Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Capricorn Sun and Capricorn Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a very serious individual indeed. Saturn, ruling Capricorn, is a restricting influence, a taskmaster, and an overseer. When both the Sun and Moon are positioned in this sign, the personality is a little on the heavy side. Although you are likely to have a heart of gold, your nature is somewhat rigid and unbending. You demand realism, truth and facts, rejecting anything that is superficial or frivolous. Ambition is powerful and self-control is almost a fetish. There is a good deal of character associated with this placement, although you can be single-minded in achieving your goals and ambitions. Reliability is the key, as you are ever dependable, and people can depend on you doing exactly what you say you are going to do. You are not one to settle for second best no matter how hard it seems to be first and best. You are not a humanitarian by nature, and it can almost be said that your drive for power and status makes you self-centered and perhaps even a little selfish. There is a cold, hard, invulnerable streak in you that resists personal associations, even as you know how to appeal to others in a general sense.

Os seus maiores pontos fortes

Thoroughness, dependability, the serious, attentive mental attitude you bring to all situations and concerns, protective, responsible attitude to others, commendable self-control, practical organizational abilities, persistent energies, shrewd common sense, indefatigable attitude to all obstacles and challenges.

 Os seus maiores pontos fracos

Self-centeredness, lop-sided focus on self-advancement, which can ultimately make you lonely, tendency to ignore or reject the emotional and spiritual dimension of life, propensity to wear too much defensive armor and to expect the worst, tendency to judge others from a position of pious self-righteousness (try to lighten up and indulge in some purposeless fun).

Fase lunar única do seu signo lunar

The Moon Phase you were born under further refines your Moon Sign, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. You may be pulled toward certain personality traits or ways of thinking. And knowing about those predispositions can help you take advantage of them — or avoid them.

Were you born on a Capricorn Full Moon? Or was it a Capricorn Waning Gibbous? And what does it all mean?

Para saber o que o seu signo lunar e a sua fase lunar revelam sobre si, Obtenha uma Leitura da Lua em vídeo personalizada gratuita aqui.


Descubra os segredos do seu eu cósmico e obtenha clareza sobre o seu caminho de vida único. Um Análise profunda do mapa astral e da numerologia oferece uma visão profunda que o ajudará a navegar pelas voltas e reviravoltas da vida com confiança e objetivo.

Análise do mapa natal