Aquarius Man

Um Aquarius man portrays qualities of the symbol he is represented by – water. This makes him very easy going, calm and composed for most part. He is rarely seen agitated and angry unless provoked. He will find excitement and pleasure in logic, finding amusement in riddles, puzzles and random sayings for example. Trivia, complicated books and debates will be found thrilling by him. Aquarius males also show wit and creativity, this combination is not a rare one and is definitely an added bonus. Despite his introvert character, the Aquarius man loves excitement and readily takes up any challenges that come his way. He considers himself as a team player and portrays immense discipline in order to bring out the best in him as well as the team.

He can be quite deceptive in terms of his true characteristics. He may appear calm but can be the exact opposite when provoked. He likes his woman to show strength, physically and mentally and to take charge and to have her own opinion of life, love and relationships, although he takes quite a while to get committed to a relação.

However once he discovers his true love, he hangs around for eternity. The Aquarius man can be very moody and unstable in his thoughts which in turn affect his day to day decision making abilities. He is shifty in his mind-set and is very unpredictable by nature which makes it difficult for other to gauge his reactions, judge him and keep up with him. This nature can be a cause of concern for a large part of his love life.

Aquarius males are idealistic and loving in nature and cannot stand to witness discrimination in social or formal settings. They tend to make mountains of molehills and cause a stir on hollow cases for the sake of it. When in such a mood people cannot stand the one who portrays such behavior, thus hampering his ability to maintain a well networked social circle. The Aquarius male can often be misunderstood as unromantic and carefree as they do not always display their love and affection towards their partner. Remembering birthdays and anniversaries, buying flowers or any other display of love does not come naturally to the person born under the Aquarius sign.

Mind games and mental exercises are what float the Aquarian man’s boat. Be it riddles, puzzles, trivia, random sayings, complex books and debates, intellectual challenges are the way to excite them. They are both witty and creative on top of being book smart. Aquarius men like their women strong in body and in mind. To them, beauty is brains, and their ideal woman is someone who has an opinion of her own. To him, there is no need to rush when looking for the right partner and the right relationship. He can take his time but when he finds the one, it will be for life. His first contact with a woman has to be made through the mind. Before he can become physically stimulated, he must be intellectually stimulated. For Aquarius the meeting of minds always precedes the meeting of bodies. He wants to make love to somebody, not just any body.

Give him half a chance and he’ll fall in love. He thinks that that is a natural, and delightful, condition. But falling in love and loving mean two different things to this man, and the latter is likely to bring out his inner conflicts. One reason is that Aquarius tends to repress emotion. His is a cerebral sign, and he’s somewhat unnerved and embarrassed by emotion. Also, love represents a demand on him, and he has a fierce need for independence. In addition, loving means making room for another person, and in common with the other fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio), Aquarius does not adapt easily to others. Others have to adapt to him.

He is very attractive to women, but he may not linger long in a liaison. To him, love passes like a train in the night and there is always another train coming along the track. Yet Aquarius isn’t a Don Juan. He is remarkably true to his women, in his fashion. He doesn’t try to keep many women on his string at one time. Rather, he believes in consecutive monogamy. Even if he marries, he doesn’t consider the bond to be forged in steel. Aquarius men are the most often married in the zodiac.

The Aquarius man does not expect any woman to be easily won. His patience is proverbial and a woman may finally make the proposition herself. Then, surprisingly, she’ll discover how intensely and passionately her Aquarius lover has wanted her. When a love affair is under way he makes up for lost time. A woman will find that making love with him is like living in the midst of a carnival, there’s always a new exciting ride.

Aquarius is the sign of truth, and this man doesn’t lie or misrepresent himself. This is, of course, a winning quality, though in Aquarius’s case it sometimes has unexpected consequences. One young woman I know spotted this quality in her Aquarius lover. She compelled him at various times throughout the day to tell her how he felt about her at that exact moment: “To tell you the truth, right now I’m not as much in love with you as I was this morning.”

In a love affair Aquarius is generous and tolerant, the kind who tries never to encroach on your rights or to give orders. A love relationship with him has many of the elements of friendship, intellectual interests and social compatibility. He won’t be selfish or domineering either. He may be less than fiery, but he is a surprising, stimulating, broad-minded, and inventive lover.