Lua em Carneiro na casa 12

Moon in Aries in the Twelfth House

Moon in Aries in 12th House
Moon in Aries in 12th House

Áries is an active, fiery sign, but the Moon is cool and passive. This disparity in the Moon in Aries placement gives great brilliance and sharpness to the senses, but also results in a nervous temperament. If you have your Moon in Aries, you have a high-strung disposition. Your sense-impressions of the world around you are swift and instantaneous, and you never doubt them for a moment. As a result, you tend to be very sure of your opinions and don’t like it when people question or contradict you.

Having your Moon in Aries, patience is not your long suit. You won’t spend time laboriously wading through details; you prefer to plunge right in and see what happens. In the vibrant sign of Aries, the Moon endows you with charm, vivacity, and a special knack for getting others to do what you want. You are extremely fond of talking (about almost anything) and sound knowledgeable on a wide range of subjects. But you have a short attention span. With your Moon in Aries, although enthusiasm and energy abound, the long, hard necessity of really performing often causes you to fall short of your goal. But you are quick to pick yourself up and move on to something new and exciting, leaving the old project to wither away. However, if you are pursuing a goal you really have your heart set on, you will drive yourself to the limit of your endurance.

As an individual with your Moon in Aries, where you really excel is on the social scene. You are able both to stimulate and to delight, and no party should be without the wit and sparkle of an Aries Moon. In addition, you are generous when you feel kindly disposed toward someone. Having your Moon in Aries, you give unselfishly of your time, attention, concern, and even your money. However, an individual with their Moon in Aries who feels slighted or unappreciated will sulk and pout and complain about the world’s harsh treatment.

On the plus side, having your Moon in Aries, you have a great passion for life. A basic optimism underlies your personality, and unless your Sun is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), you don’t hold a grudge for long. With your Moon in Aries, your most striking characteristic is a hatred of restriction. You will do what you want without any interference. Because you resent advice, you rarely are willing to listen to other people’s opinions. This obviously has its drawbacks. But in a situation in which a decision must be made instantly, no one is more decisive and forceful than you. Having your Moon in Aries, you perform best under pressure and handle emergencies as quickly as a firefighter answering an alarm bell.

With your Moon in Aries, in emotional relationships you struggle against being tied down or dominated. You have to be the one in control. You demand freedom in a relação, but this is exactly what you won’t give in return. You insist on being the center of your lover’s attention. Having your Moon in Aries, you want to be loved passionately, and you want love to be always exciting and romantic. If an affair dwindles into ordinariness, you quickly grow dissatisfied and restless.

The sign of Aries symbolically represents a fork in the road, and the lives Moon in Aries individuals are marked by sudden change. They often reach positions of authority and are successful in the world of business and government. As a Moon in Aries individual, the essence of your emotional life is the love of the chase. You view life as a grand quest, and impulsively pursue love, success and attention from others. The chase, in fact, is far more satisfying than the prize itself. Achieving the prize is never as thrilling as wanting the prize and galvanizing your energy into going after it.

A posição do signo da Lua descreve a forma como habitualmente reagimos às outras pessoas e às circunstâncias da nossa vida, bem como a forma como experienciamos as nossas emoções e procuramos a realização emocional. A sua posição na casa corresponde à área da vida em que operamos mais inconscientemente, de acordo com padrões passados e respostas instintivas.

Moon in the 12th House:

The Moon in the 12th House placement indicates that you are drawn out from your emotional involvement at the personal level toward a more universal experience of emotion and caring. Having your Moon in the 12th House, you are called upon to rise above your own concerns and welfare and to lose yourself for the sake of others. This naturally brings to the fore the nurturing and caring functions that are symbolized by the Moon.

With your Moon in the 12th House, you may need to keep a balance between your own health and welfare and that of others, as you may have a tendency to “go overboard” in your concern for others and neglect your own personal needs. Sometimes, you may adopt a “mock martyr” attitude, using your self-sacrificing concern to inflict a “guilt trip” on the recipient of your care. Words like, “I’ve sacrificed so much for you, and this is the thanks I get” are typical of someone with their Moon in the 12th House. When you are balanced, however, one of your strengths may be your ability to be a caring, sensitive and nurturing individual.


As an individual with your Moon in the 12th House, if you are inwardly insecure, you are likely to fear that your ego-based personal self will disappear into oblivion. Your psyche tries to push this fear into your subconscious. Your subconscious is also trying to protect your ego from the pull of the unknown. By suppressing your existential fear, however, you create the conditions for deep neuroses to develop and take root in your subconscious.

Having your Moon in the 12th House, in defending your personal self from experiencing of the frightening unknown, you are likely to overcompensate and overemphasize the personal. You may seek to heighten your awareness of your personal self by “turning up the volume” on your feelings and emotions. With your Moon in the 12th House, you may also try to create a sense of security and self-importance by creating situations in which you becomes a care-provider to dependent others. You will tend to nurture these relações in order to entrap the others involved, and hold onto their dependency. This may involve a good deal of deception on your part.

Foco do desenvolvimento emocional

With your Moon in the 12th House, your emotional development often takes place quietly and almost imperceptibly, influenced by subtle and unseen forces. Your emotions are likely to develop in the direction of greater sensitivity. Your capacity for compassion is also likely to be developed to a greater extent than in most people. If, however, the forces influencing your emotional development are negative, growing fear and neuroticism may be the result. Having your Moon in the 12th House, the ultimate goal of your emotional development is that of self-transcendence.

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