Sagittarius Woman

Sagittarius happens to be the ninth zodiac sign and indicated by a centaur. The sky as the target of the centaur’s bow is the manifestation that people born with this astrology sign are, in fact, born for great achievements in life and love. The symbols equally apply to Sagittarius women. Honesty, trustworthiness, daring personality and forthright attitude are some of the basic characteristics of these women. They are blessed with pleasing personality with full energy and lively spirits. She has the special ability to transmit her energetic and fun-loving behavior to everybody in her company and enjoys social life, today and every day. She is a friend in need, and her dedication to close companions is remarkable. She does everything to help those who really need her. Her friends get a very reliable Sagittarius ally who is going to help them in hours of need.

The Sagittarius woman’s desire for intellectual and love compatibility is rather more intense than the physical love she often receives from her partners. She is very loving, caring and affectionate to her soul mate, but they need to value her space in the relação. Her ambitious nature causes her to create numerous targets in her life, but she knows exactly how to prioritize her goals. Her ambitions help her to achieve success in her professional career. She is a hard and dedicated worker with ambition to succeed in life and can be depended on to conclude today’s allotted assignments on time. She lacks patience and not supposed to wait for anybody or anything for long. Her impatience infuses wildness and inconsistency in her behavior. Her aggressiveness in communication can also hurt others.

She is the wandering woman as her quest for excitement generates energy in her mind and soul. Calm friends are boring to her, and she cannot tolerate the company of boring people. She wants lively friends with full of energy and love for life today and always, and this determines the friendship terms of Sagittarius women. The inability to express her feelings to her lover may hurt him as she may be too blunt in this matter. Most often, her unbiased and frank expression of the bitter truth can ruin her love relationship if she doesn’t care what she is saying. She lacks the qualities of making sound decisions in time by patiently considering the situation or her work. She is a quick decision taker and expects others to take decisions quickly. Her quick attitude is unsuitable for her professional life. Her space and freedom are so dear to her that she will not tolerate even her job posing any restraints.

Like all fire sign women (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) she is at her most vibrant when she is in love. She is drawn to the excitement, passion, and sheer adventure of romance. Her attitude toward life is enthusiastic and positive, and being in love intensifies these glowing feelings. Where another woman might walk around in a dreamlike haze, a Sagittarius woman in love positively radiates happiness and energy.

Sagittarius is also the sign of mental exploration. To her, love is not just passion but a challenge. This free spirit finds domesticity boring. She is the perfect playmate but only as long as she finds the game worth playing. She is not one to make the best of a bad bargain. If she is unhappy, she won’t resign herself or compromise or try to work things out. She’ll just walk out. She can’t take love as seriously as other women do. It’s part of life to her, not the end or the beginning. If she finds a man who’s a real companion, who shares her pleasure in sports and the outdoor life, who likes to travel and hates to be tied down to any one place, then love is a wonderful extra added attraction.

Her exploratory nature may lead her to have a number of early sex experiences, especially the kind that begin quickly in an exotic setting and have a passion-in-the-moment edge (for example, a tryst on a train speeding through Europe, wild sex with a new lover on a beach in Barbados). She doesn’t always perceive the consequences of romantic entanglements. To her, life means moving forward into the future, and each new love is a learning experience. She doesn’t take into account that when a romance is over it may leave behind a trail of wounded feelings. If an old lover harbors resentment, she is genuinely surprised.

She likes men and enjoys the flirtations and maneuvers of a developing affair. In turn, men like her charming, easy-going manner and her acceptance of what the world is like. Other women may prefer the straight and narrow path, but Sagittarius can’t help wandering over to the primrose path to pluck whatever blooms strike her fancy. When she does find her big romance, however, this is a woman who believes in loyalty to her man. She is a romantic who will marry for love’s sake rather than for money or social position. She wants a true soul-companion.

A sense of humor is one of her nicest traits, and she isn’t interested in a man who lacks a sense of fun. She doesn’t welcome tempestuous, heavy-breathing relações that put her through an emotional wringer. What she looks for is a lover who can share her sense of adventure. She prefers men who are intellectually stimulating, well read, and well traveled. Sexually, she doesn’t play control games. She wants sex to be truthful, genuine, very romantic, very impulsive. Basically, Sagittarius woman enjoys life and tries to make sure everyone around her enjoys it too. When this clever, amusing, optimistic, high-spirited woman finally settles down with some lucky man, she’ll be the most delightful companion he can hope to find.