Aquarius Sun in the 2nd House

Sun in Aquarius in the Second House

Sun in Aquarius in 2nd House
Sun in Aquarius in 2nd House

Having your Sun in Aquarius, intellectual independence is your most marked characteristic. In the sign of Aquarius, the combination of a fixed quality (representing persistence) and an air element (representing intellect and communication) under the influence of the planet of change, Uranus, creates a personality that is liberal, progressive, yet fixed in opinion. Your inflexibility shows up when others least expect it (in keeping with your penchant for unconventionality). It may be in defense of an idea you have, a trip you’ve decided on, a habit of yours that you refuse to give up—whatever the cause, someone will suddenly come in conflict with your Aquarian obstinacy. With your Sun in Aquarius, you refuse to compromise or give an inch. You’re a strange mix of an avant-garde thinker whose opinions are written in stone. You cheerfully ignore what others think and strike off on new paths, unbound by precedent, because there are so many more exciting things for you to discover that way.

With your Sun in Aquarius, your character is a system of paradoxes. You enjoy being with people but are content to be alone. You like to travel but love relaxing at home. You are friendly and outgoing but also detached and reserved. You have both a scientific and an artistic turn of mind. In career you often are involved in two distinct areas of work.

As an individual with your Sun in Aquarius, you can be objective in judgment, for you don’t let emotion get in the way. This appears to give you the ability to stand outside yourself, to rise above ordinary human frailty. Your built-in distrust of emotion compels you to struggle against its chains, and this may become a source of inner conflict.

For the Sun in Aquarius, because independence is your way of life, you will sacrifice even a close personal relação in order to maintain it. Trying to fence you in or tie you down won’t work. If you feel trapped, you try to break free at any cost. Your sign of Aquarius also represents future hopes and yearnings, and for you, what’s over is done with.

With your Sun in Aquarius, your great weakness is a tendency to inflate your own importance, to pose as an expert on any subject. You are so determined not to be like anyone else that you are sometimes contrary just to be different. You have the least regard for convention of any zodiacal sign, which often gives you a reputation for being eccentric. Just as you are broad-minded about the faults of others, you take for granted that your shortcomings will be overlooked. Sometimes you will be argumentative not because you feel deeply, but simply because you enjoy the intellectual exercise. You are quickly bored and take delight in verbally provoking anyone you consider stodgy and dull.

Nevertheless, individuals with their Sun in Aquarius are among the kindest people in the world. Easygoing, reasonable, slow to take offense, never mean-hearted, you believe in live-and-let-live. Honest, helpful, altruistic, and best of all never boring, you can change anyone’s life for the better just by becoming part of it.

The Inner You with your Sun in Aquarius

With your Sun in Aquarius, the most frequent question you ask is “Why?” You want to understand what makes other people tick. Their lives fascinate you because you hope they will offer you insights into your own. You have plenty of love to give, and you want nothing more than to have lots of interesting friends, a wonderful love relationship, fulfilling work, and for the world to be a better place and everyone to be happy. Not much to ask, is it? One of your best-kept secrets is how shy and insecure you are. You wonder if the people you care about feel the same way about you—this is why you work so hard to make others like you. You want to share yourself, but are afraid of losing who you are or becoming what other people think you should be. Yet somehow your feelings of insecurity manage to coexist with a belief that you are someone special.

A posição do signo do Sol indica como procuramos expressar-nos, desenvolver-nos, realizar-nos e afirmar a nossa vontade e poder para moldar o nosso ambiente. A posição da casa indica a área da vida em que escolhemos concentrar a energia do nosso signo solar e cumprir o objetivo que ele representa.

Sol na 2ª Casa

O Sol na 2ª Casa é geralmente uma posição dependente para o Sol. Isto deve-se ao facto de ter tendência a fazer derivar a sua identidade daquilo que possui, dos seus recursos e daquilo que valoriza. A maioria das pessoas foi condicionada a valorizar certas coisas e, se isto for verdade para si, então a sua identidade será condicionada. Com o Sol na 2ª Casa, o grau em que a sua identidade depende das posses que tem está relacionado com o grau em que tem valores materialistas. Se valoriza as coisas, a sua identidade será determinada pelas coisas que possui. Se valoriza certas caraterísticas e qualidades, a sua identidade será determinada por essas caraterísticas que cultiva. Se, por outro lado, valoriza a virtude ou a espiritualidade, então identificar-se-á como uma pessoa preocupada com essas coisas.

Com o Sol na 2ª Casa, uma questão que provavelmente enfrentará, particularmente no início da vida, é determinar o que valoriza. Se nunca abordar esta questão, então é provável que o super-ego e o condicionamento social façam essa determinação por si. O resultado mais provável é que dê muito valor às aquisições materiais, porque é isso que a sociedade nos condiciona a valorizar. Quanto mais determinar os seus próprios valores, de forma autónoma, menos condicionada será a sua identidade.

Outra preocupação sugerida pelo facto de o Sol estar na 2ª Casa é a de saber quais os recursos que tem à sua disposição. Pode sentir-se dependente de ter recursos à sua disposição. O seu acesso a recursos, ou a falta deles, pode afetar a sua sensação de segurança. Sentir-se seguro, particularmente do ponto de vista físico e material, é fundamental para se sentir bem consigo próprio. Muitas vezes, este sentimento de segurança é necessário para que possa voltar a sua atenção para qualquer outra coisa. Uma vez estabelecida, no entanto, esta segurança material e o facto de saber que possui recursos suficientes permite-lhe geralmente desenvolver uma forte auto-identidade e uma grande dose de auto-confiança.


Com o seu Sol na 2ª Casa, quando define o seu valor pelo que tem, nunca tem o suficiente e, portanto, nunca se sente adequado ou digno. Interiormente, sabe que todas as suas posses e recursos são susceptíveis de se perderem, deixando-o sem apoio e sem auto-definição. Assim, nunca pode estar seguro dentro de si próprio. Esta insegurança interior leva-o a adquirir cada vez mais bens na tentativa de se sentir valorizado. Mesmo que se sinta ostensivamente orgulhoso das suas posses e recursos, a sua fome de mais esconde a sua insegurança interior e o medo de perder tudo.

As an individual with the Sun in the 2nd House, you are likely to identify with what you have. This is usually material, but it may be nonmaterial also. For instance, if you identify with your value system, you feel that you are what you value. Most people with Sun in the 2nd House, however, will take their identity from what and how much they possess. If you possess much, you are likely to hold yourself in high esteem. If you possess little, you may suffer from lack of self-esteem. One defense against low self-esteem is to value what you have, whether it is great or little, because the more you consider that your possessions are valuable, the more self-worth you experience.  If you suffer a loss of your possessions, it is likely to be a particularly hard blow because this loss strikes at your very identity and self-worth. When you measure yourself by how much you have lost or gained, then the Sun in the 2nd House placement is a particularly weak and dependent astrological position. However, when you have defined your own values and risen above society’s materialistic conditioning, a 2nd House Sun can indicate a strong identity grounded in a sure conviction of what is valuable in life.

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