How Numerology Can Help You Find the Perfect Job

Your Life Path number gives a broad outline of the opportunities, challenges, and lessons you will encounter in this lifetime.

Your Life path is the road you are traveling. It reveals the opportunities and challenges you will face in life. Your Percurso de vida number is the single most important information available in your Numerology Chart.

The Life Path Number is the vibration that summarizes your Month, Day and Year of birth.

It is the arbitrator or negotiator of cause and effect in your life. It is your experience in the world, and can be described as the way your personal projection into universal currents of cause and effect establish a “theater of operations” for your inner self. It can carry both positive and negative attributes, because no mortal puts out only positive vibes. The Life Path is permanent because it’s based on the date of birth. While the name can be changed, this only means that the “new you” still has to work with the Life Path vibration, in a different way. Here are brief descriptions of each Life Path número.

Life Path One Keywords:

Positivo: leadership, self-motivated, innovative, assertive, energetic, beginnings, emphasizes uniqueness, ambitious, determined, progressive, active, instinctual, curious, original, and creative.

Negativo: egocentric, passive-aggressive, lacking in self-esteem, arrogant, superiority complex, impatient, controlling, fearful, timid, uncooperative, a bully, ego-driven; sometimes cruel or abusive.

Life Path Two Keywords:

Positivo: sensitive, intuitive, cooperative, diplomatic, a good organizer, trustworthy, harmonizer, friendly, nurturing, domestic, detail-oriented, tactful, loyal, romantic, gentle, a mediator, compassionate.

Negativo: subservient, shy, blunt, overly sentimental, careless, timid, codependent, self-centered, finds it really hard to “let go” of emotional attachments, insensitive, not a team player, hides emotions, dogmatic.

Life Path Three Keywords:

Positivo: charismatic, entertaining, charming, positive, energetic, creative, visionary, magnetic, humorous, attractive, flirtatious, artistic, sensual, joyful, witty, artistic, optimistic, communicative, intelligent, extroverted.

Negativo: scattered, unreliable, bored, inconsistent, wasteful, evasive, elusive, introverted, vain, exaggerates, leaves things undone, jealous, sarcastic, manipulative, temperamental, insecure, hard to “get into.”

Life Path Four Keywords:

Positivo: down-to-earth, reliable, organized, hard-working, a builder, loyal, practical, management ability, patriotic, family oriented, focused, honest, straightforward, meticulous, logical, methodical, systematic.

Negativo: biased, arrogant, reactionary, opinionated, confrontational, irresponsible, defensive, evasive, rigid, argumentative, repressed, uninspired, brooding, controlling, cruel, sometimes abusive.

Life Path Five Keywords:

Positivo: freedom-loving, charming, flexible, sensual, physical, social, entertaining, curious, artistic in all things, adventurous, thrill-seeking, everchanging, enticing, fascinating, sexy, and dramatic.

Negativo: impulsive, irresponsible, self-indulgent, unreliable, inconsistent, inconsiderate, over-indulgent, flighty, deceitful, excessive, unfaithful, selfcentered, restless, addictive, noncommittal, frustrated.

Life Path Six Keywords:

Positivo: loving, responsible, kind, practical, gentle, romantic, protective, empathic, compassionate, domestic, loyal, community and service oriented, counseling and negotiating skill, “team player”, nurturing.

Negativo: perfectionist, nosy, a busybody, moody, avoids responsibility and commitment, withdrawn, control issues, passive-aggressive, needy, manipulative, secretive, possessive, smothering, temperamental.

Life Path Seven Keywords:

Positivo: philosophical, intelligent, rational, dignified, efficient, introspective, reliable, calm, insightful, studious, investigative, discriminating, resilient, seeker of “truth”, conversant, analytical, capable.

Negativo: fearful, distant, critical, aloof, critical, crafty, doubtful/faithless, manipulative, overly analytical, unsociable, a zealot, argumentative, distrustful, withdrawn, quietly angry, emotionally closed.

Life Path Eight Keywords:

Positivo: determined, knowledgeable, tenacious, expert, focused, powerful, “walks their talk”, inventive, orchestrator, organized, successful, delegates, adaptable, authoritative, generous, likes being in charge, leader.

Negativo: controlling, power hungry, easily frustrated, egomaniacal, stubborn, either cheap or a spendthrift, impatient, judgmental, condescending, intolerant, hard-hearted, materialistic, abusive.

Life Path Nine Keywords:

Positivo: easy-going, intuitive, imaginative, thoughtful, creative/ artistic, intriguing, compassionate, unassuming, inquisitive, gentle, romantic, sensitive, spiritual, empathic, helpful, future-oriented, encompassing.

Negativo: co-dependent, lacks self-esteem and/or self-confidence, takes on other’s problems, unfocused, impractical, daydreamer, aimless, self-limiting, addictive, wasteful, escapist tendencies, procrastinator.

Life Path Eleven Keywords:

Positivo: self-confident, approachable, empathetic, friendly, warm, genuine, welcoming, mysterious, centered, hypnotic, imaginative, intuitive, adaptable, wide range of interests, charming, kind.

Negativo: superiority complex, malicious, fanaticism, disrespectful, creatively deceptive, antisocial, withdrawn, escapist, self-righteous, hypersensitive, blunt, uncooperative, codependent.

Life Path Twenty-Two Keywords:

Positivo: intelligent, idealistic, builder, charming, practical innovator, needs to produce tangible results, seeks to expand mass awareness, creative, tireless, driven, global outlook, realist, brings dreams into manifestação.

Negativo: egotistical, greedy, insensitive, feelings of invulnerability, unethical, immoral, manipulative, materialistic, self-promoting, unfair, ignores rules, selfish, never satisfied, ungrateful.