Capricorn Man

People belonging to the Capricorn sign are born between December 22nd and January 19th. The most typical characteristics would be practical, patient, adventurous and fun loving on the good side, and introverted, fearful, and pessimistic on the other. Ambition is among the strongest of traits displayed by this man (he wants everything today), he is afraid of failure to the extent that he tries his best to not even come close to it. However they will avoid any sort of unfair means or short cuts to achieve their goal, preferring constant and steady improvement over inconsistent bouts of frenetic activity. They are not easily upset or panicked by bad news; this is what initially makes them a rock solid and dependable person.

A Capricorn male is an audacious lover which opposes his perceived social and physical presence of being a reserved, diffident person; he prefers mischievous rather than serious or assertive sex and loves laughter in bed! It’s this trait that gets a Capricorn man an adjective similar to his name – capricious. They are found to be surprisingly shrewd for the introverted individuals they appear to be, although they are capable of ruining the best of things by stupid actions of frivolity. They sometimes are not too sure of the opposite sex and will make sure they have been tested thoroughly before any love relação can even start to become serious. This comes up majorly in personal rather than professional partnerships where they are ill at ease rather than outright unhappy.

Somewhat self-absorbed, Capricorn men prefer not to mingle too closely with other people thus giving the idea to others that not mixing with them is to be preferred. They treat informal acquaintances with diplomacy and tact. Men born under the Capricorn sign make very few good friends, but the ones they do they love and would die for, however on the other hand their bitterest enemies they might be prepared to kill out of hand! Capricorn man is a workaholic, work is loved and hard work is benefiting. They do not take things lightly or irresponsibly. In fact they make sure that all work is carried out in the best way possible and that today’s work is completed on time.

Capricorn men are ambitious and know of no other way but up. This makes them a steady lot, just like the Sun that governs their sign. In love, the Capricorn man is adventurous, unlike his seemingly introverted and quiet exterior. With a unique sense of humor, he prefers playful lovemaking over serious / aggressive sex.

Women are intrigued by his frank, earthy approach. To him, physical desire is a necessary part of love. He doesn’t see how one can exist without the other. However, love relações are not easy for him emotionally. There is always a certain loner quality about him. He has difficulty placing his trust in another human being. To some extent he cuts himself off from spontaneous feeling. In his career Capricorn man has complete responsibility for decisions, and in relationships he finds it hard to share responsibility.

Like his female counterpart, he has a very cool exterior. He appears totally self-assured, but he needs a woman to show how much she likes and admires him. Because he is private, even secretive, he doesn’t always let this need be known—but it is there. Give his ego the encouragement it needs and he will tie himself to your strings for as long as you want him. He is a faithful lover who doesn’t feel or even understand the need to stray.

Contrary to popular opinion, there is a romantic streak to the Capricorn man. But his sense of discipline—or, more specifically, his need to make the very best choice for the future, not just for the present—is stronger. He will sacrifice romance and look for a woman who will be useful to his ambitions. Generally, Capricorn men marry either very early in life or in their later years. The ones who marry later are usually happier. By the time a Capricorn man is successful he has become more relaxed, less wary of love; it is no longer a burden to his climb up the ladder.

Few women have reason to complain about a Capricorn lover. His charged passions are never far from the ignition point. He may not be the most imaginative or poetic partner, but he is lusty and skillful. His interest in the physical side of love never wanes. The older Capricorn male gets, the more attractive he becomes, and the more potent. When other men are resigned to their rocking chairs, Capricorn will still be inviting you into his bedroom.

He prefers a comfortable setting. Others may like to make love on a bare floor or standing in a closet. Capricorn likes a nice, spacious bed, dim lights, soft music, and, if possible, a chilled bottle of champagne close at hand. There is a sensual, poetic side to Capricorn, although it may take a while to reveal itself. This man will probably not send you flowers or love letters, but on your twenty-fifth wedding anniversary he may charter a plane to whisk the two of you to Paris so you can spend the evening dancing on the floodlit banks of the Seine.