Gemini Sun with Virgo Moon and Scorpio Rising

Sun in Gemini with Moon in Virgo and Scorpio Rising Personality Traits:

Gemini Sun Virgo Moon Scorpio Rising
Gemini Sun Virgo Moon Scorpio Rising

For the individual with a Gemini Sun Virgo Moon, the planet Mercury rules both signs of your combination. If you are familiar with mythology, you’ll know that Mercury is the messenger of the gods and governs the communication of thoughts and ideas. Self-expression is one of your strongest needs in life, whether it takes the form of writing, story-telling, debating, conversing, or just plain nagging.

Having a Gemini Sun Virgo Moon, you’ve got an ongoing need to communicate your latest ideas, deepest feelings, and the impressions you get from the world around you. And, like all highly expressive people, you must have an audience so you can air your views, show off your wit and sophistication. If deprived of such a forum, you lapse into states of moodiness and agitation.

High-strung, restless, and exuberant, your charm and intelligence usually guarantee the audience you crave. As the Gemini Sun Virgo Moon combination is extremely intellectual, you pursue knowledge avidly and you project an aura of worldly vision. But you also have difficulty specializing in any one field: Since there is always so much to learn, you feel it’s a waste of time to socialize.

Despite your elegant, lighthearted manner, you are often discontented. You set high goals and almost impossible standards for yourself, and find it difficult to live up to them.

With a Gemini Sun Virgo Moon, dissatisfaction with yourself or your projects is the source of much confusion, anxiety, and depression you experience throughout life. When you succumb to those vague feelings of self-doubt and discontent, you become moody, restless, and hypercritical toward those around you, projecting your problems onto them. If the frustration becomes too much to bear, you may resort to self-destructive behavior—alcoholism being the most common.

As an individual with a Gemini Sun Virgo Moon, fight off those feelings of discontent by developing a little compassion for yourself. Recognize and appreciate your talents and abilities, and forgive your flaws. It is also important to cultivate patience. Reward and recognition are not always instantly forthcoming, despite your labors.

Having a Gemini Sun Virgo Moon, you are the perfect critic and analyst. Your perceptions are always on target. Although not very emotional, you are considerate and thoughtful and the advice you love to dispense is almost always well thought out and wise. Professionally, your combination is well suited for fields that involve analysis and precision. In addition, you can excel in communications media— particularly advertising, journalism, and promotion. A Gemini Sun Virgo Moon individual is a terrific salesperson.

For the Gemini Sun Virgo Moon individual, a very detached view of love makes you not nearly as romantic as you may appear. Variety is what you crave, so you are likely to have many affairs before you are ready to settle down—if ever. Although a considerate, thoughtful, and appreciative lover, you can tend to be overly critical toward your mate—particularly when you are having difficulties in other areas of life.

Keywords For A Gemini Sun Virgo Moon:

Analytical; nervous; mental energy; sense of service; clarity of expression; conscientious; practical expertise; communication skills; restless worrier; divine discontent; intellectual and artistic aspirations.

Ascendente Escorpião

Se nasceu com ascendente Escorpião, coloca toda a força da sua personalidade em tudo o que faz. Não é uma pessoa de meios-termos. Os indivíduos com ascendente Escorpião têm uma intensidade, um dinamismo que fervilha e se agita sob a superfície. A sua força de vontade e determinação são formidáveis.

Having Scorpio Rising, though you are sometimes viewed as a lone wolf, you do have an ability to work with people—actually, to lead people. You are strongly persuasive and vigorously pursue your goals, and in addition have the power to make others pursue the same goals.

Inteligente, criativo e engenhoso, com o ascendente Escorpião, a sua mente fértil parece ser uma fonte inesgotável de ideias e sugestões. O seu cérebro, por detrás da sua fachada fria, está sempre a funcionar. Uma das coisas que tem de fazer é descobrir como é que algo funciona, dissecá-lo, estudá-lo e voltar a montá-lo para que funcione melhor. Isto também é verdade em termos artísticos; pode fazer um grande trabalho visionário se tiver o ascendente Escorpião no seu mapa.

As a Scorpio Rising individual you are happiest when you can control from behind the scenes. You tend to be secretive and reserved, and shun the spotlight because you can’t work there unnoticed. If you are domineering, it is a subtle dominance, a kind of mind control.

Some people claim that they are hypnotized by Scorpio Rising individuals; it’s true that you have a way of knowing what others are thinking. Much of this comes from your acute powers of observation. You are a charming, witty conversationalist, but the acute observer will soon notice that it is the other person who is doing most of the talking.

With Scorpio Rising, you are usually quietly watching, waiting, observing— filing away information that will be useful later on. Scorpio Rising individuals have a reputation for a sharp temper; the reputation is deserved. When crossed, you can be cruel and biting. You tend to use any weapon at your disposal—from ridicule to playing on a person’s fears. In the heat of that moment, the Scorpio Rising must be the victor. Later, you are remorseful for having dealt wounds, though it is extremely hard for you to say so.

Escorpião é o signo astrológico da paixão oculta; os indivíduos com ascendente Escorpião tendem a ter um caso de amor secreto pelo menos uma vez na vida, e normalmente casam-se mais do que uma vez. Podem sofrer mais contratempos e desilusões financeiras do que outros signos ascendentes; mas nenhum outro signo é mais vitorioso no final.

As pessoas com ascendente em Escorpião tendem a ter traços marcantes, um nariz proeminente e olhos grandes e hipnóticos. Por vezes, as suas sobrancelhas são espessas e escuras. O seu corpo é ágil e move-se com determinação.

The planet Pluto, which rules Scorpio, is very prominent in your birth chart. The influence of Pluto bestows powerful feelings and emotions, a sense of purpose, persistence, determination, plus the imagination and ability to make a successful start in a new direction. This planet’s influence also favors secrecy, suspicion, jealousy, and cruelty.

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