Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Capricorn Sun and Scorpio Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces in you an extremely strong inner drive and a keen sense of your own importance as an individual. A certain rigid inner pride keeps your self-respect always at a high level. Early on, temperament may be a problem, but as you mature cooperation is learned and a judicial and rather stern nature rules the personality. A very reserved individual, you often express yourself in quiet ways, always remaining perfectly capable of communicating disapproval without saying even a word. Most people think of you as a very reasonable person and in many ways you are. It is very difficult, however, to ever persuade you that you are wrong because of a highly inflexible core within. Often you may use the tactic of appearing not to understand the other person’s point of view, even when it is quite clear to you. You are very honorable, loyal, and devoted, with a keen sense of the sobriety of life, and of your duty as a part of it. Right or wrong, you hold to your first impressions of people, especially if those first impressions were not good. You are very understanding of people and their problems, and while you usually can remain very much detached, you are a good listener and provide sound advice. Emotions never seem to interfere with your reasoning power.

Os seus maiores pontos fortes

Moral integrity and strength of character, perceptive and penetrating mind, quiet but fervent support of the underdog and of those you love, ability to focus on a goal and remain undeterred by obstacles, compassion and courage to undergo suffering for the sake of regeneration.

Os seus maiores pontos fracos

Tendency to be too serious, rigid and austere, to be accusatory and blind to your own prejudices, to get despondent and stuck in narrow and pessimistic attitudes.

Fase lunar única do seu signo lunar

The Moon Phase you were born under further refines your Moon Sign, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. You may be pulled toward certain personality traits or ways of thinking. And knowing about those predispositions can help you take advantage of them — or avoid them.

Nasceu numa Lua Cheia de Escorpião? Ou foi numa Lua Minguante de Escorpião? E o que é que tudo isto significa?

Para saber o que o seu signo lunar e a sua fase lunar revelam sobre si, Obtenha uma Leitura da Lua em vídeo personalizada gratuita aqui.


Descubra os segredos do seu eu cósmico e obtenha clareza sobre o seu caminho de vida único. Um Análise profunda do mapa astral e da numerologia oferece uma visão profunda que o ajudará a navegar pelas voltas e reviravoltas da vida com confiança e objetivo.

Análise do mapa natal