Venus in Aquarius in the Fourth House
The placement of Venus in Aquarius indicates that you have a need for uniqueness and originality in your relationships and your value system. These are abstract concepts and pursuing these needs often leaves little room or inclination for emotion or the mundanely personal. Much of the behavior and many of the personality characteristics associated with Venus in Aquarius are a result of your need to feel that you are a unique individual even when involved in a relacionamento. Having Venus in Aquarius, behavior and personality are also the result of your need to adopt a set of values that are independent, not conditioned by society’s expectations and reflective of your unique viewpoint.
The Venus in Aquarius placement is complex and contains inherent tensions. This is symbolized by the natural square between Aquarius and Venus-ruled Taurus in combination with the natural trine between Aquarius and Libra, which is also ruled by Venus. Aquarius is the Fixed Air sign. While Aquarius’ airiness promotes social interaction, it is generally not at the personal level at which Venus operates. Thus, with Venus in Aquarius, you need and want social interaction, but you may not have the full set of social skills to successfully engage in interpersonal relacionamentos. Also, the fixed nature of the Aquarian character tends to inhibit the fluidity that is naturally inherent in the Venusian energy. This stiffness and rigidity also tends to impact your relationships and your values and perceptions.
Venus also symbolizes the anima in the psyche. Thus, if you are female with Venus in Aquarius, you are likely to model your femininity in order to incorporate characteristics typically associated with Aquarius. If you are male, you are likely to be attracted to someone who projects or embodies Aquarius-associated traits.
As an individual with Venus in Aquarius, in your insecurity, you are steadfastly committed to preserving your “independence” and individual “uniqueness” within your relationship(s) and as part of your value system.
Having Venus in Aquarius, you cannot understand the uniqueness of another, nor the needs of others for relationship “below” your level of self-abstraction. Your lack of understanding and appreciation for the personal causes you to become defensive in your relationship(s). This often manifests as an aloof or authoritarian attitude or a testy and suspicious nature. Also, in your conflict between the abstract and the personal, you sometimes develop a defense mechanism in which you are guarding the “higher good” against messy and imperfect “selfish” considerations of others.
Vênus na 4ª Casa:
Having Venus in the 4th House may suggest some social introversion or withdrawal, the qualities of stability and contentment that you may possess can compensate for any lack of excitement in your life. Placed in the house ruled by the Moon, the emotional qualities associated with Venus are brought out in your tastes, values and relationships. With Venus in the 4th House, in order for you to nurture and enjoy your relationships and the things that you like, you may require a somewhat sheltered and peaceful environment. Therefore, you tend to concentrate your affections within the close confines of your family.
With Venus in the 4th House, you tend to look for values that are deep-rooted and stable. Stability and a sense of rootedness often seem to provide the emotional environment that allows you to feel comfortable in opening up your receptivity and giving and receiving affection from others. You may also be inwardly receptive to your own emotional and psychic inner life.
While you may enjoy a richness of experience, both inwardly and within your family, you may also seem limited in your range of experience. As an individual with Venus in the 4th House, you may find that your tastes, attitudes and relationships are highly conditioned by your upbringing and family influences. You may not care about and, therefore, not experience much of the wider world outside your circle of everyday domestic life. With Venus in the 4th House, what you may find rich and satisfying, others may consider boring. You, too, may become bored and dissatisfied with the range of your sensate and social experience if you there are other forces that are pulling you beyond these boundaries.
With Venus in the 4th House, if you are inwardly insecure, you will fear to contact what is truly Real, or anything that is beyond your normal experience–for such contacts and relationships may bring pain and rejection. You protect yourself against what might be distasteful and disquieting by confining yourself within the familiar and predictable. Your tastes and judgments are all predetermined and do not deviate from what is expected of you by your parents and family.
Having Venus in the 4th House, you confine your relationships and much of your life within the boundaries of family life and everyday existence. In this, you live happily, seemingly, though this is the ignorance of bliss. You are actually quite vulnerable to disruptions that shake your known and predictable world. You judge harshly anything that is beyond that world, and therefore a threat.
Foco da avaliação
As an individual with Venus in the 4th House, it is not unusual for you to first evaluate your experience through the lens of family background, conditioning and expectations. Your tastes and opinions are not likely to be very different from your family’s or from those around you. You are also likely to judge things in terms of whether they contribute positively to family harmony and a smoothly-running domestic life. However, having Venus in the 4th House, you may be consumed with wanting to determine the underlying properties of things. You evaluate them, not on the basis of surface characteristics, but on what is at the bottom of a phenomenon. You may be attracted to basic values, or you may be a restless as you realize that those values that appear to be valid on the surface are not necessarily true.
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Artigo referenciado em:
Gargatholil, Depth Astrology: Um Manual Astrológico - Volume 2: Planetas nos Signos
Gargatholil, Depth Astrology: Um Manual Astrológico - Volume 3: Planetas nas Casas
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