Leo Man

A Leo homem shares humble characteristics with the animal he is represented by in the zodiac – the lion. He is feisty, cannot take ‘no’ for an answer and desires to rule like the king. No matter how rich or famous a Leo man is, he will always remain humble to those around him. He will never boast of his abilities or his connections and will make an effort to let his subordinates feel comfortable. However, whether his humility is a facade or if it’s a genuine characteristic embedded in him, you will never know. A Leo male is romantic to the core, so expect everything that’s ‘schmaltzy’ from him and you will feel like a princess when you are in his company. Although he may buy you flowers today, surprise you with romantic presents tomorrow, pull chairs out for you always and pamper you until you beg him to stop, you will soon have to reciprocate and show him love in return, if not he’ll walk away immediately.

Maybe the best characteristic of a Leo man is his willingness to take on any challenge and not submit to it. He will not surrender to failure but will be one of the few people who will try time and time again without losing faith, they don’t take kindly to defeat but look upon it as a declaration of weakness and personal insult and will toil tirelessly, today, tomorrow and always towards bettering themselves. If you can’t find any other man in the zodiac to be egoistic, that’s because the Leo man was given more than his fair share. Stroke his ego with love and affection and you will win over him. Fight it and you will perish. It will become impossible for you to live with him if you cannot work your way around his ego.

A Leo man will get jealous as soon as you mention the first name of your ‘close co-worker’ or friend. He may not show his jealousy but you will soon know of it because of the change in his behavior. It is very difficult for him to digest it when you show appreciation towards someone else in front of him. A Leo man loves to dominate, liking to see respect from people even if it comes as a result of threat or apprehension. This man will never accept a subordinate to speak lavishly in front of him. He will demand respect at all times and will rub your flaws in your nose if you don’t correct them today after he points them out to you. Whether in love, at work or in a relação, he is a challenging partner to be with unless you understand how he works and adapt to his ways of life.

Leo men know how to accept a challenge and not succumb to it, just like the lion they symbolize in the zodiac. They do not settle for defeat, but will rise to the occasion time and again with courage. When they do get defeated, they will take it as a challenge and work towards improving themselves or the situation. The Leo man is also quite the romantic. He may exude a tough exterior but, he is not afraid to get mushy with his partner and treat her like a princess. He will open the car door for you, pull the chair out for you, and bring you flowers and chocolates. However, he expects his love to be a two-way street. If his affections are not returned, he might just walk away.

He falls in love readily and then finds it hard to sustain the emotion. For him, falling out of love is as simple as falling out of bed. Don’t make the mistake of thinking Leo man is casual about love. He isn’t; in fact, he sees love in practically mythic terms. To him, a love affair is never minor or mild or murky. It is high drama; it is a grand passion. No one else in the zodiac can more easily make you believe that you and he are the first, original, quintessential lovers in the world.

The woman who wins his favor moves instantly to center stage. The spotlight is on her, she radiates in the bright circle of his admiration. It’s a heady experience to have a Leo lover. Then suddenly the lights are turned off, the curtain falls, the play is over—and she doesn’t know why. And he won’t explain. Most likely, it’s because Leo was in love with a mythical creature of his imagination— a beautiful adoring princess completely fulfilled by him. When the real woman supersedes the myth, Leo gets on his white horse and rides off.

Leo man likes a woman to cater to his every whim. Yet he would be surprised to hear himself described as demanding. He doesn’t see himself that way at all. He thinks he is openhearted, trusting, asking nothing but what he is entitled to. If told that he sometimes asks too much of those close to him, he simply wouldn’t understand how. After all, why should anyone refuse him? In pleasing him, they please themselves. A true democrat, he believes everyone is equal—equally ready to serve him.

If this sounds like an overbearingly self-assured type riding for a fall, look a bit closer. Underneath Leo’s surface majesty is a sensitive, vulnerable man who needs reassurance—and praise. Praise is as necessary to him as food and drink. In sexual relações he won’t voyage beyond the farthest limits of the known to find a new continent of sensuality. He’s a cautious navigator who sticks close to charted waters. On the other hand, a woman will never end up with a sunken wreck.

If you rub his mane the right way, Leo the Lion is a marvelously affectionate, cheerful companion. He is kind, strong, generous, something of a spendthrift, but usually successful in business. A woman who gets this flamboyant, magnetic overachiever with the sunny disposition has only one problem. Somehow she has to teach him that the sole object of his adulation does not have to be himself.