Jupiter in Scorpio in the Sixth House
A colocação de Júpiter em Escorpião indica que está inclinado para um modo de expansão que é intenso e, por vezes, emocionalmente carregado. Isto manifesta-se frequentemente como a sua expansão numa arena de uma forma poderosa. Muito do comportamento e muitas das caraterísticas de personalidade associadas a Júpiter em Escorpião são o resultado da sua intensa necessidade emocional de expansão, que pode ser acompanhada por uma busca expansiva de poder.
Com Júpiter em Escorpião, tende a compreender o mundo e o lugar da humanidade nele em termos de poder relações ou conexão com a fonte primordial. A sua visão do mundo tende a ser dominada ou pelo seu foco no poder ou por uma perceção intensa e perspicaz do âmago das coisas. É quase certo que tentará compreender a dinâmica de poder de uma situação antes de se movimentar de forma expansiva numa arena.
A colocação de Júpiter em Escorpião tem um potencial inerente de tensão. Isto é simbolizado pelo semi-sextil natural entre Escorpião e Sagitário, regido por Júpiter. Escorpião é o signo fixo de Água. No posicionamento de Júpiter em Escorpião, a poderosa energia da água associada a Escorpião atrairá simbolicamente Júpiter para as profundezas do seu interior, onde as funções expansivas associadas a Júpiter serão forçadas a operar. Porque este "interior" é muitas vezes inexplorado e indomado pela consciência, há muitas vezes turbulência associada a Escorpião que pode ser perturbadora para as energias de Júpiter. No entanto, o poder libertado inerente a Escorpião, quando impulsionado para o exterior, pode ser espantoso.
Tendo Júpiter em Escorpião, a Verdade Nua e Crua nunca é fácil de suportar, especialmente se for inseguro. O apelo para expandir a compreensão e encontrar a Voz Interior implica sofrimento. Muitos fogem desta chamada para compreender profundamente a Realidade, fazendo tudo o que está ao seu alcance para negar a sua existência. Com Júpiter em Escorpião, o resultado é geralmente uma deslocação excessiva deste impulso universal e uma procura de realização nos atributos inferiores associados ao sexo escorpiano e ao poder sobre os outros. Os seus excessos nestas áreas são o seu mecanismo de defesa contra a Verdade destruidora do ego. Se alguém tentar "controlá-lo", a sua reação pode ser severa e implacável, uma vez que protege as suas vulnerabilidades essenciais.
Jupiter in the 6th House:
Although the 6th House squares the house ruled by Jupiter, signifying potential difficulties, the functions symbolized by Jupiter can manifest positively if you rise to meet the challenge suggested by Jupiter in the 6th House. The primary difficulty symbolized by Jupiter in the 6th House involves focus. The energy and functions symbolized by Jupiter are naturally directed outwardly and towards the “big picture.” With Jupiter in the 6th House, this energy is bent more inwardly and asked to focus on detail. The result of this natural tension may be that you have a frustrated urge to expand and grow outwardly or the result may be that you experience beneficial personal growth and development through constant self-improvement.
As an individual with Jupiter in the 6th House, you may feel that your desire to explore, to have adventures and to “conquer the world” is hampered by your work, your duties and the unending routine of life. This may lead you to attempt to increase your importance, particularly within the workplace, or to be seen as indispensable. With Jupiter in the 6th House, finding other outlets for your expansive energies blocked, you may throw yourself into the work symbolized by the 6th House. This engagement may come from a sense of frustration or it may come from your attraction to 6th House-oriented work and the sense of satisfaction you receive from doing this work. Either motivation may produce the classic workaholic or over-achiever. While it is possible that your motivation for over-achievement may be self-aggrandizement, it may also result from your great desire to help, serve and please others.
With Jupiter in the 6th House, besides work and service, you may also fully engage yourself in self- improvement projects, including those designed to produce a healthy body, mind or psyche. Another possible manifestation of Jupiter in the 6th House is an excessive penchant for order. Ironically, you may have such an abundance of energy or projects that it is almost impossible to bring order into your life. Consequently, while you may inwardly crave order, your actions may create an abundance of disorder and disorganization. The most productive manifestation of the Jupiter in the 6th House placement may be a sincere desire for and application toward self-improvement. You tend to associate self-improvement with internal growth and development. For you, the key to self-improvement will be self-understanding.
Focus for Growth and Expansion
As an individual with Jupiter in the 6th House, growth, personal development and expansion are likely to occur for you in the workplace, while engaged in some service to others, or through intentionally trying to improve yourself. Events or situations in your life that cause you to reflect on some defect and correct it or to take some aspect of yourself and improve upon it are likely to occur in a 6th House context. You may also try to expand those areas in your life that are symbolized by the 6th House. Thus, you may be focused on acquiring robust health. You may wish to expand your time spent at work or to expand the range or importance of your work. Or, you may wish to expand your scope of service to others.
Foco do bem-estar
Having Jupiter in the 6th House, unless you feel overwhelmed by frustration, you are likely to feel satisfied and happy when engaged in work, service or self-improvement. Engaging in these things is likely to make you feel better and may also be a source of real and tangible benefit. For these reasons, you may be perceived as a happy worker or someone who is content with your lot. If, however, you secretly yearn for more responsibility, authority or adventure, this perception of you by others may lead to conditions in which you experience further frustration. Nevertheless, if you continue with your routine and, especially, if you are humble and patient, good things are likely to come to you.
Descubra mais profundamente a sua personalidade, motivações e desejos com um Análise profunda do mapa astral e da numerologia.
Artigo referenciado a partir de:
Gargatholil, Astrologia de Profundidade: Um Manual Astrológico - Volume 2: Planetas nos Signos
Gargatholil, Astrologia de Profundidade: Um Manual Astrológico - Volume 3: Planetas nas Casas
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