Sol em Balança e Lua em Peixes: O Mártir

Sun in Libra with Moon in Pisces Personality Traits:

Libra Sun Pisces Moon
Libra Sun Pisces Moon

Com um Sol em Balança e uma Lua em Peixes, é um libriano muito sensível! Extremamente imaginativo, altamente intuitivo e com inclinação artística, tem muitos talentos que podem encontrar expressão prática. As pessoas ficam espantadas com a sua aparente calma e serenidade.

Com um Sol em Balança e uma Lua em Peixes, o charme, o tato e a persuasão subtil serão uma vantagem na sua vida. Gentil e requintado, fica profundamente magoado com o sofrimento de outro ser humano. É sempre atencioso nas suas relações com os outros e a malícia ou o engano são praticamente desconhecidos para si.

But, as with all highly sensitive and imaginative individuals, with a Libra Sun Pisces Moon, your path to self-fulfillment may be blocked by timidity and self-consciousness. In your youth, you were innocence and naiveté personified. You probably found it difficult and perhaps painful to adjust to some of the harsher realities of life. Fortunately, you are adaptable and know when to compromise: So, through experience, you gradually learned how to get by in a world you probably perceived as hostile.

As an individual with a Libra Sun Pisces Moon, in your adult life, you run the risk of over-adapting and over-accommodating. Never happy unless those around you are also happy, you too often sacrifice your own well-being for the sake of others. You suffer so that others may smile. In addition, you don’t assert yourself, so others often take credit for your good ideas. You need to be more aggressive, take more risks. With so much talent, it would be a shame to let it go to waste. Besides, if you eventually feel unfulfilled, you may succumb to self-hatred or masochism. It’s important for you to respect yourself!

Com um Sol em Balança e uma Lua em Peixes, o ambiente que o rodeia tem uma grande influência na sua saúde emocional. Como tende a adotar os estados de espírito e as atitudes das pessoas que o rodeiam, deve ter cuidado ao escolher os seus companheiros e amigos. Reexamine os seus relações de vez em quando, determinando se são de apoio emocional ou possivelmente destrutivas e prejudiciais. Assuma o controlo do seu ambiente, em vez de deixar que o ambiente assuma o controlo de si.

Having a Libra Sun Pisces Moon, intuition is one of your greatest gifts. Most decisions you make are based upon that remarkable sixth sense of yours. This can be especially true where money is concerned; you somehow know exactly the right moment for speculation or investment. As with all Libras, you work best in partnership—preferably with someone who can balance your diplomacy with aggression. Your imagination is intense and you have a wonderful aesthetic sense. Art, music, and other creative areas, as hobby or profession, are ideal for you.

Keywords for a Libra Sun Pisces Moon:

Sensitive; artistic; adaptable; wistfulness; inconstant; sociable; talkative; an idealist of the heart; a dreamy romantic; loving; insightful; dependent;  vacillating moods; perceptive intellect; generous; helpful; rich imagination; lazy.

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