You have a deep need to learn about life and are attracted to occult studies. You like to daydream and fantasize.

Good points: idealistic, intuitive, artistic.

Bad points: discontented, may undervalue your capabilities, confused dealings with relatives.

Pluto in 3rd House (Planet of transformation):

You have a penetrating mind and seek to learn as much as possible. There is an intensity to the way you speak and write, which you can often use creatively. Travel opens new experiences for you and sometimes marks a significant turning point in your life.

Good points: curious, good concentration, original in your thinking.

Bad points: suspicious, manipulative, you want to dominate others.